Recent content by Nazzyi

  1. Nazzyi

    Gaming Marathons, anyone?

    Gaming marathon doesn't allow me to enjoy the game which I am playing which is the reason why I have not being interested in playing my games that way. I see it as a total waste of the time.
  2. Nazzyi

    Soulcalibur 5 to be Delisted

    Honestly, I have expected this game to be delisted for a long time but it seemed like the developer was still making money from still selling the game but unfortunately they couldn't sustain it for a very long time which is why it has been officially delisted.
  3. Nazzyi

    Becoming virtually rich in a Game?

    Yes, it is very easy for me to become virtually rich in most of the game which I am regularly playing. This is something I enjoy about my games because the money which I have accumulated in the game will always help me to replenish my resources in the game.
  4. Nazzyi

    Any Female Gamers?

    I am not a female gamer but my sister is very well addicted to playing video games on both PC and PlayStation 5 console. There is no game which she is not capable of playing as long as it is something that can be played by anyone.
  5. Nazzyi

    Your gaming Drinks?

    I don't have any drinks with me whenever I am playing video games. I would normally go to the refrigerator to get the drink and take it right in front of the refrigerator, put back in there before coming back to my game.
  6. Nazzyi

    Obsessed with Gaming?

    I have never been obsessed with playing games because I know it is not a healthy thing for me to be obsessed with anything. I know how to play my games in moderation for me not to compromise my health because I am playing the game too much.
  7. Nazzyi

    Have you seen the Modern Warfare 3 trailer for 2023?

    The trailer of the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 was very good. I loved it so much because it showed a lot of what to expect in the game. I will be buying the game in two weeks time. Hopefully, they will roll out Christmas discount sales.
  8. Nazzyi

    Will you be picking up Modern Warfare 3 in 2023?

    I nearly pre ordered for the Modern Warfare 3 but I had to wait it out. I'm happy to hear that it's been good so far. I may end up buying it before Christmas. I would have something good which is new to play through the holidays.
  9. Nazzyi

    Are you excited for Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4?

    Fortnite is a very good battle royale game. I have so many of my friends playing it but it's not my cup of tea. I don't like shooting games to be honest.
  10. Nazzyi

    James Bond, anyone?

    Golden Eye is the only James Bond game I've played. The game should have had a remake by now. I don't know why they haven't done it.
  11. Nazzyi

    Gaming and Snacks?

    Snacking is not something that I will do whenever I am playing any video games because I know it is something that is going to mess up either my gaming or even affect my controllers. It might damage the controller especially if it is something that is liquid.
  12. Nazzyi

    Gaming and Focus?

    Yes of course, gaming helps me to relax and focus. Whenever I'm playing games, I'm very calculative to be able to win the game. Without focus, I can't be able to win.
  13. Nazzyi

    How are you enjoying Season 18 of Apex Legends?

    I have not played Season 18 of Apex Legends yet but I'm planning on starting it soon. I've watched some gameplay on YouTube and it looks very good. Apex Legends have been among my favourite battle royale games.
  14. Nazzyi


    The new Playstation controller is very good. I've been using it for a while and I'm happy with it. I always upgrade my gaming devices whenever a new one comes out.
  15. Nazzyi

    Anyone loves Avatar?

    I have watched the whole Avatar movies, all of them and I enjoyed it all. I've not played any of the games yet. I will make out time to play and see if they are good.