Taiki from Twelve Kingdoms is cool LOL.
Cloud New member Jan 12, 2006 6,244 0 0 The Forum o.O www.gamerz-place.net Zenny 100 Points 0 Aug 9, 2006 #21 Taiki from Twelve Kingdoms is cool LOL.
Daemon Sadi New member Jan 13, 2006 2,278 3 0 Zenny 156 Points 0 Aug 9, 2006 #22 Kakashi from Naruto Gaara from Naruto Rock Lee from Naruto Ichigo from Bleach Kazuma from Yakitate! Japan Perriot from Yakitate! Japan Spike from Cowboy Bebop
Kakashi from Naruto Gaara from Naruto Rock Lee from Naruto Ichigo from Bleach Kazuma from Yakitate! Japan Perriot from Yakitate! Japan Spike from Cowboy Bebop
Cloud New member Jan 12, 2006 6,244 0 0 The Forum o.O www.gamerz-place.net Zenny 100 Points 0 Aug 9, 2006 #23 I'm so over SPike from Cowboy Bebop......He's cool but now i realise doens't do **** all.
Cat-sama Just a neko Apr 22, 2006 366 1 0 locked in the dungeon Zenny 101 Points 0 Aug 9, 2006 #24 Let's see... 1. Haruko - FLCL (She's hilarious X3) 2. Nio - DN Angel (Also hilarious X3) 3. Nana - Elfen Lied (She's so innocent and cute <3) 4. Uke - Gravitation (just a laugh in half <3) 5. Ran - Texhnolyze (So serious, yet cool)
Let's see... 1. Haruko - FLCL (She's hilarious X3) 2. Nio - DN Angel (Also hilarious X3) 3. Nana - Elfen Lied (She's so innocent and cute <3) 4. Uke - Gravitation (just a laugh in half <3) 5. Ran - Texhnolyze (So serious, yet cool)
kyuzo New member Jun 1, 2006 220 1 0 California Zenny 100 Points 0 Aug 10, 2006 #25 Duo Maxwell-Gundam Wing Brandon Heat-Gungrave Alucard-Hellsing Rock Lee-Naruto Kyuzo-Samurai 7 Kyo-Samurai Deeper Kyo Kazuma-s-CRY-ed Eikichi Onizuka-GTO Edward Elric-Fullmetal Alchemist Alphonse Elric-Fullmetal Alchemist
Duo Maxwell-Gundam Wing Brandon Heat-Gungrave Alucard-Hellsing Rock Lee-Naruto Kyuzo-Samurai 7 Kyo-Samurai Deeper Kyo Kazuma-s-CRY-ed Eikichi Onizuka-GTO Edward Elric-Fullmetal Alchemist Alphonse Elric-Fullmetal Alchemist
Cloud New member Jan 12, 2006 6,244 0 0 The Forum o.O www.gamerz-place.net Zenny 100 Points 0 Aug 10, 2006 #26 Claus - Last Exile. Fungo - FF:U Wolfwood - Trigun.
---UnknownKid--- New member May 15, 2006 49 0 0 32 England z13.invisionfree.com Zenny 100 Points 0 Aug 10, 2006 #27 1NAngel 2:naruto 3:tokyo mew mew
Cloud New member Jan 12, 2006 6,244 0 0 The Forum o.O www.gamerz-place.net Zenny 100 Points 0 Aug 10, 2006 #28 I assume thats DN Angel LOL I must say I really do love Love Hina.
Daemon Sadi New member Jan 13, 2006 2,278 3 0 Zenny 156 Points 0 Aug 13, 2006 #29 My all-time favorite character. Takamura from Hajime no Ippo.
Cloud New member Jan 12, 2006 6,244 0 0 The Forum o.O www.gamerz-place.net Zenny 100 Points 0 Aug 13, 2006 #30 Pumi Pumi Poemy....omg so much groping LOL.
The Laughing Man New member Aug 7, 2006 66 0 0 A "safe" place. Zenny 150 Points 0 Aug 14, 2006 #31 1. InuYasha-InuYasha 2. Lucy-Elfen Lied 3. Edward Elric-Full Metal Alchemist 4. Alucard-Hellsing 5. Sakura-Naruto
1. InuYasha-InuYasha 2. Lucy-Elfen Lied 3. Edward Elric-Full Metal Alchemist 4. Alucard-Hellsing 5. Sakura-Naruto