Axel and Roxas, Hearts Combined (A Yaoi Piece by The Laughing Man...Lmfaooo)

The Laughing Man

New member
Aug 7, 2006
A "safe" place.
X3 Well, I wrote this in a convo with Cheeky Monkey for fun, XDDD but I thought i'd share this with Yaoi fangirls all across the world. Note that I am not a homosexual, nor am I a fan of Yaoi. This just prooves i'll do anything for attention. =P Welp here ya go. XD

~Axel and Roxas, Hearts Combined~

He sat on the shore on that cold night. The beautiful moon lit a shining reflection on the sparkling water. He closed his eyes as someone walked up from behind him. A tear dropped down one eye and on to his long cloak.

"You promised to never let me go...I loved could you do this to me." He cried.

"I still love you....but I don't know what to do...I need to find myself...."
He replied.

"But were the best thing to ever happen to me..."All I ever wanted, was for you and me to be together forever....come on...."

"I-I don't know....I have to know where I came from...Axel....don't you understand me?"

"...I understand......but Roxas....none of that matters...." he said with a frown.

".....Maybe your right.....I don't want to resist it....but...."

Axel smiled and looked back at him. "Oh come over here you beautiful blonde little batch of joy!" He said in amazement of his lucious beauty.

Roxas ran over to him smiling, sand coming from his footprints as Axel embraced him.Their lips touched,colided. Axel's tounge sunk down Roxas' slender throat as they held eachother tight. Tears dripped down their eyes and into their mouths, but it was the sweetest tears they had ever tasted.

"Should I take a chance?" Axel thought to himself.

He thought so long....but then...he could no longer resist. He gave in, he began to reach his hand down Roxas' collar and onto his soft chest.

Roxas blushed and put his hand on Axel's ribs. He reached his hands around Axel and held him tighter.

"I can't live without you....stay with me...always by my side.

Roxas pulled back and stared away with a frown.

"Axel....I can't do this....I have to go....i'm sorry...but I want you to know...that no matter what happens....i'll always love matter where I am....there will always be a part of me to care for you.

Roxas began to walk away, as Axel followed him, silently down the streets of the moonlit night.

"But can't do this...." He said as he walked behind him.

"You get on your bad side and they'll destroy you!"

"No one would miss me....."

"Thats not true....I would...."

Roxas walked off into the darkness of the night.

"And you know it...."

Peering behind a wall, Demyx turned his head. A tear dropped down his eye as he looked towards axel.

He had been there the whole time.

"....I knew it....I knew they loved's not f-fair....I loved bastard."

Demyx fell to his knees and tore himself apart inside.

Axel cried and stood back.

"...I can't let him go....I love him....i'll do anything....i'm going after him...and no one will stop me..."

With that he dissapeared into the shadows.

They say a nobody doesn't have emotions, but it's quite clear that, wherever their heart lay....they loved eachother very much...

-The End

Lmaooo. It's funny what you do when your bored. Oh well, atleast I know this will piss the hell outta Akira.

Enjoy Yaoi lovers......>>;; shaw....
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