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  1. Endless Devoid

    meh :/

    eh @_@ :p
  2. Endless Devoid

    Ghost of The Fallen Grace

    As I look out across the barrens of NoWhere I see the battle scars of one lone man A once powerful ship crumbles from the rust Skeletons as far as the eye can see, wilting into dust Heat rises from the burning sands, shifting on the plain Momentarily exposing, where they were slain As the...
  3. Endless Devoid

    Novodorian Exodus

    Darkness, corruption, war, settlement, darkness, exile, evil, light, salvation, darkness, REVOLUTION. See a pattern here? This is a brief summation of the history of an ancient country, lost in the tales of time, and banished to the back of the mind. Who are they? Where did they come from? What...
  4. Endless Devoid

    Prospects of Intelligence

    Mmmkay, let me say something right quick. People use the word intelligent very often do they not? It has become a household word, not quite the taboo it once was. I see this as a problem. Just like hate and love, intelligent expresses something on a higher level than many people can contrive. It...
  5. Endless Devoid


    ENCODED The sun was dying, slowly drifting beyond the horizon as dusk stretched its blackened claws of night over the endless land stretching before it. It would be no exaggeration to say this place had become a wasteland. Tattered and crumbled remains of once proud and mighty buildings...
  6. Endless Devoid

    Free Falling

    This is a broad open challenge, for ANYONE who wishes to fight me. If you want to fight 2 on 1, 3 on 1, or more; we'll clear that depending on whom I'm fighting. However, if you post in this thread and I'm not currently havign a fight here, and you'd like to fight me, I will NOT turn ANYONE down. >D
  7. Endless Devoid

    Makyu Eramiss

    Name: Makyu Eramiss ((The Wielder of Dark Light)) Age: Dead, appears roughly 28 Gender: Male Homeworld: Novod/Farplane Species: Novodorian Armaments: He is equipped with the two blades of legend, the heirlooms of his planet. Dragonheart and Gryphonsoul. He also carries the obsidian black stone...
  8. Endless Devoid

    Like the plague

    >D I got my presence requested, so I thought I'd join up. :p Let's see if it's an ill gotten attempt eh?