Time to try and say goodbye

The True Keyblader

New member
Jun 4, 2006
I often think while I'm on my own..
About how things could have been different..
What would it be like now..
How things would be between us..
What would we be talking about..

I often think when on my own..
About the good times we shared..
About the times we had each other laughing..
And even crying..
From smiles and frowns..

I often think while on my own..
Would things be the same as how they are now..
Or not..
Would I be the one who kept you from doing the worse thing you could have ever done..
Would you make the effort to get to know my girlfriend..

I often think while on my own..
What if I never stood up to you..
Spoke my mind about how you have been acting..
Would we have still fallen out after a while longer..
Would it have been worse..

I often think when on my own..
That maybe you would not be doing what your doing..
Letting her control you..
Letting her get her claws deeper and deeper in you..

Maybe you would still be my friend..
Maybe you would be the person I care about..
Maybe you would be the one I would protect..
Maybe If I did not speak my mind to you that day..
Maybe Then you and me would still be friends..

Then maybe I would not feel Ive lost someone so important to me..
But you burnt your bridges with me..
So each day I'm moving on each day..
Not missing you as my friend!

Time to try and say GOODBYE