Chronicles of Leon Dante and Chase Stevens


New member
Jun 23, 2008
ok, this story is vbased on a d20 rp me and some friends did a few years back. i took my character and a friends, and made a spin off using them. we made our stuff kinda comedic, so i felt it best tokep that going. the best way to describe this story is leathal weapon, only with vampires and undead.

The Leon Dante and chase Stevens chronicles

2 years after the first fight with an undead king who wanted to enslave humanity, chase and Leon teamed up to form a joint task force by the fbi (chase) and ripit a paranormal investigation police force (Dante) to clean up any and all undead who wish to pick up where the destroyed undead king left off, keeping peace and co-existence of the living and dead in tact. Chase and Leon, who were instrumental in the fall of the king, find themselves teamed up once again.

Washington D.C. FBI HQ

Chase walks into his boss’s office

“Yeah boss, you wanted to see me”
“Yeah chase I got some news.” He then pulled out paper work from a large folder. “Effective tomorrow, you are going to be teaming up with a member of ripit. Apparently there is wide spread fear that an undead may rise up and try to finish what the last king attempted to do 2 years ago.”
Chase sits back “so who am I teaming up with?” he said confidently. His boss reached into the envelope and pulls out the paper work inside. What he held was a profile of chase’s partner.
“Ever hear of a Leon Dante, when you were on your adventures two years ago?”
Chase looked wide eyed, and started to laugh.
“Sir he was one of the members of that rogue group you guys placed me in.”
“Good then you two can pick up where you left off at.” His boss said organizing the paper work. Chase gets up and starts to walk to the door. Just as he gets ready to open the door he is interrupted by his boss one more time.
“Oh yeah, chase. You leave tomorrow for New Orleans, you guys will start there. Be careful and try not to get killed.” Chase walks out the office with a confident look on his face as he walks out of the office and leaves the headquarters to pack his bags and gear for his trip.

Tempe, Arizona: Ripit main office

Leon steps into the locker room seeing his boss standing in front of his locker
“Dante! We have new orders for you” Leon looks surprised, he walks up and sets his bag down.
“What’s going down, is this something major…another rogue vampire in Berlin again?” Leon's boss opens a folder and pulls out paper work. Just as chase’s boss did.
“We are teaming up with the FBI, rumor has it that there is wide spread fear that something may be trying to rise up to take the throne of the undead, a throne that has been vacant since you and your group destroyed the king two years ago.” Leon picked his bag up again.
“Let me guess, I am going to be teamed up with an FBI agent for this mission” his boss looked at the paper he held in his hand.
“Ever hear of a man named chase Stevens a.k.a. Robert manhiem...sound familiar at all. I am only asking because you had an FBI member in that group you had in your last joint effort.” Leon smiled and was handed the paper with chase’s picture on it.
“Yeah, he was part of the group; he was wicked with swinging a large sword.”
“Good, you’ll be meeting up with him in New Orleans, which is where your mission will start, and you leave tomarrow...better get packing and good luck.”
His boss shook his hands and he walked out the locker room. Leon shortly followed to prepare for his journey.

Both men arrived at the New Orleans airport at the same time. Dante sees Chase standing by the arrivals area grabbing his bag.
“You son of a *****! How is it that we got teamed up? Again!” chase said reaching out to shake chase’s hand Chase looked up and noticed Dante standing there in\front of him.
“Leone Dante, we meet again, and what luck: we get to take down undead…again!”
Off in the distance a dark figure stands holding a sign with leons and chases names on it. The figure had a pale face, glasses, and seemed to be balding. He was wearing a hat and long coat.
“Something seems weird about him, but hey, he’s a ride” Leon stated as the two walked over to greet the man. The man said nothing to the men; he just turned and started walking. Leon and chase followed a small distance behind, being very cautious. The duo were led to a limo, the strange man opened the door to let them in. both Leon and chase attempted to make some sort of eye contact with him, to see if they can get a read on him, but the man was pale and straight faced, showing no emotion.. On the ride Leon and chase caught up on old times.
“So do you still talk to anyone from the old crew?” Leon asked Robert.
“Nah, I talked to Otis for about a month. Gave him a courtesy call telling him I had to arrest him on drug warrants for him, so he fled the country…at least to my knowledge. Hows about you Leon?”
“Me. Nope remember alive?” Leon asked
“I think she is still pissed at me.” Leon laughed at chases comment
“Of course you gave a vampire garlic pizza”
Man I totally forgot. It was a celebration after our big win.” Chase looked out the window and noticed they passed the FBI building and then the ripit building. Leon opened the window to the driver part way.
“Driver. We passed our destinations.” The window then came fully down and a man in the passenger seat\looked back. He was also a pale wearing black sunglass with long black hair.
“No, your destination has changed. Just sit tight we’ll be there shortly”
The limo pulls up to a gate. It opened revealing a long drive way to a large house. The limo pulled up to the front, the two men got out and opened the doors to the limo letting the duo out.
“This way, someone wants to see you” the man with the long black hair said to the two. The foursome walked up the\stairs and into the house, they stepped into the front large hallway and then proceeded to the kitchen area. In the kitchen there was an opening in the kitchen floor with steps leading down. Leon stopped chase at the foot of the opening.
“I think we need to go, this is déjà vu and bad déjà vu at that.”
Leon reached for his gun and noticed it wasn’t there, chase reached for his only to find his missing as well.
“What the hell!” chase said, he looked back and noticed the pale man holding their guns.
“Sorry gentleman, no guns here, now please proceeds down the steps.’
Both of them turned and proceeded down the steps.
“How cliché, steps leading down to a dark hallway, just once I would like to see a house with something more original. Like a carnival or hell I’ll even take an old forties style casino” chase said as the walked cautiously down the hallway with the two pale men staying a few short paces behind them. The four walked down the dim lit hallway to the end where they reached a door with bars on it, the pale silent man opened the door “in” the pale man said, and Leon walked in first, chase followed. It was a clean room; everything was white and bright lights.
“What is the point of this, what the hell is going on?” chase said.
The silent man pointed to the far wall.

Chained to the back wall was what looked like a vampire that seemed to be torn in half? He took a deep breathe before he spoke.
“Dante, Stevens, your reputation of paranormal detectives is why I asked you here.” He took another breathe “the two men who brought you here, the silent one is jeve and the one with the longhair is mohad. Those are all that is left of my men.”
Chase stood intrigued
“What happened exactly, and what does that have to do with us?”
The man took another deep breathe:
“You two are our last defense, if you fail all of the living and the undead will be enslaved.”
Leon and chase looked at each other.
“Dude, does this mean we have to put our necks out on the line again? It never fails... “Leon said laughing. Chase looked at the vampire chained to the wall.
” a few things here. Who are you? And how did you end up like that?”
Mohad stepped forward
“The man before you is head vampire vlad von. We were under attack by a lycanthrope and its cult of followers. Every one was killed except for me and jeve, and what was left of vlad. Those wires coming from him are link to computers keeping him breathing. We are trying to keep him alive and adjoin his parts so he may walk once again.
Leon looked at vlad
“So I assume this lycanthrope thinks you’re destroyed.”
Vlad smiled
“That is correct, now you must be on your way. Time is running thin. You will ned your arsenal”
Chase threw his hand up in the air
“Hey we never agreed to take this gig”
“You don’t have a choice” mohad interrupted.
If you fail, well we hope you don’t I will get your weapons” mohad walked out of the room. Leon leaned toward chase.
“Wonder weapons we are getting”
Mohad returns to the room with the weapons they had in their last fight. For Leon it was two sets of silver knuckles, a pistol, and his assault rifle. For chase: his pistol, his silver knife and his blessed great sword. When chase saw his sword his face lit up.
” yes now we are talking, so vlad where do we start our search”
Vlad took another deep breathe
“It starts when go to the southern part of the city, there is a cemetery. You will start there.” Leon and chase started to proceed out the door. Mohad hollered one last thing to the men.
“You two one last thing.” He threw them keys to an automobile Leon caught them.
“It’s outside waiting.”
Chase proceed with a remark
“Sure about that. Sure you don’t have it in the hall way. I mean this house seemed to have everything else inhere...” he said laughing. The two then went out into the hall way and up the steps to the kitchen area.
Back in the clean room vlad looked on. Mohad proceeded to vlad.
“Master. How is it that man walks out in public with that large sword, yet never gets neither questioned nor arrested?” vlad smiled
“Our fate is their hands.”
Back at the house the duo walked out the front door seeing a hummer H2 at the bottom of the steps, they walked up to it and opened the back to put their gear in there. The back was also filled with ammunition for their guns and other various explosives.
“Wow they thought of everything...well off we go” Leon said as the two got into the hummer. The duo went off to the southern part of town to the cemetery to start their investigation.

While driving, the duo heard a ringing. It was a cell phone. Inside the glove compartment there was a flip razor phone. Dante grabbed it and put it on speaker; on the other end was Mohad.
“Your spunk for jumping into the fight is true as we heard. I will now fill you in on the rest of the info that you two didn’t stick around to hear about.”
chase looked at the phone briefly. “Yeah we tend to do that at times.”
Mohad then filled them in on the rest of the mission.
“The man you seek is named Albert. He had been plotting to kill Vlad for years; he had made many attempts for years but failed every time. After he learned that the head master overlord was killed, he made his run. Albert wants to be the next overlord and to continue where the old overlords left off.”
Dante looked kind of confused; he felt something was missing from the picture.
“So why did he go and keep going after Vlad?”
“Vlad was to be the next in line, Vlad versioned different world than that of the previous overlords; He had a vision of a better co-existence between the undead and the living. Albert did not want that, he thought both sides would be at war, and that the indeed should reign supreme on earth as we all know it. He also knew that of he were to kill off Vlad, then he would take his place as next in line, that’s how it works, when one head is killed by another elite undead, then he would take the ones rank that he killed and he would also claim his adversaries slaves and servants as well.”
Robert, driving with his high beams on, made a turn down the road and had finally pulled up to the cemetery. With the lights glaring on the gates of the graveyard, Dante and Chase noticed that the lock to the gate was broken off and the bars to part of the gate were bent and broke. The Duo got out of the Hummer and loaded up their weapons. Dante grabbed a camera that he saw on the back seat.
“Hey a digital camera, this may come in handy as we gather our evidence to take to ripit and the FBI. Hey Chase, remember in our last journey we kept getting arrested by local authorities, well now we can take pictures so if that happens again we have evidence. “He said laughing.
The duo then preceded though the gates and started to look around.

As they proceeded through the cemetery they noticed a lot of open graves, as if the bodies that layer in them up and dug themselves out. Chase flashed the light at a few graves one stuck out the most.
“Hey Dante! This one here has scratch marks on the gave itself, as if some thing dug its way out. Hmm. Wonder what caused this?”
Further inspecting the scene they kept investigating the graves, many had scratches and damaged graves, but none showed any evidence that they were dug from the outside. As they made their way to the back, they had no idea they were being watched from a distance. The duo finally got the very back of the cemetery, they approached a crypt. The door to it was opened. The inside was dark. Chase flashed the light into the crypt.
“Should we go in and take a look?”
Taking pictures of the crypt just as he did to various graves in the\area, Leon replied.
“I am going to\go\ahead and say no, but this story would be boring of we didn’t do anything stupid, so lets go take a closer look.”
They got closer to the crypt and were about to enter when they heard foots steps, a stomping almost closing in on them. They stopped in their tracks, eyes open wide, and they looked at each other.
“Dude, foot steps. Flash lights off lest hide behind the crypt here, see what comes.
The two ran behind the crypt and the foot steps got closer, as they got closer the two realized that the stomps weren’t stomps but the foot steps of many zombies accompanying a large figure. Suddenly a voice sounded, it was a deep and commanding voice.
“You two dumb asses, come out now! The two slowly came out from opposite sides, Leon with his guns out, and Chases holding his large sword. The two got a good look at the army and the thing who summoned them out from behind the crypt. It was a man’s body with the head of an insect. It was something that the duo hadn’t seen but heard of many times in their\ travels. Behind that thing stood a large army of zombies.
“You two have one chance to leave here now and never return. I suggest you take it and never meddle in the business of ours again.” The thing said pointing to the front of the cemetery.
“I assume you must be behind the attack on Vlad. If that’s the case, then we aren’t going any where, but you my friend, you’ll be taking your seat on that one stop bus to hell.” Chase said clenching tighter to the large handle on his sword.
The thing looked at the two and laughed.
“Idiots, Vlad only wants us all dead so he can enslave the world. Yes I attacked his compound. That Vampire has no intensions on peace. He thinks that man and zombies can co- exist under his rule. That will never happen. it can never happen. Neither side will go for it, the living and undead have not seen eye to eye, and never will. But now he is gone and we will have a one race world. No more will the living walk, they will all be undead slaves to my rule.”
The thing was confident. After his speech there was a long pause of silence.
“Dude, I think you need some toilet paper for your mouth there. You are full of so much shit, that it’s coming out of your mouth.” Chase said stepping closer toward the thing.
The thing, Albert shook his head in disgust.
“Pity you are so blind, I guess you leave me no choice but to make examples out of you two” Albert pointed to the duo.
“Destroy them my children, they are against your existence and wish to take it form you. Show them what happens to people who stand in our way of destiny.”
Albert then flew off into the night. Suddenly all of the undead started to attack the duo.
“Is it just me or do we keep getting déjà vu so far?” Leon asked chase.
Wasting no time Leon emptied his clips into as many of the undead as possible. Chase then ran though the army swinging his large sword at anything that moved. It only took a matter of a few minutes but the duo was able to swing through and kill off the undead. Standing afoot of all the bodies, they stood victorious.

The two look at all the bodies strung about the cemetery; it was indeed a very large mess of body parts and lifeless copses.
“Well hmm. Now where do we go from here? Think we should have kept one alive to find something out.” Chase then swung his sword back over his shoulder and the two started to walk back to the Hummer H3.
“Yeah, where is Otis when you need him.” Leon said laughing.
The two loaded their gear back into the back of the SUV and then proceeded to the New Orleans Ripit Office to finally check in as they were supposed to many hours ago. As soon as the duo pulled into the parking lot, they were approached by two Ripit Members.
“It took you two long enough, the chief wants to see the both of you immediately.” One said.
The duo were escorted up to the top floor of the three story building, down a short hall way they walked through two large glass doors, inside was the office of the chief of Ripit. They walked by a receptionist desk, there sat a beautiful young woman who was answering calls. Chase looked over and gave her a smile.
“Damn she’s hot... If all the woman here look like that work here, its gonna be a great time’ he said grinning largely.

The door opened and the two walked into the small office and sat down. Sitting on the other side of the desk was a large man wearing a dress shirt, suspenders, with grey hair, He cleared his throat.
“Men, I have heard much about you. My name is chief Afton Samuel, now we have much to go over as much has happened in the last few hours. We actually just got word that a mass body count of undead was discovered at Jonas cemetery, that’s going to be a large clean up effort. If I ever get my hands on the vermin that did that I’ll…..”
Suddenly chase put his hand up and interrupted the chief about to rant on.
“Chief” he said shaking in his voice “Would that be a cemetery across town?”
Afton raised his eye brow as he looked at Chase.
“Yes, how did you know?”
Yeah that was kind of us.” chase said fading his voice as he ended his sentence. Afton slammed his fists on the desk and stood up.
“You two! You haven’t even been here this long and yet you already manage to illegally kill a mass of zombies! You better have a damn good explanation as to why you did such a stupid thing.”
Leon then cleared his throat.
“Sir what happened was when we both met up at the air port; we were interrupted by a pale man, whom we assumed was associated with Ripit or the FBI, so we left with him. Well instead of bringing us here like we were supposed to, he took us to a mansion, just east of here. We were taken into the basement of that mansion that’s were we met a man named Vlad, he was a vampire and seemed to look like something had cut him in half.”
Afton looked Surprised.
‘You met Vlad? We have been watching him for some time. We think he may be plotting something and he probably is trying to use you two and your power and jurisdictions to get rid of some threats.”
Leon and chase explained everything in great detail of what happened leading up to the confrontation at the cemetery and even told about Albert. Afton then walked toward his window, looking out it over the city. He watched all the vampires, lycanthropes, zombies and other misc. Creatures roam about.
“Well its no secret there is a power struggle for a King, queen of the undead. You guys really turned the underworld upside down two years ago. We supported a push for Vlad to become this person for sometime, but after we caught wind of his human and zombie hybrid experiments, we pulled our support. We knew he made a lot of enemies, but no one would make a move on him out of fear that we would step in. once we pulled out, the flood gates opened. Albert sounds like he may have been an experiment gone wrong on him. That is going to be your objective. Recon as much as you can about this Albert, but don’t let your guard down with Vlad. He is hiding something. Don’t become a statistic. You two will be staying at a condo over on the flats about a mile south of here. Go get some rest, tomorrow start your mission.

The two exited the building and headed south to their condo. As the two pulled up they walked to their door and noticed that it was unlocked. Both men pulled out their guns. Leon opened the door slowly. The room was dark. Chase pulled out a flash light and searched for the light switch. When he found it he flicked it on. Leon then walked into the kitchen area and noticed something on the wall.
“Hey Chase! You got to come check this out.”
Chase ran into the kitchen. On the wall was a note being held up by a kitchen knife. Chase yanked it down and read it.
“Beware; things are not what they seem. It is wise to stay out of our affairs.”
No name was written on it and it seemed to be written in blood.
“Who sent this?”
Chase asked. Leon searched the rest of the condo and found nothing wrong nor destroyed.
“Well the rest of the house is clear, first thing tomorrow, we should get the locks changed.”