Just another poem

Lord Defience

New member
May 12, 2006
S. Yorkshire- UK
Heh, I got bored, and well, other things flowing through my head, and I came up with a quite basic poem. I got so bored, I just had to post, agsint my will, too lmao. Well here it is. Enjoy/hate.

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies

It all happened in a single day
That you an' I got castaway
but in a fashion, fault was concurred
One that I couldn't understand, it was all too absurd.

Line after line, after line
Word after word, after word
Your speech only laid down the glass; where is the wine?
The days with you; my voice was never heard.

Incomplete, scarred and battered
My love for you was mauled and scattered
The day after yesterday, oh it hit me hard
A lie that you told has left my heart scared
Then again, it did seem all too strange
That I couldn't be comfy with you and your range
Maybe something deep down told me the end
But even if it did, my heart it cannot mend

Sleeping in a cauldren; rain storming down
My face, a mirror of the weather, the longest frown
WHole I once was, but dead on this day
I guess that being with you made myself pay

Your worse than a hooker, taking price for my love
And if you can hear my words, now that you're up above
WHy not tell me all to tell?
Why did my world go down to Hell?

Falling, torn and wrattled
My love for you fought and battled,
but yet I still lost, was my love all too weak?
Or is it because you would never let me speak?
One too many questions; I need the answers
Because it hurts when my body bares this many cancers
All in all was I just a pawn?
I don't know, I never will, I guess my end has been drawn

With you I was shaped
But now it's escaped
The pain on my shoulders, burning
You came, loved, lied; nothing concerning?

Time after time, after time
second after second, after second
I felt we were together, our love that shines
The call from me has just hopelessly beckoned

Bruised, ruptured, destroyed
My love for you has always been void
As much as you hide it, I knew
It came from the all the tantroms you threw
Broken I am, But now that I know
I laugh aout loud, but i lust for you so
But yet I am happy that you met your demise,
Because real eyes realize real lies.