Novodorian Exodus

Endless Devoid

New member
May 30, 2006
On your front lawn dancing with the midgets in bat
Darkness, corruption, war, settlement, darkness, exile, evil, light, salvation, darkness, REVOLUTION. See a pattern here? This is a brief summation of the history of an ancient country, lost in the tales of time, and banished to the back of the mind. Who are they? Where did they come from? What happened to them? Questions that this tale shall answer. Life is linked, each moment threads to another. This story is all about the threads of life, and how each person helps to contribute to putting them all together.

"General Eranor, the royal guard is trying to break our embargo and shatter our naval barrier."
"Dispatch the K-19s. We'll see how strong the emperor's navy truly is."

The revolutionary forces had spent the past 3 months preparing for war on the empire by cutting off their supply routes. Needless to say the royal naval forces were making unsettling advancements. The new emperor had become obssesed with his power.

"Emperor Kama! Our burning missile assault is breaking down their lines!"
"Prepare for a K-19 assault." *Eranor, I know you all too well.*

The empire of Novod had thrived for hundreds of years, but the assassination of the previous emperor had sent the country into turmoil. The new emperor became obsessed with his ill-gained power and had transformed into a ruthless tyrannt. He treated the people like dirt, toyed with their lives, and made ridiculous commands upon his slightest whim. Eventually, his commanding general, Eranor, stirred rebellion and forced a revolutionary movment on Bora Island. Since then, they've been unable to do anything more than shut off the empire from their suppliers.

"My liege, news from the outlander rebels have reached my scouts. A union is to be suggested between us two."
"What warrants of this union? What do WE gain from such a pact?"
"My ears have heard word of an attack on us by the imperial forces. They seek precious land and resources that we hold."
"Why must the outlanders constantly include us in their squabbles? Why can't they just fight their war and leave us be?"
"Any message I should send to the rebels?"
"Yes, give them the message of partings and a reassurance of this union."

The desert people had lived in separation from the empire since the second age, when they were exiled. They were punished for acts of high treason against the emperor, impersonating senior officers, and attempted murder of their commanding general. Since then, a civilization had been built, made seperate from the empire. When the great flood came, it was two months from the outset of Lord Heda's reign, and all the people had fled to the highest mountain. Lord Heda, their ruler, was the last to attain the mountains peak, as he was aiding his people in their plight. Just as he climbed over the top, the first star of the night had begun to show, just behind the peak. So as he reached the peak, the mountain and the desert so wide, were named to remember this moment. And so became Heda desert, and the desert star.

By this point, it had been 20 turns, or 200 years, since the second age had ended, and the dawning of a bright future had emerged. The third age had brought riches, power, and wonder to Novod. A fabled king named Xenox had reigned during this era, since his return from lands far off. With him, he brought back riches, glory, magic, and power; and Novod became a thriving metropolis. Following the death of Xenox, many new leaders brought Novod to greater heights on the scale Xenox had set. But history repeats itself as new leaders become obssesed with their power, leading to the end of the third age, and the start of Novod's downfall. Only 9 turns, 90 years, later, comes the present, leading up to novod's first civil war since the country had been established thousands of years before. From there, you know the rest.

"My lord, Makra of Heda, accepts your offer, and gives you the message of partings, and may our next meeting be atop the desert star upon the setting of the sun, and the rising of the moon."

1) no g-moding, powerplaying, or DOUBLE POSTING!! >_<
2) cursing is cool, just keep it under control
3) BE LITERATE, I want to see how good these newbies are, no one is good without literacy and length, meaning no one liners
4) romance is allowed, pg-13 please
5) madeups are permitted
6) if you've read the rules, put "oath in the dark" at the end of your post.

We need people to fill the places of the following people
(note, if the position is not filled they will become playable by anyone)
Emperor Kama | must pm me to play as
Eranor | must pm me to play as
Lord Makra | must pm me to play as
Naman, makra's son
Kaga, Eranor's liutenant
Somba, revolution's scientist
Nemess, weapons and vehicles expert for revolution
Vecsa, the emperors new general
Vorsee, the emperors right hand man

Template for original characters:
Alignment: (Imperial, Revolutionary, Hedan)
Rank: (if in military)


New member
May 30, 2006
[I may double post, but I was going to make an RP T_T Taking all the places, but of course, I'm in...but wasn't Novad destroyed?] ;P