I just want to share some of the settings and notes about reputation....
Number of Reputation Ratings to Display
Controls how many ratings to display in the user's control panel.
Set at 10
Administrator's Reputation Power
How many reputation points does an administrator give or take away with each click?Set to 0 to have administrators follow the same rules as everyone else.
Set at 0 to follow the same rules as everyone else.
Register Date Factor
For every X number of days, users gain 1 point of reputation-altering power.
Set at 365 currently, but I'd like to change this. A year seems too long.
Post Count Factor
For every X number of posts, users gain 1 point of reputation-altering power.
Set at 1000. Seems fair.
Reputation Point Factor
For every X points of reputation, users gain 1 point of reputation-altering power.
Set at 25.
Minimum Post Count
How many posts must a user have before his reputation hits count on others?
Set at 50. This means you must have 50 posts to add or remove points from someone's reputation!
Minimum Reputation Count
How much reputation must a user have before his reputation hits count on others?
Set at 1. If you have 0 reputation or a negative reputation, you can not give or take reputation!
Daily Reputation Clicks Limit
How many reputation clicks can a user give over each 24 hour period? Administrators are exempt from this limit.
Set at 3
Reputation User Spread
How many different users must you give reputation to before you can hit the same person again? Administrators are exempt from this limit.
Set at 1
You must give a reason for adding to someone's rep if the post does not make the reason obvious. For taking rep away, you must provide a reason no matter what. If there is no decent reason, the given/taken reputation will be canceled and the other member's rep will be restored to normal.
Number of Reputation Ratings to Display
Controls how many ratings to display in the user's control panel.
Set at 10
Administrator's Reputation Power
How many reputation points does an administrator give or take away with each click?Set to 0 to have administrators follow the same rules as everyone else.
Set at 0 to follow the same rules as everyone else.
Register Date Factor
For every X number of days, users gain 1 point of reputation-altering power.
Set at 365 currently, but I'd like to change this. A year seems too long.
Post Count Factor
For every X number of posts, users gain 1 point of reputation-altering power.
Set at 1000. Seems fair.
Reputation Point Factor
For every X points of reputation, users gain 1 point of reputation-altering power.
Set at 25.
Minimum Post Count
How many posts must a user have before his reputation hits count on others?
Set at 50. This means you must have 50 posts to add or remove points from someone's reputation!
Minimum Reputation Count
How much reputation must a user have before his reputation hits count on others?
Set at 1. If you have 0 reputation or a negative reputation, you can not give or take reputation!
Daily Reputation Clicks Limit
How many reputation clicks can a user give over each 24 hour period? Administrators are exempt from this limit.
Set at 3
Reputation User Spread
How many different users must you give reputation to before you can hit the same person again? Administrators are exempt from this limit.
Set at 1
You must give a reason for adding to someone's rep if the post does not make the reason obvious. For taking rep away, you must provide a reason no matter what. If there is no decent reason, the given/taken reputation will be canceled and the other member's rep will be restored to normal.