Top 10 overrated/underrated bands from my generation


New member
Jun 7, 2006
Edmonton, Alberta.
List the top 10 most overrated bands and underrated bands from your generation in your opinion stating a reason is also optional. Feel free to counter or disagree with me and I will shove your 2 cents right back at you in a civilized manner. So constructive disagreement is more then welcome just remember, cooler heads prevail.

Lets go. Here's my list.

Most overrated.

1. Linkin Park - Whatever people say about them, how great they are, how their lyrics relate to them or whatever. All I've got to say is, it's music that can appeal people up to about the age of 13, yet people 30 like them. It really makes me wonder, are people really that easily amused these days? What a bunch of overrated ****ty half-fast musicians. Meteora itself was so awful that you can listen to the first half of the first song on the album and know that it's gonna be a sign of ****tyness to come.

2. Fall Out Boy - Oh. My. God. Pete Wentz is like so hot. Not. People, remember, a bunch of horse-faced scumbags who can't play insturments well at all or sing for that matter does not make them great because one guy in the band is hot to many, or should I say has a lower testosterone level then just about every male musician out there nowadays except for maybe Adam Levine. Fall Out Boy suck. They are not good. And almost as ****ty as Linkin Park.

3. My Chemical Romance - A bunch of emo faggots who have made ****ty song after ****ty song. And wanna know what else? Every single one of their songs sound the exact ****ing same. Gerard Way is ugly as **** too.

4. Coldplay - How no energy, ***** lyrics, and awful vocal skills combined with horrible fashion sense and caveman facial hair can make anyone good has left me wondering. These guys truly suck. Listen to any 2 of their songs and I'm sure you'd think the same.

5. Snow Patrol - Another ***** band who people seemed to just jump on the bandwagon of a matter of overnight. Between them, Coldplay, and The Fray you couldn't tell a song of theirs apart from the other. Anotherwords no originality and ****tyness combined.

6. The Fray - Just read 4 and 5. It's quite the same.

7. The Killers - Who? Oh right, The Killers. Brandon Flowers, a guy who may have a good singing voice and good vocals, but the lyrics and the rest of his bandmates just don't seem to work out to what a good band should be. Plus the amount of radio time they get for their half-fast made songs is sickening.

8. No Doubt - Wait, the band that Gwen Stefani was once in right? Yeah, that platinum blonde sexbomb who from the very start was way too good for anyone else in this band. The band should have just been called the Gwen Stefani band all along. Plus since Gwen just can't seem to make up her mind on anything these days, anything from when she started almost doesn't seem to be looked at at all, despite her amazing looks, energy, and well, body, being extremely athletic looking, having a lot of energy, or just being sexy in general doesn't make you or the rest of your mates a good band by any means. She and her band to this day are way overrated.

9. Green Day - Once punk rock Gods. Turned whiny little *****es who don't wanna keep their opinions or noses out of politics. Combined that with lack of energy, originality and recently emo lyrics, makes them a top 10 most overrated in my generation.

10. U2 - After Green Day, this one was coming. Another bunch of crybabies who's music once decent has completely declined yet got more attention through ****tyness. Sorry but that makes them overrated.

There's the top 10 most overrated. I'm sure if you all look back or look around you'd completely agree with me. At least I hope so.

Now to the most underrated.

1. Maroon 5 - I will just make it blunt, they are the most talented all-round band in the world, of this generation for that matter, yet despite some decent amount of attention, still underrated I find. So much so that they're my #1 choice for most underrated. Give these guys more radio time, stop playing overrated ****, cuz these guys are greatness in 6 letters and 1 number.

2. Anti-Flag - A true punk band. One that would anyday put these quote/unquote "punk" ahem, I mean actual pop-rock bands to shame such as The Offspring, No Doubt, Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, Green Day. Bye bye major label *****es, Anti-Flag owns all of you anyday.

3. Three Days Grace - Even in their own country of Canada way underrated. These guys are good enough to be on top 40 charts in every major country. But I've only actually heard one of their songs on the radio in 4 years since they became noticed. It's disgusting. These guys are amazing, and people fail to realize it, so much so they'd rather listen to Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, or even Linkin Park. Where's the sense in that eh?

4. Alexisonfire - Another amazing live band. These guys know how to rock and have an amazing amount of energy. Major label *****es would still rather take Gwen Stefani or Billie Joe Armstrong's "energy" over Alexisonfire's. Makes you wonder doesn't it?

5. Tsunami Bomb - A band that if noticed at the right time, could have never made Gwen Stefani or even Courtney Love for that matter even known. This band is amazing. And in every way, shape, and form puts any female led rock band to shame. Even No Doubt, Hole, Evanescence, Lacuna Coil I'd say.

6. Protest the Hero - A Canadian band that alone would put even icons like Slipknot to shame. These guys are ****ing amazing. But maybe they're just too hardcore or too good for the big boys to actually recognize them for what they are, and that of course is the fact that they are a fantastic metal band.

7. Bad Religion - Punk rock Gods in their own right. They stood for everything punk is, was, and well, is not today sadly. You take an Offspring song, side by side it with a Green Day and Bad Religion song without knowing who is by who and guarantee you, you'll pick the Bad Religion song as your favorite.

8. Evanescence - They may be major label, I may not be the biggest fans of major label bands, but no one has a vocal range like Amy Lee. She may not win a beauty contest, may not have the rock solid toned body of Gwen Stefani or even attractiveness to lyrics that others have. But her voice alone combined with ow great the band is from an insturments standpoint is great. Yet most people would forget that they just did release an album 6 months or so ago. Sad.

9. Billy Talent - These guys got the total package. Though there not being a single outstanding thing about the band, they just song for song, note for note, lyric for lyric are good. No one outside of Canada has heard of them though. Sad.

10. Adema - Powerhouse sound, strong, powerful, demanding vocals to go along with badass lyrics makes them something special. But the sad thing is, no one who isn't squarely focused on metal or a biker, outside of that, not many, if anyone has heard of them. Unbury these guys you major label idiots. Spot ****ing around with sad acts like I listed in my overrated list and discover these guys.

There you have it. Feel free to disagree. I don't care. But there it is. The overrated garbage and the underrated gold that you will thank me for remind you exists.


New member
Jul 17, 2006
New York
Most Overrated: (Not in any order, by the way)

1.) Panic! At The Disco
2.) Fall Out Boy
3.) Black Eyed Peas
4.) Beyonce
5.) Justin Timberlake
6.) Fergie
7.) Nickelback
8.) Green Day

It's sad, I can't think of anymore.

Mose Underrated:

1.) Our Lady Peace
2.) Amy Winehouse
3.) Mika
4.) The Goo Goo Dolls
5.) Audioslave
6.) Yellowcard
7.) Nightwish
8.) Kamelot
9.) Therion
10.) Rhapsody


New member
Jan 14, 2006
Brisbane, Australia
Okay for the most overrated bands out there ....
1. Fallout Boy- what is the deal with them? all thier lyrics dont make sense and even though there is one song (yes my sister is a emo and listens to thier music) where there is a good guitar Rif- they are really bad and should be shot on site...

2. GreenDay- okay when greenday were first out they were pretty cool, but now they are this pretend punk band that are way to commercial to be a proper punk bad...

3. Fergie (Shudder)- okay all i can say is YUCK- and what teh hell was she thinking, okay she was okay in the BEP- but now all of a sudden she is this ghetto girl with this crappy songs that make you wish you were emo for a second ,,,

4. Gwen Steffani- Okay she had done alot for her music- but i think that she had a good thing when she was with No Doubt- she is yet another person that has gone from a good origin and gone to that horrible rnb/rap crap genre which is just sad


6. Lindsay Lohan- see 5

7. Snow Patrol- just another emo style softly singing band that should get some balls

8. The Killers- I have to agree with everything McNasty says

9. Panic at the Disco!- another band that trys to dress good and hope to good that thier music will be at least as half as good as they think

10. The Darkness- okay everything and anything towards this bad is going to sounds very nasty.. so i will leave it as :O EWWWWWW

Here are my top 10 underrated bands out there..

10. Crossfade- okay they are not really known but their music is really good especially with the lyrics that they come up with, they are all meaningful and can reach an emotion, which you dont get often

9. Coheed & Cambia- there is no one else like these guys out there, and they keep coming and getting better as they go, they may be full of wierd lyrics and a bit nerdy, but oh my god they are really good.

8. AnBerlin- For someone who are kinda new they are a really good band, they have alot of whoosh (dont ask me to explain)

7. Bullet for My Valentine- hey i dont care about anyone else these guys are awesome, and they can rock and do all teh right things, teh quitars are awesome, and Matt Tucker can sing

6. Evanescene- Woah- can these guys get any better they are going from strength to strenght, Amy Lee (or whatever her new last name is now that she is married) she has vocals that people dream out, and the songs, are awesome, something i wish i could do :)

5. As I Lay Dying- these guys are great, they dont push thier beliefs and to look or hear them you would have no idea what they are- thier songs are awesome and have alot of grunt

4. Within Temptation- These guys are part of the insperation of Amy Lee and they are a class of thier own and they keep getting more better but stay to thier roots with thier music.

3. Linkin Park- These guys can never be overrated, on thier new album, they ditched everything and everystyle they had been tagged as, and went through and recreated thier music with heaps of genres (such as heavy rock and rap/rock and rock )and could get away with it, and thats what i love about them

2. Breaking Benjamin- these guys rock my world and to state as of yet, there is not one song of theres that i dont like and have not gotten sick of yet, especially of their cover of a queen song

1. Staind (come one as if it could be anything else) okay maybe i am a bit biased as these guys are my favourite band of all time, but Staind is the best, even after 5 albums, they are still going strong and on there new album they are going to go back to their heavier music roots, Aaron Lewis is one talented man

...well i am not to sure if this is what was requested but eh


Mar 9, 2006
United States, Colorado.
I have nothing to post cause i really cant say which bands are overrated right now im not in the mood.. but maybe later i will =P

THANK YOU Trance! For saying that Linkin park is not an overrated band! How could they be?..they are down to earth! I'm with you on that one.


New member
Jun 7, 2006
Edmonton, Alberta.
I have nothing to post cause i really cant say which bands are overrated right now im not in the mood.. but maybe later i will =P

THANK YOU Trance! For saying that Linkin park is not an overrated band! How could they be?..they are down to earth! I'm with you on that one.

Linkin Park may be down to Earth, I agree. But so is Gwen Stefani. Possibly even more so then LP themselves. It however to me anyway, doesn't change the fact that they are overexposed and overrated. Sorry but no matter how nice the people in the band or whatever are, don't help in choosing who's overrated or who isn't, not at least how I judge.

Breaking Benjamin is another underrated band, so cheers to Trance on that one.