Wii What's your favorite Nintendo title?


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
Just for the heck of it, I've decided to make a topic so you can list your favorite Nintendo game of all time. Everyone's is going to be different, so when you do state your game, please give a reason as to why it's your favorite.

One rule, though. It can't be a game made by Xbox or Playstation, and it has to be exclusive to a Nintendo console or handheld. It also doesn't have to be just a Wii game. Games that are available to multiple company consoles are out (i.e. Call of Duty 3).

For me, my favorite would have to be Super Metroid. This game is just freaking awesome. Great graphics, high difficulty, a kickass soundtrack, and excellent gameplay mechanics make it one of (if not THE) best SNES titles out there. Sometimes when I replay it using ZSNES, I purposefully handicap myself while fighting the bosses, just for kicks. It's great to kill Kraid just using a simple Charge Beam, no missiles, and no Spazer.

Anyone else want to list their favorite Nintendo game?