Recent content by Fusion-X

  1. Fusion-X

    Sony Announces NGP/PSP2

    So sony finally announced there newest portable gaming device last night. There's not calling it the psp2 like everyone thinks, for now its called Next Generation Portable or NGP for short. This is not the offical name sony says it's just what there calling it for now. Anyone else check this...
  2. Fusion-X

    Band Name

    alright, let's say you started a band, or where in a band that didn't have a name, what would you call it?
  3. Fusion-X

    Happy Birthday Daesy

    well there's another Birthday at GP and it Daesy's so :happybday: Daesy i hope your enjoying it! :clown:
  4. Fusion-X

    PS3 members (usernames)

    alright so i just got a Ps3 the other day, now i want to know who else has one and tell us you user name Mine is: Fusion-X
  5. Fusion-X

    Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80's

    yep, more guitar hero comming at ya on July 17 here's a list of song they've announced: 18 and Life - Skid Row Bathroom Wall - Faster *****cat Lonely is the Night - Billy Squier Nothing But a Good Time - Poison Play With Me - Extreme Shaken - Eddie Money Synchronicity II - The Police I Wanna...
  6. Fusion-X

    Ninja Games

    Let forth all of your Jutsu's and Hand Signs here FIGHT!
  7. Fusion-X

    The Last Stand Think you can Last 20 days and 20 Nights? Prove It!
  8. Fusion-X

    New Posts!

    Ok, so every time i log out, and log back in the next day there's new posts right? so i click on both "new posts" and "today's post" it says there's no new posts, so i click back then it marks all the new posts as read. i don't know if anybody else is having this problem, but if you are let us know
  9. Fusion-X

    Fusion-X Live!

    Well i think it's time to make thread for pictures of me! Here's the Classic one of me (couple years old) This is the one i used in the battle with George, the others where takin the same time (there a year old) And these are the Newest ones, they where takin on last sunday when i was at my...
  10. Fusion-X

    The Lalaith Smilie

    Since Lalaith is making all the cute smilies her own, i think it would be a good/fun idea to give her her own.:highfive: Your Mission: To go out into the internet relm and find the forbiddin Lalaith smilie. if we get quite a few posted we might have a poll to see which one is worthy of being...
  11. Fusion-X

    Bass Guitar

    So right now i'm thinking of starting to take up bass guitar anybody else play? i'd like some tips and pointers on how to get stared and so on and information is welcome!
  12. Fusion-X

    i'm back....*after 6 months -_-*

    well i'm back people, who want's to give me a hug? ....guys stay away -_- it's been 6 months since i've posted last, who want's to fill me in? as for the people who don't know me, i used to be the between Smod and Admin :P, but mostly the Smod lol i've been busy with my GF (which...
  13. Fusion-X

    Suggestion Forum Rules.

    Ok in this place basically just post a reasonable suggestion which you think would benefit the entire forum and the current members. 1: Make a decent attempt at writing your suggestion out so we are able to fully comprehend it. 2: Please check the previous pages to see if the suggestion you...
  14. Fusion-X

    Best Sig Owner!!

    And the winner of the forums Best Sig Owner is..........OMG it's not a tie this time :p Is Destinyfufilled! :clap Congrats and way to have the best sig on the forum ^_^
  15. Fusion-X

    Funnest Member

    Nominate away!!