Kingdom Hearts: Heartless/Nobody War


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
I decided to make a role play.

Story: It has been 10 years after the fall of Organization XIII and the Nobodies and Heartless are still fighting. They have claimed certain worlds to be their own and fought many battles to get there way. They both want to dominate the worlds and get to there ultimate goal...Kingdom Hearts.

Everybody will pick a side, either heartless or nobodies. We will start out that neither have any worlds just yet. Everyone's character will retain their human form. Ex: Heartless won't be the small, black, beady-eyed heartless, they will look more like Xehanort's Heartless. There are a bunch of worlds and as we go along each will be claimed.

1. No PP or GM
2.There needs to be a close to even amount of people on each side. We can't have 50 heartless and only 2 nobodies
3.THere can only be up to two battles going on at once. Like they can be fighting for traverse town and twilight town.
4.The rules pretty much are the same as the other role plays
5. You have to CREATE a character, just because sora is alive doesn't mean you can play as him
6.You have to be a Nobody or people!
7. If you wanna join later you are welcome

The template looks like this:
Special Skills:

My Character:
Name: Xi

Gender: Male

Side: Heartless


Element: Shadow

Appearance: His skin color is the same as Xehanort's heartless with a big heartless symbol in the middle of his chest. He has long red hair that moves like a flame when he gets angry. His eyes burn a flaming red. He wears exactly as Xehanort's Heartless wore.

History: Xi grew up in the shadows. As his father before him ruled with an iron fist over the poor defenseless town of Radiant Garden, he was ashamed at Xi. Little Xi had to hide in a keyhole. His only comfort, was a Behemoth who always stayed by his side. Although the room was colorful, it depressed him very much. Out there was a world no one has ever seen. Then, one day, Xi couldn't take it anymore. He tried to get out of his cramped room. Once he steped out, his father's Gate Guardian got him and took him to his father. His father was ver displease and banished him to a world called "End of the World". His father used this place for study and production of heartless. He took dragged him through his study and past the Chernabog's Mountain. He dragged him to the Final Rest and opened the door into the Endless Abyss. He then shattered the door to the final rest so that only by defeating heartless, you may enter. Xi stayed in darkness for a few months after that, until he saw a glimmer of light. He saw a door. A big door. He opened it and found two giant heartless lurking inside. Now Xi knew he was higher on the food chain than them, but he was so afraid. He tried his best to close the door but the heartless got out, followed by millions and millions of Shadows. Xi had seen them before and played with them, but this much was too scary. They flowed out the door and disappeared, inhabiting the worlds. Xi's father was proud of Xi more than anything, so he built him a big home in the endless abyss. It looked like a ship with a monsters head at the bow. It had secret portals all over it. It had a big ball in the center that looked like the stomach of the whole thing. It had sort of a cats head on it. THere were these little bushes all over the ship that sprouted out a blue energy beam. Xi was dissapointed he wasn't leaving, but glad he had a temperary home. As Xi got older, he bagan devising a way to get out of the Endless Abyss. He took the energy beams from the bushes and constructed a weapon, just incase. He looked everywhere, anywhere, a door or something that could get him out. He then remembered his fellow Shadow heartless how they are able to dissappear and then reappear in another place. He tried. He strained himself and then, he was back in the Final Rest. He looked through the door his father had shattered and saw a boy on the otherside. He had big yellow shoes and two sidekicks. THey were destroying all his heartless. And he knew who they were there for. his father. He teleported out of the final rest and ran. ran back home to hollow bastion, only to find the heartless nearly destroyed it. He ran into the castle and hid. His Behemoth heard him and came running, but he wasn't small anymore, he was huge. Gate Guardian was with his father and he hoped that they would be alright. He stayed there, and trained there until he thought he was ready, but by the time he thought he was ready, it was too late. Xi was devastated. He then remembered something his father had told him "My other half, Xemnas, will always be there for you, but watch out, he's a Nobody" He teleported to the Nobody world knowing that he could get killed, but Xemnas too was no more. It was at this time Xi, nearly a grown heartless now, decided he was on his own. He started walking home when he was ambushed by Nobodies. He tried to fight his way through but it was too hard. THey nearly killed him beffore his Behemoth could show up. It was from that day he vowed he would rid the worlds of nobodies. And for taking his father, Ansem (Xehanort's heartless), he vowed to take over the big footed kid's world.

Special Skills: can overshadow people, can walk through the ground like Shadows, and teleport. When he does such things, he turns coal black.


The Heartless will start in End of the World and Nobodies will start in The World That Never Was. Below are the worlds (in order) that will be taken over:

Travrse Town
Twilight Town
Land of Dragons
Olympus Coliseum
Beast's Castle
Halloween town
Port Royal
Pride Lands
Space Paranoids
Disney Castle
Hollow Bastion

And Finally:

Kingdom Hearts

Oh, and before we start, sry this is so long...
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Name: "Erebos" Daaku Irving

Gender: Male

Side: Nobodies

Weapon: Enigma blade- a weapon made out of hyperspace energy that Erebos generates with his own power.

Element: Psionic/hyperspasce tap

Appearance: Erebos has long dark purple hair that is streaked with black. His hair is spiky and appears to defy normal gravitational laws as it flows back and slightly up, but stays there. He has dark skin, but not really dark. His eyes are almost pitch black, but the left one has a green pupil. Erebos wears his own style of clothing that includes long black shorts, and white shoes. He also wears a double sash across his chest; on white the other black. There is also a rune on his chest and back. He also has facial tatoos, but their appearance is unknown because he masks them with psionic illusions"

History: Erebos originally came from the world known as Dark Fortress. It was a world that thrived on dark power and and linked directly to what is known as hyperspace a mysterious place within Dark Fortress. He had an okay life, but learned at a young age that he had tremendous power and could use hyperspace for any purpose. He used this power all the time and took over Dark Fortress. Of course like most people with power he didn't realize it was too late. Dark Fortress got sucked into the void of hyperspace and was lost.

Others would view this as a world going out. Of course before the world went out his heartless was released and was sent to Hollow Bastian......where it was killed. Erebos' nobody however kept its massive amounts of power and landed at The World That Never Was.................he's here for a purpose and is very well just wait and see.

Special Skills: He has the power to tap the extradimensional realm of hyperspace. This gives Erebos vast psionic power that includes weak telepathy, tremendous telekinetic powers, the ability to fire enormously powerful energy blasts, and the ability to rearrange the molecular structure of matter.(this used to include a cosmic scale, but weakened a lot........)

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
((sry if it's different, copying from Organization RP))

Name: Zanxai (Anzai)

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Rank: XVI

Side: Nobody

Weapon/Keyblade: Blades of Shadows brother swords, the second having a red blade
Appearance: wears an organization robe like the others, but his is half colored, white on one side, dark on the other. He wears his hood more than the others, keeping it on even when fighting. when it's off, he looks like this Zanzai
Personality: has a "Better than you" air about him, from the way he walks, to his difiance towards anyone. He doesn't say much, but will make himself be heard when need be. Anyone who has been unlucky enough to anger him has met a swift, but painful death.
Bio: N/A *I have a special way to revel it*
Abilities: The powers of Darkness and Light are at his command


Dark Aura (KH1 version): teleports around the battle field thrusting sword at opponent, this move is incredibly hard to stop.

Reflect: cast reflect to block oncoming range attacks (guess who I'm gonna pick to fight against.)

Ars Acanum(sp?): blades glow as a series of hits are dealt, causing more damage then normal

Dark Firaga: a sheering blast of dark flame is thrown at the enemy. Better as a ranged attack then up close.


Angels Light: suddenly sprouts wings while fighting, one white, one black. Wings can wrap around himself to heal and use as a shield. Wings can also be used to fly and reach higher areas. The bllack can be used for attacking with dark waves.

shadow's rage: Slashes air, causing the shadows to whirl into a twister. Depending on how much power is put into it, can be as tall as a person to as tall as a skyscraper.

Beast from within: summons one of Two dragons, either light or dark, to combat foe. Dragons have their own wills so they'll fight even after Zanxai is down. Dragons are the size of three story buildings.

Hyuuga Neji

New member
Apr 19, 2006
over there <^v>
Name: Zury
Gender: male
Side: heartless
Weapon: keyblade (it looks like the oblivion but splits into 2 keybladees if he's out numbered)
Element:wind and darkness
Appearance: he wears a white organization cloak and looks like riku but with black hair
History: not much of a past just remembers waking up a keyblade master. Other than that besides fighting random enemies heartless or nobodies (he fights both cause he doesn't know he's a heartless yet) knowing the sttrengths and weakneses of both heartles and nobodies.
Special Skills:
Glide- basically he has the glide ability (not fly, glide)
wind- he can use wind to temporaroly hold objects in the air
dark warp- can warp from place to place with a portal like riku and the nobodies
speed- simply put he is really fast (no not like so fast he's invisable just fast)he is a quick thinker and has reflexes faster than a cat
2000 blade slash- it combindes his super speed and his 2 keylades to preform, he rushes through his opponet at high speeds in a star formtion.
dark eyes- he sems to see everything as if he has eyes in the back of his head, being able to se a full 360 degrees around his head
magic- he can preform spells like firega areoga thundaga ect...


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
ooc: ok, lets start.

Xi looked around him. He saw his fellow heartless around him. His behemoth ran up behind him and picked him up on his back. "Alright guys," he said to Zury and Sync. "Our heartless have stalled us long enough. Its time we jump into battle. Apparently, the nobodies claim to take over Traverse Town, a heartless town. So, we will retaliate by taking over Twilight town, a nobody town. But first, we must head out to Traverse town to protect against the Nobody attacks. They will be outnumbered in numbers but numbers don't matter. I sent 1000 soldier heartless out to protect the city. Now we go." Xi's behemoth (who, by the way, he named Darkness) walked off to a hall of portals. "Alright men, you ready?"

Hyuuga Neji

New member
Apr 19, 2006
over there <^v>
ooc: the dual blade is the name of his keyblade
"what ever, i just like to fight" Zury makes his own protal and disappears into the darkness. "this portal thing gives me the creeps" Zury comes out of a portal in traverse town and starts taking out nobodies with his Duo blade. "ok... 2000 blade slash!" Zury splits his duo blade into two and runs through the nobodies in a star formation taking them out 6-by-6.

Neo Amon

God of Rage
Feb 12, 2007
In your soul
Helio walked through districts of Traverse Town randomly killing heartless with his Heaven Judgement as he kills a Defender he says "Where is he."

A big nobody carrying 2 swords rushes up to Helio and says "Sir we have a problem some strong heartless is here now and killing the nobodies."

Helio sighs and says "I guess I'll stall him while others withdraw back to Twlight Town that order now get it out." The big nobody says "Yes sir." and runs off to tell others.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
ooc: Heartless can't make portals UK........thats why we have that hall! And don't be so rebelious! And Neo Amon, just so you know, the only heartless actually fighting right now are soldier heartless.......there aren't any defenders out yet!

Xi sighed as Zury left. "That boy will be our downfall." he said to Sync. "Now tag along when your ready" he said as he walked into the portal to Traverse Town. He appeared in Traverse Town surrounded by a group of 5 nobodies. He jumped up and slashed at them all, killing each in a second's time. Darkness lifted him up and they started walking to the center of the town. The soldiers were battling their eyes out but there were a few dragoon and creeper nobodies that were airborn. Xi snapped his fingers and made about 100 air soldiers. They flew off and attacked the Nobodies. Some heartless were badly injured, so they started running to the center. "Blanc!" said Xi. A heartless appeared in front of him. "I want you to set up a medic center here. We only have so many heartless that they should be healed." "Aye sir!" said Blanc as he started to get to work. Xi snapped his fingers and made 25 defenders appear. He sent five to each doorway in the first district, that way, the medic center would be safe. Xi took Darkness and went into the third district. There were a few dusks so Xi hopped off of darkness and sent him to go stomp on all of them. Xi didn't need to worry because Darkness had a very long life line. A few seconds later, Darkness returned having killed all the dusks. Xi himself was working on a few Samuris. He finished them off with ease. Blanc then rushed through the door. Panting, he said, "The medic center is done, but we have reports that the nobody leaders are here now!" Xi thought for a moment then said, "The battle for the city is almost won. We stay, finish off the ones in the 2nd district, the alleyway, and the secret waterway, then we have the city once again! I'm sending some wyerns and wizards to those places now." Xi snapped his fingers as Blanc exited. The city was almost theirs once again!

Hyuuga Neji

New member
Apr 19, 2006
over there <^v>
ooc: i know they can't but Zury can cause befor he was a heartles he was like riku and could open portals

Zury stops moving and targets the last three nobodies he can see and takes them out by knocking one up into the air and using blizzard on it then finishes off the other 2 with a quick spin slash. "there, no more here to the next district." Kaze walks to the door to the second district.

Neo Amon

God of Rage
Feb 12, 2007
In your soul
Helio placed barrier on the First district door and starts to head off to the Second to halt off the heartless when 4 nobodies appear behind him and big one says "Sir we shall help you since we are the best under our group."

Helio looks at 4 and does a half smirk while saying "Okay you guard this area if I fail at holding them back." Helio walks off to Second district as group of Dragoon and Samuria rush in.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Darkness and Xi were running off to the second district. They entered through the big door to the third district. Darkness broke the door down and charged in. THere were some dusks low-level so darkness just stomped all over them while Xi went for the dragoons hovering above them. Xi then noticed 5 nobodies talking over by the door to the first district. This is a perfect opportunity for an ambush! thought Xi. "Catch up when you're ready" he said to Darkness. Xi started rushing quietly over to them. One of the 5 nobodies walked away from the group, surrounded by some dragoons and Samuris. Darkness came up from behind Xi and put him on his soldiers. Xi snapped his fingers and summoned a lot of shadows, red nocturnes, and invisibles. As the invisibles went invisible, Darkness, Xi, and the other heartless went over to the nobodies.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
There was a slash that rang through the air as ten heartless fell suddenly. There was no other warning as the rest of the soldier heartless in the third district were cut down. Landing on the rooftop of a building, Zanxai looked to the ground where the hearts were floating up into the sky and returning to the darkness. He then went walking to the second district, sword over his shoulder.

"Kingdom shall belong to the Nobodies...once and for all."

That was all he spoke as he jumped down, going for the others.
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Neo Amon

God of Rage
Feb 12, 2007
In your soul
Helio does half spin and throws his Heaven Judgement and cuts through charging heartless as he pulls out Hell Wrath and rushes at the giant group of heartless and cuts down the invisble behind him and catches his Heaven Judgement as it flies back to him.

Helio yells at nobodies "Get out of here now!" as he cuts down red nocturne and shoots of ball of light into group of shadows as they vanish.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Darkness jumped up on its hind legs and slammed down creating a sonic boom heading straight for the nobody. As the other nobodies fled, Xi jumped down from Darkness and snapped his fingers. That made 10,000 heartless appear. THe whole third district was filled and over flowing with them. Mostly they were Armored Knights and a few Pirates and PirateShips. "Leave our town" he said to the nobody. Then he walked backward and disappeared in the field of heartless as Darkness jumped up on top of a building and waited.

Neo Amon

God of Rage
Feb 12, 2007
In your soul
Helio leans onto his sword panting as more heartless appear and he says "Looks like I'll have to get serious." Helio forms two orbs of dark and light energy and makes a barrier that not even heartless can break and falls onto ground panting.

The giant nobodies grabs helio and yells "Everyone retreat back to Twilight Town for now." As he and all other nobodies vanish into dark portals.