Recent content by Mimi

  1. Mimi

    Obsessed with Gaming?

    I've never been obsessed with playing video games. I love playing games because it's fun and makes me happy but it haven't gotten to the part where I will start being in tight spot because I'm obsessed.
  2. Mimi

    Any Female Gamers?

    I don't know so many females who are active gamers especially when it's about playing on consoles or PC. Most of the ladies I know only play on their smartphone.
  3. Mimi

    Have you seen the Modern Warfare 3 trailer for 2023?

    I have already completed the game. It wasn't the best of the Call of Duty games but it's not that bad. I enjoyed playing it whenever I had the opportunity to.
  4. Mimi

    Do you like using headsets to play games?

    Using headset to play video games isn't a must. It's why I don't bother too much with it. It's not that I haven't tried it a few times but it's not what makes the game good.
  5. Mimi

    English or Japanese?

    I don't know Japanese language. It's why I prefer having the game I'm playing in English language. If I understand Japanese, I will definitely have my games in that language.
  6. Mimi

    Do you still play Overwatch 2?

    Overwatch 2 isn't a good game for me. I tried playing the game but as a result of too much aggressive microtransactions in the game, I had to stop playing the game.
  7. Mimi

    How are you enjoying Chapter 5 Season 1 of Fortnite?

    I haven't played this season of Fortnite. I haven't been chanced to get back into playing the game. I'm more into playing Apex Legends more than Fortnite.
  8. Mimi

    What are you playing? Last game you played?

    AstroBot was the last video game I played. I recently purchased the game on my PlayStation 5. It was the game's Standard Edition that I purchased.
  9. Mimi

    What's your favorite PS4 game?

    Stray is my favourite Playstation 4 game now. Maybe it's because I love cats and that's why I ended up loving the video game so much. I have completed it 5x already since it came out.
  10. Mimi

    Your Gender Identity as a Gamer?

    There are some games I like to play as a male and some I would prefer being a lady. But most of the time, I play as an alpha male!
  11. Mimi

    Emulators vs Consoles?

    I have played using both in-browser PC games, mobile and handheld as well as making use of Emulators, I enjoy playing all my games through those means of playing platforms. One thing which I know to be very certain is that I will always find a way to enjoy my games.
  12. Mimi

    Comedy movies

    Yes, you're right about Rush Hour 1 and Rush Hour 2, even though there's a lot of action in the movie, it was filled with a lot of humour. Chris Tucker was quite a funny guy.
  13. Mimi

    Gaming kills Boredom?

    Of course yes, when I'm bored, I get into playing video games because it keeps me occupied and very busy. There's no way I would playing video games and I would be bored. Fighting games is so fun to get me very active.
  14. Mimi

    Resident Evil Series

    I loved and enjoyed playing Resident Evil Village and Resident Evil 4. They are both my favourite Resident Evil games. Capcom did so well with the game and it's why I liked it so much.
  15. Mimi


    Capcom is almost done with Resident 4 Remake. I'm not going to miss out on playing the game as soon as possible. I love all the Resident Evil games and RE 4 have always been my favourite.