Prospects of Intelligence

Endless Devoid

New member
May 30, 2006
On your front lawn dancing with the midgets in bat
Mmmkay, let me say something right quick. People use the word intelligent very often do they not? It has become a household word, not quite the taboo it once was. I see this as a problem. Just like hate and love, intelligent expresses something on a higher level than many people can contrive. It is becoming watered down, paving the way for nothing more than a lowered expectation of the levels of intelligence people actually have.

Next topic being, smart and intelligent are two different things. They are tied together yes, but they are not the same. Smart, the way I see it, is things you know. What you've learned in your life, and the breadth of your knowledge. Intelligence is better described as the ABILITY to learn. Your ability to comprehend and understand these things you are attempting to 'smarten' yourself with.

Now I have a question for you, what IS intelligence? Is it nothing more than a completely abstract term used to describe mental capabilities? Or can it be written off by the physical competency of your brain, ie your fluid and crystalised intelligence. Is there some limitation to the prospects of intelligence that bind us to what can see before our eyes? OR is it the ability to reach into the expanse of the unknown, things we could otherwise never grasp? Useful as it seems, could it not as well have an adverse effect on our psychological development? I dont only mean this in saying that some people think too hard, even though that may also contirbute. I'm saying that in some; no, many; ways, a higher capacity for intelligence may hinder our grasp of less complicated ideas or concepts, thinking them to be inferior simply because they are not held at a standard you are accustomed to. It could also damper our memory, because of other activity constantly consuming our thoughts. (guilty:p)

To sum it all up, and in the simplest terms possible; what is intelligence?


New member
Jan 12, 2006
The Forum o.O
You basically answered your own question their. Our intelligence is basically just a word which we use to describe brain capacity BUT intelligence or being smart is genetic and these are just words which we've used to describe this. Another way of saying this is describe the color "Blue" without using the word. What i'm saying is that words can be interpreted in our own way sub-consciously which is why you think that being smart and intelligence are two totally different things, while another person beleive they are the same OR vice versa to your opinion. With all that i bring about the question what is language.

Sorry if that didn't make any sense i kinda confused myself and had a bit of a toke on the old magical dragon ;)


New member
Aug 11, 2006
Cloud said:
had a bit of a toke on the old magical dragon
And that is the opposite of intelligence. Killing brain cells.

There are many different forms of intelligent, and each of us is intelligent in their own way. However, there is no universaly excepted definition of 'intelligence', which renders IQ testing somewhat invalid and thus determining how intelligent someone is a problem.

Personally, I believe that intelligence is a combination of nature (innate) AND nuture (environment).