Peace In Many Forms


New member
May 31, 2006
Nowhere but everywhere.
Peace In Many Forms

Peace comes in many forms
The soft scent of a new day...
The silence of a dark night...
The feel of rain on your cheek...
The touch of soft sheets to your body...
The smell of a tasteful gingerbread candle...
The light chirp of crickets at dusk...
The taste of pure honey on your tongue...
The sight of the moon in the dark...
All of these bring tranquility to me
But the most peaceful time is when I can...
Touch your skin...
Smell your scent...
Hear your voice...
See your face...
And taste your lips...
Because peace comes in many different forms...

by Katsu
(It is supposed to make you think a bit about each thing involving one of the four senses, please tell me what you think. It was a different form of poetry for me.)