Poem entry #3 "Insomniac"
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arkOrchid">A dark shroud, peirced by lances of light from my window.
They wash my walls and dance towards me, fading over my head.
The soft glow of the television set flickers in pattern.
I strain my eyes to see what time it is.
Three O' Four glares my watch, the light spreading in my squinted vision.
Twas it the java I drank at noon?
Or the light meal I ate post rest?
I flip my pillows to feel untainted cold comfort.
My eyes droop as if on strings attached to the floor,
but my mind, it stays sharp and alert, slightly disoriented.
I cease the television's power and stare at the ceiling,
hoping to feel that... 'tired' feeling.
A shadow moves out of the corner of my eye,
I shift my vision to look, only to see nothing.
Am I paranoid? Will the thoughts I bear in mind allow me to rest?
I feel like something needs to be done, yet all is at peace.
No misplaced items of personal value, no turmoil in the night.
All is at peace, all is right.
How do I sleep? I can't recall how I've done it...
I can count sheep until morning...
Or close my eyes until dawn.
Maybe I'll just lay here and wait.
Wait and yawn.</span>