PS3 PS3 to get exclusive Mirror's Edge DLC?


New member
Jul 9, 2007
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Sony has dismissed reports Mirror's Edge will be a timed PS3 exclusive - but said there will be downloadable content available only via PlayStation Network.

Confusion arose last month after German site Heise Online quoted David Reeves as saying the new EA title will arrive on PS3 first.

EA has since denied the claim and now a Sony spokesperson has done the same, telling Eurogamer, "There was a misunderstanding in terms of the quote that Mirror's Edge is to be a timed exclusive on PS3."

So, the game will be released for PS3, PC and Xbox 360 on the same day - whenever that may be, as EA's still keeping quiet.

However, Sony did confirm that although Mirror's Edge is multi-platform, "PlayStation has an exclusive marketing agreement with EA regarding the title."

Plus, the spokesperson added, "Exclusive downloadable content will be offered on the PlayStation Network."

It's not yet clear what form this content will take, or whether Xbox 360 and PC owners will get their own exclusive goodies. In the meantime, you can find plenty of Mirror's Edge videos, screenshots and previews over on the gamepage.