The World of Du’cate is a lush green world, it was pure heaven itself, in this world lived 6 races. They are Human, Elves, Four walkers, Heavens, Aquarains and Dragons, these beings lived in harmony in this world.
But Du’cate isn’t only paradise, it is also full of mystery, in this world 6 towers that reached into the heavens themselves stood tall and proud, around these towers each beings built a capital for there race. These towers seemed to be made by advance technology; more advance that all the beings in this world. No one knows what’s inside these strange towers…no one, but the dragons; the oldest and most powerful of the 6 beings that lived in the world of Du’cate, Dragons knew the secrets of the Towers and refused to share it with all the other beings.
This enraged all the beings of the world and chaos broke out, War started. The war was called The War of Knowledge, due to the fact that all the beings were fighting to know more about the 6 towers.
The war lasted for 5 years, on the fifth year the Dragons finally said “Enough was enough” All of the dragons flew up into the heavens, upwards, more and more to the top of the 6 towers.
The 5 races grew scared of this…there fear was soon realized. The World of Du’Cate shook with rage; as if the world itself was sick of the endless blood shed. The Plates of the planets lifted into the air; above the clouds the plates rested as the core of the world grew dim and dark, it soon became surrounded in a think Poisonous could called Myisa AKA the Cloud of Death.
With this act the war finally stopped, Nothing was gain but something was lost, No Knowledge of the Towers came from the War and the race of Dragons…they disappeared into the heavens. Some say the Dragons became one with the tower, others say the Dragon now live on the top of the towers. Either way the Dragons were gone.
It’s been 500 years since the war ended; the war that happened many of years ago seemed nothing more than a nightmare in the past. The 5 raced lived peacefully, still wondering about the towers…wanting to know more, but a magical barrier that seemed to separated Earth from Heavens kept anyone from climbing the Towers, But an old and faded legend stated that the Apolitical Hymn should be able to erase the Magical Barrier away; but the only ones with knowledge of the hymn were the dragons. The only knowledge of this legendary hymn was that the hymn itself was broken into parts, only the elemental dragons knew... but the elemental dragons where killed in the war, but before they died they stated this:
“Yes we die, but worry know our fellow race,
Our Flesh will disappear, our bones turned to dust,
But our spirits, they will be reborn.
Reborn into a different race….
Find us”
After that the dragons died, and the rest of the race flew into the heavens, never to be seen again.
But on dragon did stay behind, her name is Mother Dragon, and it is said she lives in the old capital ruins of the dragons. But still after many of years, no one is said to find her. Many say she’s just a myth she doesn’t excites.
But on Clear Starry nights, nights during the full moon, nights where you can see the towers reaching into the heavens above… you can hear Mother Dragon’s Song in the wind.
They say that the ones that carried the Spirit of the Elemental dragons are draw to Mother Dragon by this song, if they can find her maybe….just maybe the way to the towers could be open…
Humans: A simple race, there knowledge of technology is average. They are known to be able to do magic and great warrior due to there spirit, but one thing that they have, that is a great weakness… its there heart.
Elves: They are a race that has great knowledge, some say that there Technology is almost close to that of the towers…almost. They value Knowledge a lot but are easy confused by matter of the heart and emotions.
Four Walkers: They are mythical Beings, they look like normal beast, rabbits, Foxes, wolves, Exc. But They are able to speak and switch to walking on Four legs or two, they are known for there connection with nature and strength, wither they willed weapons or not. But they’re weakness is they can be a bit too emotional.
Heavens: They are close to the race of human but they have wings, some have pure white wings while others have pure black wings. Some say they are a race of Angels and Fallen Angels. They have supreme knowledge of Magical Technology, but still yet it fails in comprises of the technology of the towers. Heavens weaknesses are the way they see the world, simple black and white.
Aquarains: They are a race of beings they can live in or out of water (they can breathe water), they are set in ancient ways, they have high knowledge of history, but not as much at the dragons. They are very powerful when it comes to magic. But they seem to have a problem, they are so much set in there ancient ways they are easy to become stubborn and not willing to look towards the future.
Dragons: A race they are almost godly compare to the other races, they seemed to know everything, but wish not to disturb the balance of the world. They always take it upon themselves to keep the balance of the world…little is known about them since they disappeared.
Half breed: They really do not classify as a separate race, they are either a mixture of the other races. Some races look down on Half-breeds, Aquarains and Humans, mostly.
Dragon Elemental Spirit: Beings that are born with the Elemental Dragon Spirit within them have the ability to use Song or Musical Magic, which pertains to there Element.
Mother Dragon's Song: A soothing strong song that is carried on the wind from time to time. It is said the Elemental Spirits react when they hear this song, it mades the spirit yearn to be with Mother dragon and to be home. The Mother Dragon Song sounds like this:
YouTube - Ar Tonelico- Claire's Hymn- Song of Gentle Breeze
-No God modeling
-No power playing
-No controlling others, unless you got the okay from that person.
-PM me if your gonna control someone else’s character
-Two Character Maximum
-Romance is allowed, keep it PG, holding hands and kissing
-Sorry but you cannot be of the dragon race or Dragon Half Breed
-You join this RP, which means you are the one(s) that have the dragon Element spirit in you
-Having the Dragon Spirit doesn’t change your Race.
Elemental Dragon Spirit:
-Fire Spirit
-Water Spirit
-Earth Spirit (Taken by RPGirl)
-Lighting Spirit
-Dark Spirit
-Light Sprit
-Wood Spirit (Plant life included)
-Ice Spirit (taken by RPGirl)
-Wind Spirit
-Metal Spirit
-Moon Spirit
Name (full)
Race: (If you choose half breed you must state the two races you are)
Elemental Dragon Spirit
Here are my girls
Name: Roxie Glide AKA Rox
Age: 18
Race: Half Breed (Four walker and Heavens)
Elemental Dragon Spirit: Ice Dragon Spirit
Weapon: Kitsune Jaded Blade, A large sword she carried on her back, it has a hunting green glow in the moonlight.
Personality: She can be a bit motherly sometimes or a bit childish, either way her head is always in the clouds, she’s a bit of a daydreamer but yet she knows what counts in life.
Bio: She’s lives in the capital of Heavens, she loves it there. People always seem to listen to her new ideas about technology. Her Mother and Father have already passed away, but see seems to carry herself either way.
She’s tops at the lab of Magi Tech, the HQ for some of the best Magical Technology of the Heavens Race. The Lab is located in the Capital of the heavens race; Sky-high City.
One day she went over to the Human Capital; Yuldale City, to pick up some parts. There she met Lilly and became her best friend. That night they herd Mother Dragon song she choice to take a long vacation from the lab and go look for Mother Dragon with Lilly. She sometimes Baby Lilly, but the two seems to be great friends.
-Jaded Blade: Within a blink of an eye she slices you in half only leaving a green trail.
-Song of Ice: She sings a powerful song hey gathers her element of ice in a massive level. She activates the song the enemies fills its icy wrath, it can sometimes Freeze the Enemy soiled, but the down side of the song is that she needs some one to protect her as she sing this song and focus on the magical flow.
-Ice Blade: The blade is covered in icy magical energy as she hacks away at the enemy.
-Ice Bite: A bite that chills the blood
- Green Energy: She charges at the enemy as high speed, become a green blur, she can slice though even the toughest of defenses.
Name: Lilly Tunbound
Age: 17
Race: Half Breed (Four walker and Human)
Elemental Dragon Spirit: Earth Elemental Dragon
Weapon: 1 ton 2 headed Hammer she calls Bammer
Personality: She’s every Care-free; she has a child like look at things around her. She’s seems to be able to bring smiles to anyone around her. But sometimes by herself she seems a bit depressed, lost in her mind, but she seems to never show it.
Bio: She was kicked out of her Human village when she was 5, she tried to go to her Father village; but couldn’t get past the entrance due to the fact she reeked of human sent. She traveled around, till she was capture of a slave owner, she was 15. She was then sold to a braful in the Human Capital; Yudale.
There she worked as a Sex slave till she was 17, one day while walking around the city she met what look like a four walker…but she had wings. She called her self Rox and became the best of friends; one night while the two was looking up at the tower they heard Mother Dragon’s Song. After that she ran away from the Braful and left with Rox to find Mother Dragon.
- Bammer Go Boom: She slams her hammer down creating an explosion with energy.
- Bam Bam: She slams her hammer into the enemy with amazing Strengths
- Song of Earth: She sings a song that condenses Earth elemental magic, when she activates the song the enemy is hit with amazing powers of earth. Bad thing about the song, it takes time to sing it and complete concentration, she needs someone to protect her while she sings it.
- Earthquake: She slams the Hammer into the ground crating an earthquake, the more power she using into the slam, the more powerful the Earthquake.
The World of Du’cate is a lush green world, it was pure heaven itself, in this world lived 6 races. They are Human, Elves, Four walkers, Heavens, Aquarains and Dragons, these beings lived in harmony in this world.
But Du’cate isn’t only paradise, it is also full of mystery, in this world 6 towers that reached into the heavens themselves stood tall and proud, around these towers each beings built a capital for there race. These towers seemed to be made by advance technology; more advance that all the beings in this world. No one knows what’s inside these strange towers…no one, but the dragons; the oldest and most powerful of the 6 beings that lived in the world of Du’cate, Dragons knew the secrets of the Towers and refused to share it with all the other beings.
This enraged all the beings of the world and chaos broke out, War started. The war was called The War of Knowledge, due to the fact that all the beings were fighting to know more about the 6 towers.
The war lasted for 5 years, on the fifth year the Dragons finally said “Enough was enough” All of the dragons flew up into the heavens, upwards, more and more to the top of the 6 towers.
The 5 races grew scared of this…there fear was soon realized. The World of Du’Cate shook with rage; as if the world itself was sick of the endless blood shed. The Plates of the planets lifted into the air; above the clouds the plates rested as the core of the world grew dim and dark, it soon became surrounded in a think Poisonous could called Myisa AKA the Cloud of Death.
With this act the war finally stopped, Nothing was gain but something was lost, No Knowledge of the Towers came from the War and the race of Dragons…they disappeared into the heavens. Some say the Dragons became one with the tower, others say the Dragon now live on the top of the towers. Either way the Dragons were gone.
It’s been 500 years since the war ended; the war that happened many of years ago seemed nothing more than a nightmare in the past. The 5 raced lived peacefully, still wondering about the towers…wanting to know more, but a magical barrier that seemed to separated Earth from Heavens kept anyone from climbing the Towers, But an old and faded legend stated that the Apolitical Hymn should be able to erase the Magical Barrier away; but the only ones with knowledge of the hymn were the dragons. The only knowledge of this legendary hymn was that the hymn itself was broken into parts, only the elemental dragons knew... but the elemental dragons where killed in the war, but before they died they stated this:
“Yes we die, but worry know our fellow race,
Our Flesh will disappear, our bones turned to dust,
But our spirits, they will be reborn.
Reborn into a different race….
Find us”
After that the dragons died, and the rest of the race flew into the heavens, never to be seen again.
But on dragon did stay behind, her name is Mother Dragon, and it is said she lives in the old capital ruins of the dragons. But still after many of years, no one is said to find her. Many say she’s just a myth she doesn’t excites.
But on Clear Starry nights, nights during the full moon, nights where you can see the towers reaching into the heavens above… you can hear Mother Dragon’s Song in the wind.
They say that the ones that carried the Spirit of the Elemental dragons are draw to Mother Dragon by this song, if they can find her maybe….just maybe the way to the towers could be open…
Humans: A simple race, there knowledge of technology is average. They are known to be able to do magic and great warrior due to there spirit, but one thing that they have, that is a great weakness… its there heart.
Elves: They are a race that has great knowledge, some say that there Technology is almost close to that of the towers…almost. They value Knowledge a lot but are easy confused by matter of the heart and emotions.
Four Walkers: They are mythical Beings, they look like normal beast, rabbits, Foxes, wolves, Exc. But They are able to speak and switch to walking on Four legs or two, they are known for there connection with nature and strength, wither they willed weapons or not. But they’re weakness is they can be a bit too emotional.
Heavens: They are close to the race of human but they have wings, some have pure white wings while others have pure black wings. Some say they are a race of Angels and Fallen Angels. They have supreme knowledge of Magical Technology, but still yet it fails in comprises of the technology of the towers. Heavens weaknesses are the way they see the world, simple black and white.
Aquarains: They are a race of beings they can live in or out of water (they can breathe water), they are set in ancient ways, they have high knowledge of history, but not as much at the dragons. They are very powerful when it comes to magic. But they seem to have a problem, they are so much set in there ancient ways they are easy to become stubborn and not willing to look towards the future.
Dragons: A race they are almost godly compare to the other races, they seemed to know everything, but wish not to disturb the balance of the world. They always take it upon themselves to keep the balance of the world…little is known about them since they disappeared.
Half breed: They really do not classify as a separate race, they are either a mixture of the other races. Some races look down on Half-breeds, Aquarains and Humans, mostly.
Dragon Elemental Spirit: Beings that are born with the Elemental Dragon Spirit within them have the ability to use Song or Musical Magic, which pertains to there Element.
Mother Dragon's Song: A soothing strong song that is carried on the wind from time to time. It is said the Elemental Spirits react when they hear this song, it mades the spirit yearn to be with Mother dragon and to be home. The Mother Dragon Song sounds like this:
YouTube - Ar Tonelico- Claire's Hymn- Song of Gentle Breeze
-No God modeling
-No power playing
-No controlling others, unless you got the okay from that person.
-PM me if your gonna control someone else’s character
-Two Character Maximum
-Romance is allowed, keep it PG, holding hands and kissing
-Sorry but you cannot be of the dragon race or Dragon Half Breed
-You join this RP, which means you are the one(s) that have the dragon Element spirit in you
-Having the Dragon Spirit doesn’t change your Race.
Elemental Dragon Spirit:
-Fire Spirit
-Water Spirit
-Earth Spirit (Taken by RPGirl)
-Lighting Spirit
-Dark Spirit
-Light Sprit
-Wood Spirit (Plant life included)
-Ice Spirit (taken by RPGirl)
-Wind Spirit
-Metal Spirit
-Moon Spirit
Name (full)
Race: (If you choose half breed you must state the two races you are)
Elemental Dragon Spirit
Here are my girls
Name: Roxie Glide AKA Rox
Age: 18
Race: Half Breed (Four walker and Heavens)
Elemental Dragon Spirit: Ice Dragon Spirit

Weapon: Kitsune Jaded Blade, A large sword she carried on her back, it has a hunting green glow in the moonlight.
Personality: She can be a bit motherly sometimes or a bit childish, either way her head is always in the clouds, she’s a bit of a daydreamer but yet she knows what counts in life.
Bio: She’s lives in the capital of Heavens, she loves it there. People always seem to listen to her new ideas about technology. Her Mother and Father have already passed away, but see seems to carry herself either way.
She’s tops at the lab of Magi Tech, the HQ for some of the best Magical Technology of the Heavens Race. The Lab is located in the Capital of the heavens race; Sky-high City.
One day she went over to the Human Capital; Yuldale City, to pick up some parts. There she met Lilly and became her best friend. That night they herd Mother Dragon song she choice to take a long vacation from the lab and go look for Mother Dragon with Lilly. She sometimes Baby Lilly, but the two seems to be great friends.
-Jaded Blade: Within a blink of an eye she slices you in half only leaving a green trail.
-Song of Ice: She sings a powerful song hey gathers her element of ice in a massive level. She activates the song the enemies fills its icy wrath, it can sometimes Freeze the Enemy soiled, but the down side of the song is that she needs some one to protect her as she sing this song and focus on the magical flow.
-Ice Blade: The blade is covered in icy magical energy as she hacks away at the enemy.
-Ice Bite: A bite that chills the blood
- Green Energy: She charges at the enemy as high speed, become a green blur, she can slice though even the toughest of defenses.
Name: Lilly Tunbound
Age: 17
Race: Half Breed (Four walker and Human)
Elemental Dragon Spirit: Earth Elemental Dragon

Weapon: 1 ton 2 headed Hammer she calls Bammer
Personality: She’s every Care-free; she has a child like look at things around her. She’s seems to be able to bring smiles to anyone around her. But sometimes by herself she seems a bit depressed, lost in her mind, but she seems to never show it.
Bio: She was kicked out of her Human village when she was 5, she tried to go to her Father village; but couldn’t get past the entrance due to the fact she reeked of human sent. She traveled around, till she was capture of a slave owner, she was 15. She was then sold to a braful in the Human Capital; Yudale.
There she worked as a Sex slave till she was 17, one day while walking around the city she met what look like a four walker…but she had wings. She called her self Rox and became the best of friends; one night while the two was looking up at the tower they heard Mother Dragon’s Song. After that she ran away from the Braful and left with Rox to find Mother Dragon.
- Bammer Go Boom: She slams her hammer down creating an explosion with energy.
- Bam Bam: She slams her hammer into the enemy with amazing Strengths
- Song of Earth: She sings a song that condenses Earth elemental magic, when she activates the song the enemy is hit with amazing powers of earth. Bad thing about the song, it takes time to sing it and complete concentration, she needs someone to protect her while she sings it.
- Earthquake: She slams the Hammer into the ground crating an earthquake, the more power she using into the slam, the more powerful the Earthquake.
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