Hey everyone!
As you know and can tell from the bottom of the main forum page. We now have a special group called "Supportors"
Basically this group is what you might call.. SUPER VIP members
They will have special access to area's that no members or VIP's will see. They also get benefits like staff, such as maxed out PM boxes, higher rep account etc..
I will post more details of ALL the benefits of Supporters group in the next post.
Donating is simple. If you have paypal, you can donate through it, or you can also mail your donations to GP's mailing address. Now you can send any amount really, since every dollar counts towards further funding GP. We may also have a special prize for the most donation by a member, during our annual award show
If you would like to donate and help GP, please send me a PM.
Thanks for your time.
As you know and can tell from the bottom of the main forum page. We now have a special group called "Supportors"
Basically this group is what you might call.. SUPER VIP members
I will post more details of ALL the benefits of Supporters group in the next post.
Donating is simple. If you have paypal, you can donate through it, or you can also mail your donations to GP's mailing address. Now you can send any amount really, since every dollar counts towards further funding GP. We may also have a special prize for the most donation by a member, during our annual award show
If you would like to donate and help GP, please send me a PM.
Thanks for your time.