The story surrounds a 13 year-old Kakashi Hatake, who embarks on a mission with his team, which includes another boy named Obito Uchiha, from the same clan as Sasuke Uchiha, a medic kunoichi named Rin, and their teacher, the future Fourth Hokage (from here on referred to as the Fourth for simplicity). They were first seen in the team portrait from flashbacks at the conclusion of the Chunin Exam arc.
This arc answers many questions about Kakashi's past. It is learned how Kakashi receives his Sharingan, the identity of Obito, and when Kakashi became a Jonin. It also gives a first glimpse of who the Fourth was, when he was still alive.
Kakashi's Sensei, the future Fourth Hokage.At a meeting to hear their new mission, Kakashi receives gifts for advancement to Jonin from his teammate Rin and his Jonin sensei, the future Fourth Hokage. His other teammate, Obito, has forgotten a gift and becomes annoyed at Kakashi. Kakashi dismisses Obito as useless but Obito says once he awakens his Sharingan he will surpass Kakashi. The Fourth tells his team their mission: they must travel through the Grass Country in the midst of a conflict between the Hidden Rock and Hidden Leaf villages to destroy a bridge. Along the way, the Konoha ninja notice that they are being watched from the trees by a ninja from Hidden Rock. Kakashi sees this as a good time to use his new jutsu: the Chidori.
Kakashi bolts away to attack their hidden foe. Faced with the Bunshin clone-defense, Kakashi is unable to determine the location of the real ninja, striking the harmless clones, rendering his attack useless. The Rock-nin uses the mayhem to attack a defenseless Obito, but the Fourth rescues him from harm. Meanwhile, Kakashi, still using his chidori, remains incapable of seeing through the Rock-nin's bunshin and is, in turn, attacked by the real shinobi who buries his katana deep into Kakashi's right shoulder, narrowly escaping death with a timely diving tackle by the Fourth. Assured of the team's well-being, having transported them a safe distance away, and leaving Rin to care for Kakashi's wound, the Fourth instantly transports behind their distraught and distracted foe using his Flying Thunder God Technique. The Rock-nin is shocked to have faced "Konoha's Yellow Flash" and fallen to him so easily.
The Fourth returns to find the team at each others' throats, with Kakashi calling Obito a coward for freezing up on the battle field. After some constructive criticism, The Fourth decides that rest is in order. Disturbed by the day's events and Kakashi's abrasive behavior, Obito is unable to sleep and seeks out the Fourth to ask him why Kakashi acts the way he does. The Fourth tells him of how Kakashi's legendary father, Sakumo Hatake (also known as Konoha's White Fang), killed himself after the village looked down on him for rescuing his teammates rather than completing his mission.
Kakashi's other teammate, Rin.After Rin uses her abilities to heal Kakashi's wounds, the Fourth tells the team that they have to split up: the Fourth heading off alone, leaving the group to be led by Kakashi. Kakashi then leads his team further into Rock territory to accomplish their objective. Two Rock-nin appear and ambush the trio; they manage to capture Rin and flee. Obito tells Kakashi he is going after Rin but Kakashi, as the team leader, decides that they should complete their mission. Obito yells at Kakashi telling him his father was a true hero when he decided to protect his friends. Obito then goes off on his own to save Rin.
Obito Uchiha with the Sharingan.The Fourth arrives to help the outnumbered Leaf-nin in battle by using his Hiraishin no Jutsu to decimate the opposing army. Elsewhere in the Land of Grass, Obito's words press heavily upon Kakashi's conscience, while Obito, himself, finds where the Rock-nin are hiding Rin. But as Obito plots his plan of action, the Rock-nin--having observed Obito's entrance--sneak behind Obito using an invisibility jutsu. Yet before the Rock-nin is able to strike Obito, Kakashi arrives, successfully deflecting the fatal blow, but does not escape unscathed himself, receiving a blinding slash across his left eye in the process. Obito is scared and begins to cry, eventually focusing so that he can finally activate his Sharingan. Using it, he is now able to see his invisible attacker and kill him.
Kakashi bandages his eye and the two Leaf-nin approach a cave to save the weakening Rin from the remaining Rock ninja. Using their skills, they strike the Rock-nin and save Rin. However, the battle had weakened the cave and, in a last ditch effort to destroy the young shinobi, the Rock-nin uses the special skill Earth Release: Rock Lodging Destruction, causing the cave to crumble in upon itself. With rocks falling in around the Konoha ninja, Obito throws Kakashi out of the way of a falling rock trapping himself in stead, crushing the entire right side of his body. Mortally wounded and knowing his life is over, Obito tells Rin to remove his remaining eye and offer it--along with the Sharingan capability--to Kakashi as a belated present and final gift to Kakashi for being promoted to Jonin. Obito tells Kakashi he is a great ninja and that he can become Kakashi's eye and help them all live on. A short time passes and Kakashi emerges from the rubble a holder of the Sharingan.
Kakashi with Obito's Sharingan.When Kakashi emerges he strikes out against the Rock-nin and manages to kill him using his fully perfected Chidori. More Rock-nin arrive and cause a further cave-in, forcing Rin and Kakashi to leave Obito behind as the rubble envelops him. Angered, Kakashi goes to fight his opponents but passes out from a lack of chakra. Rin uses the Fourth's gift to Kakashi, a special Hiraishin kunai, to bring the Hokage to their location to save them. Kakashi awakens to find their enemies defeated. The Fourth apologizes for not getting there more quickly. The remaining team members cherish their memories of Obito and go on to destroy the bridge.
the future Fourth Hokage students
2.Obito Uchiha
3.Kakashi Hatake
This arc answers many questions about Kakashi's past. It is learned how Kakashi receives his Sharingan, the identity of Obito, and when Kakashi became a Jonin. It also gives a first glimpse of who the Fourth was, when he was still alive.
Kakashi's Sensei, the future Fourth Hokage.At a meeting to hear their new mission, Kakashi receives gifts for advancement to Jonin from his teammate Rin and his Jonin sensei, the future Fourth Hokage. His other teammate, Obito, has forgotten a gift and becomes annoyed at Kakashi. Kakashi dismisses Obito as useless but Obito says once he awakens his Sharingan he will surpass Kakashi. The Fourth tells his team their mission: they must travel through the Grass Country in the midst of a conflict between the Hidden Rock and Hidden Leaf villages to destroy a bridge. Along the way, the Konoha ninja notice that they are being watched from the trees by a ninja from Hidden Rock. Kakashi sees this as a good time to use his new jutsu: the Chidori.
Kakashi bolts away to attack their hidden foe. Faced with the Bunshin clone-defense, Kakashi is unable to determine the location of the real ninja, striking the harmless clones, rendering his attack useless. The Rock-nin uses the mayhem to attack a defenseless Obito, but the Fourth rescues him from harm. Meanwhile, Kakashi, still using his chidori, remains incapable of seeing through the Rock-nin's bunshin and is, in turn, attacked by the real shinobi who buries his katana deep into Kakashi's right shoulder, narrowly escaping death with a timely diving tackle by the Fourth. Assured of the team's well-being, having transported them a safe distance away, and leaving Rin to care for Kakashi's wound, the Fourth instantly transports behind their distraught and distracted foe using his Flying Thunder God Technique. The Rock-nin is shocked to have faced "Konoha's Yellow Flash" and fallen to him so easily.
The Fourth returns to find the team at each others' throats, with Kakashi calling Obito a coward for freezing up on the battle field. After some constructive criticism, The Fourth decides that rest is in order. Disturbed by the day's events and Kakashi's abrasive behavior, Obito is unable to sleep and seeks out the Fourth to ask him why Kakashi acts the way he does. The Fourth tells him of how Kakashi's legendary father, Sakumo Hatake (also known as Konoha's White Fang), killed himself after the village looked down on him for rescuing his teammates rather than completing his mission.
Kakashi's other teammate, Rin.After Rin uses her abilities to heal Kakashi's wounds, the Fourth tells the team that they have to split up: the Fourth heading off alone, leaving the group to be led by Kakashi. Kakashi then leads his team further into Rock territory to accomplish their objective. Two Rock-nin appear and ambush the trio; they manage to capture Rin and flee. Obito tells Kakashi he is going after Rin but Kakashi, as the team leader, decides that they should complete their mission. Obito yells at Kakashi telling him his father was a true hero when he decided to protect his friends. Obito then goes off on his own to save Rin.
Obito Uchiha with the Sharingan.The Fourth arrives to help the outnumbered Leaf-nin in battle by using his Hiraishin no Jutsu to decimate the opposing army. Elsewhere in the Land of Grass, Obito's words press heavily upon Kakashi's conscience, while Obito, himself, finds where the Rock-nin are hiding Rin. But as Obito plots his plan of action, the Rock-nin--having observed Obito's entrance--sneak behind Obito using an invisibility jutsu. Yet before the Rock-nin is able to strike Obito, Kakashi arrives, successfully deflecting the fatal blow, but does not escape unscathed himself, receiving a blinding slash across his left eye in the process. Obito is scared and begins to cry, eventually focusing so that he can finally activate his Sharingan. Using it, he is now able to see his invisible attacker and kill him.
Kakashi bandages his eye and the two Leaf-nin approach a cave to save the weakening Rin from the remaining Rock ninja. Using their skills, they strike the Rock-nin and save Rin. However, the battle had weakened the cave and, in a last ditch effort to destroy the young shinobi, the Rock-nin uses the special skill Earth Release: Rock Lodging Destruction, causing the cave to crumble in upon itself. With rocks falling in around the Konoha ninja, Obito throws Kakashi out of the way of a falling rock trapping himself in stead, crushing the entire right side of his body. Mortally wounded and knowing his life is over, Obito tells Rin to remove his remaining eye and offer it--along with the Sharingan capability--to Kakashi as a belated present and final gift to Kakashi for being promoted to Jonin. Obito tells Kakashi he is a great ninja and that he can become Kakashi's eye and help them all live on. A short time passes and Kakashi emerges from the rubble a holder of the Sharingan.
Kakashi with Obito's Sharingan.When Kakashi emerges he strikes out against the Rock-nin and manages to kill him using his fully perfected Chidori. More Rock-nin arrive and cause a further cave-in, forcing Rin and Kakashi to leave Obito behind as the rubble envelops him. Angered, Kakashi goes to fight his opponents but passes out from a lack of chakra. Rin uses the Fourth's gift to Kakashi, a special Hiraishin kunai, to bring the Hokage to their location to save them. Kakashi awakens to find their enemies defeated. The Fourth apologizes for not getting there more quickly. The remaining team members cherish their memories of Obito and go on to destroy the bridge.
the future Fourth Hokage students
2.Obito Uchiha
3.Kakashi Hatake