James's latest activity

  • J
    James replied to the thread Reading while driving.
    I can't even focus fully with reading when I am in a car, even when I am not the one driving. It has never worked pretty well for me at all.
  • J
    James reacted to Igba's post in the thread Reading while driving with Like Like.
    As long as you're not the one driving, it's not that hard to read while in the car. If the road isn't too bumpy, it's going to be like...
  • J
    James replied to the thread Gaming Marathons, anyone?.
    I won't be able to do gaming marathons at this age. I have a lot of responsibilities that I am always working towards achieving. That is...
  • J
    James reacted to Naiwen's post in the thread Gaming Marathons, anyone? with Like Like.
    I used to be able to do gaming marathons during my Summer and Xmas holidays, but now as a young adult, not anymore, I'd feel like a...
  • J
    James replied to the thread Any Female Gamers?.
    I've seen a couple of female gamers who enjoy playing games just for the fun of doing so. It has been a great experience interacting...
  • J
    James replied to the thread Gaming and Survival?.
    I play games to survive and have a good life. Gaming has helped me understood that survival is key to achieving a lot in life. So, that...
  • J
    James replied to the thread Gaming and Multi-tasking?.
    This is so me. I can't be playing games and doing another thing. It can be a form of distraction that I wouldn't want to have. So, I...
  • J
    James reacted to Shortie's post in the thread Gaming and Multi-tasking? with Like Like.
    If I am gaming I find it difficult to focus on something else as well. My mind has to be focused on one thing only otherwise I end up...
  • J
    I will always go with both. I like the desktop for some games that have got heavy files and need some longer period of time to load. For...
  • J
    James replied to the thread Dark screen.
    I enjoy making use of dark themes for most of my devices and the truth is that it is one of the ways that I've stayed true to enjoying...
  • J
    I can't remember, but I believe WhatsApp is taking a lot of space in my mobile device as a result of the lots of files that I have on...
  • J
    I got my PlayStation 5 and have played a couple of games on the console this year. To be honest, this remains one of the best decisions...