Kingdom Hearts 3: Dark Nothings


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
3 years ago, a branch of the Organization, lead by Xenmas, had been ordered to begin development of a grand weapon to make all members of the Organization complete and whole. He was ordered to make Kingdom Hearts. Xenmas's research lead him to the answer and soon he was collecting the proper materials to complete his Kingdom Hearts. But, he attracted the attention of a 15-year-old boy. This boy was a legendary Keyblade master. He worked constantly to dismantle the Organization. Finally, after wiping out Xenmas, he gave up. He had stopped at defeating only 13 members. The Organization assumed that the boy had thought that was all there was.

Armed with Xenmas's studies, the remaining twenty-one members of the Organization set out to complete the mission of restoring their hearts. They worked tirelessly to restore the lost Kingdom Hearts that Xenmas so selfishly destroyed. Many of the members had been scattered across the worlds in their research. They were called back. Some returned to posts at Castle Oblivion, while others returned to clean up the scum inhabiting their secondary base in The World That Never Was.

Sora, meanwhile was in a state of shock. He was no longer the only Keyblade master. Instead, Keyblades were a common weapon. He had to visit places such as Traverse Town and Radiant Garden to attend "academies" where he taught many young hopefuls how to use their Keyblades. He was aided by Kairi, Riku, and the King in this mission, but it was still most overwhelming. Little did the people of these worlds know that a new darkness was about to befall them.

As gummi ships surround Traverse Town, the locals look to the sky. It is obvious what these gummi ships are. They are an evil that had been banished from Traverse Town 3 years earlier. But, these gummi ships were different from the ones before. They were huge. It appeared to be a massive wave of attack from the skies. An invasion that had never been coordinated before. The Heartless were invading Traverse Town with stronger and smarter subordinates.

1. No god modding.
2. Don't ignore anyone.
3. Be literate.
4. If you are going to kill another RPer, both need to PM me saying it is alright.
5. You are allowed to pick a character from the original games.
6. You CANNOT choose anyone from the game who has already been destroyed.
7. Romance is ok. Keep it PG-13. That goes for language too. Don't use excessive swear words.

Name: (If you are in the Org, remember to anagram your name.)
Form: (Complete, Heartless, Nobody. Organization Members must be nobodies.)
Prefered Element: (Can choose none)
Weapon: (Due to Xigbar's use of lasers, guns are allowed.)
Alignment: (Organization, Keybladers, ect.)
Starting World: (Where you are when you enter the RP.)
Bio: (I sometimes find making this up annoying, so I'm making this optional.)
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
I had to find a way to allow multiple keybladers and stay as true to the story as possible, Yevon. Star Wars wasn't even in my mind.

Name: Joxis
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Form: Nobody
Prefered Element: None
Appearance: The boy in this pic.
Weapon: Cleathed Bandage. (A sword that is never used. It houses many bandages that are Joxis's real weapons.)
Alignment: Organization
Starting World: Traverse Town
Bio: I'm taking the option out. This makes sense for an Org member since they have no memories of their true selves.


One Name. One Legend.
May 3, 2006
Rings of Naglifar
Finally, a decent RP. One which I can understand and have a basic background. I applaud you. =P

Name: Azh Ryogo

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Form: Heartless, yet takes the form of a teenager.

Element: Wind

Facial / Body: His face resembles that of a human, only with clear grey pupils in his eyes. The fare color hair that sags down on his head resembles a sort of mop feel to it. The left and right ears are slightly elongated, giving them a pointy tip extending backwards into the receding hair. Underneath his left eyes is a black tattoo. It first goes from the inner brim of the nose to the out edge of the eye, then drops down into the middle of his cheek. Etched onto his hands is small rune like symbols, glowing and changing colors upon what he touches. Each resembling entwined circles.

Clothing: Wearing a silver tunic made from the finest silk the Naglifarian world could find, the trimmed edges are laced with black cloth. The middle breast area has a small crest of his ancient Naglifarian race, one that looks like an altered gamma sign. The embroidered crest is made with black cloth, the same as the edges. His sheath for his requiem goes horizontal underneath the back flap of his tunic. His torso down to his legs contains black traveling pants made of the same black cloth, giving him excellent movement and agility. Underneath the cloth exterior, he wears dragon skin chain mail for the added protection against weaponry and long range artillery. His lower thigh area contains small thigh guards and his shins have thick enhanced plating. On his feet are winged boots that are enhanced with the same dragon skin armor as his chest.

Name: Requiem
Description of Weapon:
~Properties: Indestructible, light as a feather, and impervious to telekinesis, magnetism and anything of the sort. If anyone apart from Azh was to hold the weapon, tremendous amounts of sheer pain surge almost instantly throughout the body, and excessive physical contact could prove fatal. Because of this property, the blade is incredibly dangerous in combat, because if it strikes the bare flesh of an opponent, the same amounts of sheer pain pass through their body for as long as the blade remains in contact with the flesh.

~Description: The Long sword known as Requiem is said to possess the fury of the gods. The bottom of the hilt is shaped like a thick, blunt arrow-head, and the hilt itself is wrapped in blue fabric. The blade itself is brilliant silver, with a jagged carving extending from the hilt to approximately the middle of the blade, ending in a sharp point etched into the metal.

Name: Fighting Style (Shikinara)
Description of Weapon:
~Properties: Preferring to much rather use his fist than Requiem, Azh can make the once seemingly harmless fist into an intensified weapon. Training under many masters in his life, his techniques can be close to perfection. The etched symbols on his hands that change color make it so that when called upon, his fist can turn into different elements. Because of this ability, his fist can seem to hurt those that are immune to physical attacks, giving him the edge in light handed strikes.

~Description: The preferred style is that of his own creation, the Shikinara. Basing his attacks solely on light speed punches and hits, then returning into his stance for a defense counter. This style proves to be excessive to wear the opponent down before withdrawing his long sword.

Alignmeyn: Heartless
Starting World: Hovering above Traverse Town.
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New member
May 2, 2006
Okayama at the moment
Name: Keith
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Weapon: Dual Lionheart Gunblades
Abilities: All of Cloud and Squall's Limit Break abilities, Ars Arcanum, Ragnarok, Strike-Raid, Sonic Blade, Flame-Shot, Shard-Shot, Bolt-Shot, Flame-Burst, Shard-Burst, Bolt-Burst, Immolation, Elemental Strike
Prefered Element: Fire
Personality: Quiet, cold, strong-hearted, strong-minded, strong-willed, extremely mysterious, almost seems as if he has no emotion
Add a very dark grey cape around his neck.
Form: Complete
Alignment: Unknown
Starting World: Traverse Town
Bio: His world was consumed by the Heartless when he was just old enough to remember (around 4 yrs old). He ended up in Traverse Town and found Leon. Leon trained him for two years, taught him his most advanced techniques and gave him two gunblades. He met Cloud a few years later and was defeated miserably by him. He trained under Cloud for three more harsh years and eventually became almost as strong. After their last battle, Keith just barely lost. As a result of his progress, Cloud taught Keith his most powerful attacks. Keith thanked him and went back on his way. He's been appearing and disappearing in different worlds ever since, seeming to become stronger everytime he arrives on a different world. No one knows his true intentions.
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Heavenly Damnation

New member
Apr 22, 2006
In your iMAGiNATiON.
I will join, later. Sounds great! My template will be up soon. :D

Name: Sarina Sar-ree-nah
Nickname: Rina
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Form: Nobody.
Prefered Element: Lightning.


Name- Storm's Light
Alignment: Unknown.
Starting World: Traverse Town.
Personality: Rino is very outgoing, mischeivious, determined, and unpredictable. More to come....
Bio: I may have one...
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New member
May 29, 2006
Name: Vergil
Gender: male
Age: 16
Form: Complete
Preferred element: Darkness

Alignment: Unknown
Starting location: Traverse Town

Vergil wasn't always the way he is now. Those who had known him say that he was once a cheerful and outgoing young boy. At 12 years old though, Vergil witnessed a horrible scene: his brother being consumed by Heartless. He was never the same afterwards; some say his lust for revenge awakened the sleeping darkness in his heart, and changed his personality. As a side effect of the awakened darkness, he gained access to power he never had before. Despite his affinity with darkness, he fights the Heartless monsters in memory of his brother, and has vowed to purge all worlds of them. And this goal is what led him to Traverse town.

Aside from this, he is on an eternal quest for strength, and in the process met Cloud and Leon. While the two defeated him, he learned from the older swordsmen, and was soon considered their equal.
Weapon: He wields the Muramasa, a katana believed to be the sister blade of Sephiroth's Masamune.

Devil Trigger

This alright?
Name: Hoshi Aozora
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Form: Complete
Prefered Element: Thunder, Lighting.
Appearance: Click This.
Weapon: Oathkeeper looking keyblade, it looks more of a staff than a keyblade though.
Alignment: Keybladers
Starting World: The World That Never Was
Bio: Hoshi a high class witch in magical arts, she supposibly is the daughter of Ansem The Wise and she seems to have a loving, strong passion for machinary and researching. After mastering the basics of magic defense and offense she fancied the studies about the Keyblade, she learned how to use it, though for something like that did not come that easy to her. She is also one of Donald duck and Yensid's most successful students in magical arts. After her graduation from the Magical Arts Academy and training sessions at Disney Castle, she had heard that Radiant Garden was seeking her for help. She had then immediantly rushed off towards Radiant Garden to help those who seeked her guidance, help, and knowledge.

On her journey she had dreadfully by a twist of bad luck ran into some members that were apart of the Organization. They blocked her from ever stepping or placing one footstep on Radiant Garden. Her whereabouts are currently unknown but from what King Mickey said "The Organization must of tooken her to their base or to The World That Never Was." so that must be where she is being held captive.

The reason for The Organization kidnapping her for is unknown currently, all that was found in her Gummi ship was a folder which contained personal files of her past and relations to them which must remain confidental in the name of Ansem the Wise himself. Hopefully along the journey her past will be revealed, but what could be so horrible and terrifying about her past that made her file so confidential?
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New member
Apr 19, 2006
Name: Rhale
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Form: Complete... A crossing between Light and Darkness.
Prefered Element: Darkness and Light
Appearance: Much like Xemnas's Robe. He was wearing an organazation cloak with black and white checkers sorrounding it.
Weapon: Keyblade Double, In the form of a flame at the end with a square hilt with spikes sticking from the edges. (A fake Keyblade)
Alignment: Twilight
Starting World: The World that Never Was
Bio: He has forgotten his past, so there isn't much to write in the bio section.