Search results

  1. Naiwen

    Obsessed with Gaming?

    Personally, lately, I've been obsessed with gaming. It's my personal most favourite form of entertainment and hobby.
  2. Naiwen

    Mario Kart DS?

    Lately, I have been personally addicted to this game.
  3. Naiwen

    The most enjoyable Game in 2022?

    What is THE most fun and enjoyable game in 2022?
  4. Naiwen

    Easiest Game 2022?

    What's the easiest and most enjoyable game in 2022 for any console? (PC and mobile included).
  5. Naiwen

    Addicted to Pokemon!

    Personally, currently, I'm addicted to Pokemon.
  6. Naiwen

    Favourite Battle Songs?

    Personally, I love : all the "Tales" games' battle songs, the "Fire Emblem" ones and the "Pokemon" ones. And you personally, what are your favourite battle songs for you personally?
  7. Naiwen

    Most boring Games?

    I personally don't find any games boring. What about you? What are the most boring games in your eyes?
  8. Naiwen

    Favourite Theme Songs?

    Mine would be : "Full Force" from "Tales of SYmphonia 1" for the Gamecube. How about you? What are your favourite theme songs in your view?
  9. Naiwen

    Most relaxing Games?

    Can you recommend me some of the most relaxing games ver in your opinion?
  10. Naiwen

    Gaming alone, anyone?

    I largely prefer to game alone personally. And you personally? Do you prefer to game alone or with friends in your book?
  11. Naiwen

    Favourite Artes/Skills in the "Tales" Games?

    I personally love : "heal", recover, "ray trust" and "demon fang". What about you? What are your favourite Artes/skills in the "Tales" games in your case?
  12. Naiwen

    Favourite Items in the "Tales" Games?

    For me personally at least anyways, it's the "Beast Fang" and "Beast Hide". Why because I could sell them for a lot of money in the game and buy in exchange apple gels and orange gels and etc. How about you? What are your favourite items in the "Tales" games according to you?
  13. Naiwen

    Your gaming Drinks?

    Personally, I don't drink whilst gaming. I don't wanna dirty my controllers and/or keyboard. And you personally? Do drink whilst gaming personally? And if yes, what are your most favourite drinks for you personally?
  14. Naiwen

    Gaming and Snacks?

    I don't snack whilst I'm gaming. What about you? Do you snack when gaming personally in your eyes? And if yes, what are your most favourite snacks whilst gaming personally?
  15. Naiwen

    Not following the main Story Line/Arc of a Game?

    I personally, like in the "Tales" games, not follow the main story line/plot/arc of the game. Why? Because it's too difficult for me personally at least anyways. In this game series, I prefer to level up my characters and fight monsters. How about you? Do you sometimes do that too in your view?
  16. Naiwen

    Becoming virtually rich in a Game?

    Is it one of your goals to become virtually rich in a game? For me personally at least anyways, I love that I could afford everything the virtual shop has as opposed to being a pauper irl. And you personally? Does it matter to you or not to become virtually rich in a game in your opinion?
  17. Naiwen

    Does anyone binge-game?

    When I game, I could binge-game for about 9-10 hours straight personally. What about you? Do you binge-game in your book?
  18. Naiwen

    Favourite Characters in the "Tales" Games?

    I personally am fond of : Colette, Genis and Martha. Why? because they could use magic and Artes in the game series. How about you? What are your favourite characters in the "Tales" games in your case?
  19. Naiwen

    Gaming and Disabilities?

    Gaming for the mentally and physically disabled people or suicidal ones, can help them escape the harsh reality that is their everyday life. Gaming prevents suicide because it's pure enjoyment and happiness for me personally at least anyways. I'm focusing only on winning this battle, this...
  20. Naiwen

    Restarting a Game?

    I personally have had to restart many games in my life. But I don't really mind, as I'm not following the main storyline or arc of it. What about you? Do you mind restarting a game for you personally?