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  1. Renmiri

    The Kingdom Hearts Vibrator

    The Kingdom Hearts Vibrator No, really. What will the Japanese think off next ?
  2. Renmiri

    That "You haven't registered" message

    Is annoying... And it might be confusing for n00bs. Anyway to turn that off ? I get it every time I click on my bookmark for here and forget to login. PS: Love the new smilies!
  3. Renmiri

    What's RPG Inferno ?

    I'm curious to see it but the threads are locked... Can someone fill me in ?
  4. Renmiri

    Renmiri Here

    Hi there! Renmiri from FFX2.COM here. For those who don't know me I love FFX and FFX2 and I have not yet played any other FF game but I will! I write Fan Fiction for FF and FFX2 so I sometimes have this really esoteric questions about the game, such as what size a chocobo egg will be, when...