Recent content by Armostat

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    The Holiday season. Yay

    I love the holiday season. The warming feeling even though it's cold, the family getting together, food, and can't forget the Holiday sales. How is holiday season going to fare for you this year?
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    TV Lmao at Kanye West

    I didnt see a thread about this but what I did see was Kanye West pull hoe-move on Taylor Swift on the VMA's. Its kinda awkward how he just popped up outta nowhere.
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    Red, White, & Blue

    Tomorrow is 9/11. The sad tragic day where the Twin Towers collapsed due to terrorists. I was in my class (3rd grade in NJ) when suddenly everybody else starting going home early leaving me with a couple of students who where still there. When I had heard about it, I had no clue what had...
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    Music Rise Against

    I found one of their songs on youtube (Savior) and tried them out by listening to the album Appeal To Reason. I can honestly say that im hooked on them and even though I got their album last month, Im still listening to every song on that album to this day. Some of their songs sound the same but...
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    Musical Instrument

    A few days ago was my birthday and as my present I got a drum kit. Im just a beginner and I suck but its cool (I might put up a picture later). What instruments do you guys play?
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    Card Games!!!

    No Im not talking about Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokemon or any other trading card games. I'm talking about that Poker and what not. Anyone else play any card games like VC, Kent (aka Peanut Butter), Texas Hold'em, BS, Speed, Double Speed, hell even Go-Fish!??????
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    SNES Beat'em up/Brawler Games

    For the moment I am like seriously heavily addicted to these types of games :lightsaber: Anyone recommend any good ones?
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    Reading while driving

    I was reading in the car and my bro comes up to me and iz like "Howz can youz read in the car????". And I like "I just do :rolleyes:." Is anyone else capable of reading without getting dizzy while in a car ride??
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    Wii Anyone regret buying the Wii

    To be honest, I regret buying the Wii. After playing all the great games it came out with there just nothing I see on the shelves that interest me. Just a bunch of movie/cartoon based games and some other crappy stuff. I need some more M rated games in my life. :(
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    Funny advetisement commercial

    Haha my brother showed me this a couple days ago and ever since I couldnt get the song out of my head. Its so funny.. Have a look Heres a remixed version of it: :d
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    Ar Tonelico

    Alright I started playing this game a while back and its pretty good. Its similar to the Atelier Iris games(if you played them) the battle system is different and you have more features. Its a fun game but takes a lot of exploring so if your not in the mood I still think you should get the game...
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    Anyone here own and Ipod or Apple product?
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    Schools at for me and summers been boring. Is anyone else out of school?? If so what do you do for fun for 2 months??
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    Top 5 anime songs

    What are you guys top 5 favorite anime songs?? Heres mine as of now: 1. Rewrite 2. Broken Wings 3. Himitsu Kichi 4. Endscape 5. D-Technolife
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    IM back finally

    Oh man Im sooooo sorry I haven't been on in a while. I shoulda said something before I was inactive around here. School's kept me down from this site but since school is over I should be on more. Again Im sorry :almost: