Search results

  1. Naiwen

    Favourite War Games?

    As I hate violence in games, I don't play any war games at all personally. How about you? What are your favourite war games personally in your view?
  2. Naiwen

    Tales of Innocence?

    I'm playing on "RetroArch", an emulator for many consoles and handhelds for Mac because my NDS is broken, I have made my hard copy into a rom. Loving this one as well. Finding the music quite catchy and the plot quite linear and easy. And you personally? Have you ever played it yet or not...
  3. Naiwen

    Anyone loves "Tales of the Tempest"?

    I'm playing this one on "RetroArch" because my NDS has a battery not working, so I've made it into a rom and playing it on this emulator for Mac. Loving it so far. What about you? Have you ever played it yet or not personally? And if so, do you enjoy it or not in your book?
  4. Naiwen

    Favourite Turn-Based RPGs?

    My personal favourites would be : all the "Fire Emblem" series and all the "Pokemon" games. How about you? What are your favourite turn-based RPGs in your case?
  5. Naiwen

    Your favourite SRPPGs?

    I personally have only played all the "Fire Emblem" series. And I love them all. And you personally? What are your favourite SRGPs personally according to you?
  6. Naiwen

    Your favourite JRPGs?

    Mine would be : all the "Pokemon" games, all the "Tales" games and all the "Fire Emblem" games. What about you? What are your favourite JRPGs personally for you personally?
  7. Naiwen

    Favourite Adventure Games?

    I personally really enjoy : Dragon Quest, all the "Pokemon" games, Arc Rise Fantasia, Tales of Erin and Spyro the Dragon. How about you? What are are your favourite adventure games in your eyes?
  8. Naiwen

    Favourite Exploration Games?

    I personally am fond of : all the "Tales" games, all "Harry Potter" games and all the "LoTR" games. And you personally? What are your favourite exploration games in your view?
  9. Naiwen

    Favourite Consoles Ever?

    I really love all the Nintendo consoles, from Gameboy Color to Wii, I have them all. Some working, some not so much. But I'm playing some Nintendo games on emulators for Mac so yeah and I have the actual physical copy of it, it's just my Nintendo consoles and handhelds are broken. I'm a Nintendo...
  10. Naiwen

    Your least favourite Game Soundtracks in the

    I don't think I have one. I think they're all pretty great soundtracks. How about you? Do you have a least favourite one or not in your book?
  11. Naiwen

    Tales of Hearts

    It's a classic "Tales" game, an JRPG that I love as well. And you personally? Have you ever played it or not yet personally? And if yes, do you enjoy it or not? And if not, what do you think of it in your case?
  12. Naiwen

    Favourite Soundtracks in the "Tales" Games?

    For me personally, I'm a fan of : the battle soundtracks in "Tales of Phantasia 1" for GBA and "Full Force" in "Tales of Symphonia 1". What about you? What are your favourite soundtracks from the "Tales" games according to you?
  13. Naiwen

    Arc-Rise Phantasia, anyone?

    I love this game as well. It's an JRPG much like the "Tales" games, but for the Wii. How about you? Have you ever played it yet or not personally? And if so, do you enjoy it or not? And if not, wha's your opinion of it for you personally?
  14. Naiwen

    Favourite Game Developers?

    I personally really am fond of : Square Enix, EB Games, Namco Bandai and Ubisoft. And you personally? What are your favourite game developers in your eyes?
  15. Naiwen

    PS5 Anyone loves Suikoden?

    Although I don't have personally a PS1, my childhood friend at time has had one, so been playing at her house on her PS consoles all the time. I remember loving Suikoden on the PS1. What about you? Have you ever played it personally? And if yes, do you enjoy it or not? And if not, what do you...
  16. Naiwen

    Gaming and Happiness?

    There's been a study that has showed that gaming releases dopamine, a key hormone to happiness. It releases also a rush of adrenaline, the pleasure of levelling up or completely a quest/side quest. And the there's the music of the game that's enthralling. Gaming is happiness for me personally at...
  17. Naiwen

    Gaming and Depression?

    I firmly believe that gaming or any other hobby and/interest can heal you from depression. When feeling depressed, I game to come with it. And you personally? What do you think of it in your book?
  18. Naiwen

    Most Addictive Games?

    For me, it'd be : all the "Mario Kart" games, "Super Smash Bros" and Windows default games. What about you? What are your most addictive games in your case?
  19. Naiwen

    Fire Emblem 10, Radiant Dawn, anyone?

    I have this one on my Wii and play it from time to time. It's not my favourite FE game at all personally for me anyways. How about you? Have ever played it personally? And if yes, do you enjoy it or not? And if not, what's your opinion on it for you personally?
  20. Naiwen

    Favourite PC Games?

    My personal favourites are : all the "Civilization" games, Windows default games, Diablo and World of Warcraft. And you personally? What are your favourite PC games in your eyes?