Don't really like the first one..don't know what to say to you besides it's lacking effects, and it looks like the same render is used twice. Border took me a while to notice, had to inspect reall close and I don't like the text at all, plus there's only one color throughout the whole sig. That one gets a 3/10, and you only get the 3 for effort. >_>
As for the second one it's a lot better. Still lacking in visual effects, and that's typically not the way a border is handled; you have parts of renders and that C4D protruding out through it, but hey, if that's your style that's fine. No big deal but remember you never really NEED a border, they're optional. Text is better in this one, it doesn't really match the sig but it doesn't hurt my eyes like the first one's text. 7/10
I'd say you need to learn a bit about creating effects out of the renders you use in your sig, and maybe start using some brushes to create some effects too. You just have so much blank space, and then when there ARE effects the opacity is lowered and they don't stand out :/ Work a bit on filling up your sigs more.