angry and pissed off

The True Keyblader

New member
Jun 4, 2006
Sometimes I just sit
looking out at the rain.
The drone of the radio no longer matters...
I think the rain calms me
when I get to thinking about things.
You and me
and my life...
Is it all worth anything?
I thought, maybe, that we had a chance..
you even said so...
But then you saw her
and now I'm thinking...
is my life worth anything??
Feelings of fury,
Rumbles of rage,
Burning deep inside,
Trying to find a way to escape.
You punch your pillow,
But that doesn't help.
So you just sit there and cry,
Wishing things could be different,
But knowing they never will be.
You feel like your life is worse than anyones.
You curse and scream,
Saying things you might not mean.
You hurt peoples feelings,
But you don't even care.
It's all out of anger.
Wishing you could be anywhere but here.
Wanting to run away.
But you're still stuck,
In this place you call,
A living hell
lonely life
My life is just a single star,
All alone in the pitch black sky,
Through life I travel, not getting very far,
I think it's time for me to die.
I argue with my "dad",
I argue with my mom,
He lies about what I said,
She blows up like a bomb.
I'm tired of all the crap in my life,
I want to break loose,
Shall I use this sharp knife?
Or rather use a noose?
I disregard the knife,
I just want to end my life.
I disregard the noose,
All I want is to break loose.
I continue to search by moon and sun,
Until finally,
I find a gun.
I check the rounds,
It's as full as it can be,
My heart begins to pound,
My life in front of my eyes, is all I see.
I put the gun to my head,
Say a quick prayer to calm me down,
I wish my family well after I'm dead,
Make them feel guilty for treating me like a clown.
Here it comes,
The trigger I pull,Rid my life of all those chums,
My life, my body, is no longer full.
A lonely life, now free as a dove,
Now I no longer have to worry about... "love."