Dreamcast games going to be on Xbox360LIVE arcade.


New member
Feb 10, 2006
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
quote:We will start off this week with some juicy new 360 rumors freshly squeezed from the ever-reliable source of semi-reliable information ?The Internet?. The game industry has always been full of rumors and speculations, and in contrasts to the movie and music industry where rumors usually are of a more destructive nature, the people working in the game industry have little to fear as the rumors almost always are harmless fantasies made up by overly enthuastic fans. But every now and then rumors are not rumors at all but true reports from people with inside information. If these latest rumors we are reporting today have any truth in them we?ll have to leave up to each one of you to decide for yourselves.

Long story short: Guy from Microsoft meets old friend at wedding - has a few drinks - MS guy tells old friend some company secrets - old friend promises not to tell ? old friend is active member in internet gaming forums ? secret info is no longer so secret ?

Rumor 1: Sometime around November 2006, MS is launching a complete
media service on the marketplace. This will range from 99 cent
songs, to 3.99 streaming movies.

Rumor 2: At next E3, MS will announce a parternship with Blizzard that
will bring World of Warcraft exclusively to 360. The deal is
done, and Blizzard is working on porting the game and a console
control scheme. This game will also include a unannounced
expansion that the PC gamers will have to wait about a month to get
after we get this game. Only 360 gamers will be on specific 360
servers, the game will include voice chat, and
it wouldn't work with PC gamers.

Rumor 3: Halo 3 will be out Quarter 4 of 2006.

Rumor 4: There will be over 50 Sega Dreamcast games on the Xbox Live Arcade
within 2 years, launched a handfull at a time. Every Dreamcast game released on 360 will be priced at around 10 dollars.

Rumor 5: Bonk's Adventure is coming to Xbox Live Arcade September 2006.

Facts or just wishful thinking?...some if not all of it certainly sounds plausible.

:end quote

So now the Dreamcast will live on,on LIVE I mean.


New member
Feb 11, 2006
oh well these are rares first games in a while so dont be so mad cause its bin a while for them. there making two more games for the xbox360 that wont be sequals to PDZ and kameo


New member
Feb 10, 2006
Wht you mean in awhile dodn't they also realese Conker Live and Reloded not to long ago? And I doubt sega would go 2nd party unless they went under.... again. But y do people trust something tht a 5 year old coud have made up? These rumors i mean to say. And does anyone know how to make an N64 Emulator work?