Gamerz Place Interview #1 - Seddy


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
I want to thank Seddy for giving us his time to do this interview. ;)


Real Name:matt sedlak
Username(s): Seddy
Age: 27
Location: pittsburgh, pa
Birthdate: 06/24/1981
Current Console: ps2/pc

Nitz: how did you end up at Gamerz Place?
Seddy: cruentus refered me.

Nitz: who or what got you into gaming?
Seddy: final fantasy. it helped re-open my imagination in a time when i needed a new outlook.

Nitz: What was the first game you played? Did you like it?
Seddy: first game i ever played was zelda 2: the adventures of link. i loved the game. got an nes emulator on my pc to play it today

Nitz: did that game have any impact on how you're a gamer now?
Seddy: not really. liek i said in a previous question, final fantasy was what got me going

Nitz: how long have you been at Gamerz Place?
Seddy: i signed up in june, but becamne active in august/september

Nitz: what did you think about Gamerz Place when you first saw it?
Seddy: wasn'tbad. when i signed up i was told it was under some construction. but stillw as cool.

Nitz: When you first arrived did you think you would have stayed for this long? Why or why not?
Seddy: yeah. teh forum is a cool spot.. its one of the few still standing that has a variety to it. so many forums i hav ebeen a longtime meber fo, have went down in teh past 3 months...

Nitz: what consoles do you own?
Seddy: ps2, psp, and pc

Nitz: which console is your favourite?
Seddy: ps2

Nitz: what's your favourite game for each of the consoles you own?
Seddy: ps2: persona 3, pc: spore, psp: tony hawks underground

Nitz: What's your favourite game of all time? Why?
Seddy: final fantasy X: it was my first game i got when i got my ps2.. and the storylien blew me away.. the ending made me cry .

Nitz: if you could get a free console with 4 free games which console and games would you choose?
Seddy: ps3: assasin's creed. disgaea 3, valkyria chronicles, armored core: for answer

Nitz: what's your favourite gaming series? Why?
Seddy: final fantasy: the series pretty much laid the ground work for games all the way to this day.. you see any interview with cerators and most give some credit to the FF series

Nitz: who's your favourite gaming mascot? Why?
Seddy: don't really have one.. don't reallypay attention to them

Nitz: how long do you think you'll be at Gamerz Place?
Seddy: until i can no longer post and type

Nitz: what's your favourite movie? Why?
Seddy: the crow: i feel it changed my life.. the impact of teh movie made me realise that nothing in life is gauranteed.

Nitz: what's your favourite TV show? Why?
Seddy: dog the bounty hunter: i feel i learn alot from watching the show. dwayne "dog" chapman is kinda like my hero.

Nitz: who are your favourite actors and actresses? Why?
Seddy: hmm. keanu reeves: mainly because he had played some good roles. imark walberg would be another one as well. its how they both portray characters.

Nitz: what kind of music do you like and dislike? Why?
Seddy: i love all sorts of music. i am a musician myself. i use alot of influence. pulling in all sorts of styles.
i dislike country music an dchristain music: its too oen dimentional for me.

Nitz: what's your best gaming memory?
Seddy: when i beat mobile suit gindam: journey to jaburo

Nitz: what is your favourite and least favourite sport? Why?
Seddy: i love hockey, football and extreme sports. i run a biek company. an dhave played hockey in highschool. right now i launched a bike company hoping to make soemmoney as i get older in the sport.

Nitz: who are your favourite athletes?
Seddy: dave mirra, denis mccoy, matt hoffman, sidney crosby, hines ward

Nitz: What are your favourite sports teams?
Seddy: hockey: penguins and red wings, football: pittsburgh steelers, sandiego chargers

Nitz: what's the latest time you've ever been on Gamerz Place?
Seddy: 2 minutes ago

Nitz: What was the longest amount of consecutive hours have you been on Gamerz Place?
Seddy: i think it was 6 hours.. i was on vacation form work that week. did alot of

Nitz: what sport are you the best at?
Seddy: bmx

Nitz: Describe yourself
Seddy: creative

Nitz: Do you have any scars? If yes, from what?
Seddy: yes. form riding bmx, trails, doing tricks and missing.. paid dearly

Nitz: Have you ever been in a fight? If yes, explain the situation.
Seddy: when i was younger.. now that i am older.. fighting isn't worth it.

Nitz: If you could change 1 thing at Gamerz-Place, what would it be?
Seddy: hmm.. change the idling on teh shoutbox.. you go idle too fast

Nitz: What's your favourite song and why?
Seddy: hmm way too many to choose form.

Nitz: What famous person would you like to have sex with?
Seddy: shelly martiniez.. aka. salenas she used to be ariel in wwe/ecw and was salenas in tna.. she is hot!!!!

Nitz: How many games do you own?
Seddy: 57

Nitz: Where would your dream vacation take place?
Seddy: hawaii

Nitz: What would be the perfect women for you? Describe personallity, looks etc.
Seddy: i liek skater chicks.. ones that are cool. don't get pissed over the stupidest things..

Nitz: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Seddy: still pursuing that goal. to be a cartoonist

Nitz: How did you get your screename? (Forum and Instant Messaging)
Seddy: its a knick name to my last name

Nitz: What do you do when your not on the forums?
Seddy: ride my bike. play music, draw..

Nitz: What made you such a big BMX fan?
Seddy: matt hoffman.. me and my friend in 1992 seeing him do sttunts.. we both said we anted to be like that.

Nitz: How many BMX's do you own?
Seddy: 2, a hoffman condor 9main bike) s&m classic dirt. soon to be building a cruiser for downhill.

Nitz: How do you know so much about BMX's?
Seddy: been involved in the sport for 15 years

Nitz: I'm going to name a few people from the forum and you tell me what you think of them. Be honest, and it's ok to flame.

Nitz: Daesy
Seddy: love her to death.. a great gal..

Nitz: The Gamer
Seddy: cool. don't really know him/her

Nitz: Cruentus
Seddy: my brotha.. he is youger, but me and him have some great convo's he is a smart person.

Nitz: Nitz
Seddy: my ****a' totally cool person.. very personable. exactly what a forum needs in a leader.

Nitz: The Miz
Seddy: decent person.. don't really know 'em

Nitz: The Legendary Saviour
Seddy: calls me out on my typo's got alot of respect for him

Nitz: Kitten
Seddy: gorgeous gal.. nice girl.. and has a bright future

Nitz: Uzumaki Naruto
Seddy: cool.. got no issues with..

Nitz: IBeatSephiroth
Seddy: i'd say as i post more and hang out more at Gamerz-Place, she'd be liek my littel sister that i never had.

Nitz: I'm going to name a few people NOT on our forum and you tell me what you think of them. Be honest, and it's ok to flame.

Nitz: Barrack Obama
Seddy: got my vote

Nitz: John McCain
Seddy: is out of touch with teh younger generation

Nitz: Britney Spears
Seddy: getting back on track

Nitz: Epica
Seddy: if simmone simmons wasn't dating the keyboardist from kamelot, i'd totally want to get with her.

Nitz: Sidney Crosby
Seddy: helped save hockey in pittsburgh

Nitz: Kobe Bryant
Seddy: one step under michael jordan

Nitz: Bill Gates
Seddy: genius

Nitz: Hitler
Seddy: dead and deserves to be

Nitz: If you could say one last thing in this interview, what would it be?
Seddy: this was long as all hell.but a good experience.. i hope Gamerz-Place continues to grow and i hope we become a number 1 forum.. be better than GZ|E (now gone) and FF forums.

Thanks so much Seddy, for taking part in this interview.
Appreciate it!

EDIT: Some questions were missed, so here are the rest!

Nitz: what are you good at?
Seddy: drawing and creating

Nitz: who are your favourite posters at Gamerz Place? And Why?
Seddy: i don't have a favorite. but i find .:kaos:. and daesey are really cool. i know .:kaos:. personally.

Nitz: Who are your least favourite members and why?
Seddy: i don't have any..

Nitz: what game are you most excited for?
Seddy:hmm. persona 4.

Nitz: What's the next game that you'll buy?
Seddy: persona 4

Nitz: If you could play 1 game that you never got a chance to play, what would it be?
Seddy: hmm.. disgaea: hour of darkness.

Nitz: What videogame series would you like to be revived?
Seddy: kingdom hearts.. too many rumors yet nothing is coming out yet

Nitz: how was summer?
Seddy: good. did alot of riding and promoting classic bmx

Nitz: How were your marks at the end of school?
Seddy: when i was in school. in highschool i graduated with honors. in community college i graduated with honors, adn in art school i had high honors

Nitz: How is school going?
Seddy: done..been done since dec. 2004

Nitz: how's life?
Seddy: its alright.. could be better

Nitz: how's the family ?
Seddy: ummm good.. parenst are good

Nitz: Who are your favourite and least favourite developers? Why?
Seddy: favorite is square-enix , atlus, and rockstar. their games are put together well. and have good storylines. i really have no one i don't like

Nitz: what's your favourite and least favourite genre for games? Why?
Seddy: i like rpg's and fighters alot. those games let me be really creative with my characters, leat fave: simulations. they are often not what they are hyped up for.. and often repetitive.

Nitz: any plans on having a family?
Seddy: yes

Nitz: What do you do in your spare time ?
Seddy: draw, and relax

Nitz: Do you have any nicknames? If yes, what does it mean and how did you get it?
Seddy: i am known as seddy, thast pretty much it

Nitz: What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
Seddy: hmmm. too many toname

Nitz: What's the worst thing you've ever done?
Seddy: paid one of my friends to call teh cops on my couisn who stole a car.

Nitz: If you could meet 5 forumers in real life, who would it be?
Seddy: nitz, cruentus, daesy, kitten, E.V.

Nitz: What was the worse amount of trouble you were ever in? What were the consequences?
Seddy: hmm. never been arrested, i got away with alot fo stuff (knock on wood) i dunno really.

Nitz: If you could become better at any game what you are currently not so good at what game would it be?
Seddy: persona 3

Nitz: Are you in any relationships right now? Have you ever? If no, do you have your eye on someone? If yes, what do they look like?
Seddy: i am not in a relationship. i am talking to someone though. get into detail if things keep going well.
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