In the modern day Tokyo Japan, the police department is taking a beating from the Yakuza and other Crime lords of the city. So the goverment introduced a drug from China that would make a super soldier. The drug Gen-X had the power to make a human not feel pain. It also help one to be able to have super strength, and have acute hearing and seeing. But there are also side effects. A human can still be injured and killed. Also that include Pyschotic tendancies, Insanity, and homocide. But the vollunteers do not know that. And Commander Hasumoto, who is taking the lead in this squad called the L.R. (Last Resort) squad has plans and ambitions of his own.
No god modding
No power playing
Romance is allowed but keep it from being soppy
Most importantly have fun!
This is a reality RP. Keep it real. Thanks!
Race: (Cultural background)
Years in the police department:
Mental condition: (Sane, In between, Borderline Insanity)
Note: We start at the police station signing up to take the drug.
---------------------------Double Post---------------------------
Name: Tyley Vendega
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Years in the police department: 3 years
Mental condition: Sane
Weapon: 2 Mausers, and two knives.
Personallity: Tyley is serious and takes her job seriously. She doesnt have any friends and her work is her life. She hasn't spoken to her family in a couple of years and that hurts her
Bio: Tyley's parents divorced when she was 12. Her mother remmarried when she was 13 to Takoshi Tokamata. They moved to Tokyo. She got into some trouble hanging with the Yakuza and when she was 16 and she spent some time in jail. Afterwards she got interested into police work, and at 18 she became a police officer. She is now vollunteering for the Gen-X drug.
In the modern day Tokyo Japan, the police department is taking a beating from the Yakuza and other Crime lords of the city. So the goverment introduced a drug from China that would make a super soldier. The drug Gen-X had the power to make a human not feel pain. It also help one to be able to have super strength, and have acute hearing and seeing. But there are also side effects. A human can still be injured and killed. Also that include Pyschotic tendancies, Insanity, and homocide. But the vollunteers do not know that. And Commander Hasumoto, who is taking the lead in this squad called the L.R. (Last Resort) squad has plans and ambitions of his own.
No god modding
No power playing
Romance is allowed but keep it from being soppy
Most importantly have fun!
This is a reality RP. Keep it real. Thanks!
Race: (Cultural background)
Years in the police department:
Mental condition: (Sane, In between, Borderline Insanity)
Note: We start at the police station signing up to take the drug.
---------------------------Double Post---------------------------
Name: Tyley Vendega
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Years in the police department: 3 years
Mental condition: Sane
Weapon: 2 Mausers, and two knives.
Personallity: Tyley is serious and takes her job seriously. She doesnt have any friends and her work is her life. She hasn't spoken to her family in a couple of years and that hurts her
Bio: Tyley's parents divorced when she was 12. Her mother remmarried when she was 13 to Takoshi Tokamata. They moved to Tokyo. She got into some trouble hanging with the Yakuza and when she was 16 and she spent some time in jail. Afterwards she got interested into police work, and at 18 she became a police officer. She is now vollunteering for the Gen-X drug.
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