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  1. Lucas

    Anyone loves Warhammer?

    I also love playing video games based on books. Some of the notable one's I've played are ; The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Metro: Last Light Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor Dune: Spice Wars Hogwarts Legacy
  2. Lucas

    Anyone loves Nintendo?

    I've been playing Nintendo games since the days of Gameboy. I still have my Gameboy console till date and play on it once in a while. I'm playing often with my Nintendo Switch now. I can't wait for Switch 2 to be released.
  3. Lucas

    Do you play video games in your dreams?

    I have dreamt about playing video games when I was a child and also when I am an adult. I think it's something to do with someone's subconscious whenever you are sleeping after probably thinking about or even playing video games before going to bed.
  4. Lucas

    Gaming and Multi-tasking?

    It is very difficult for me to multitask whenever I am playing video game because I always put my 100% attention and focus on any video game that I am playing.
  5. Lucas

    Can a game ever fully satisfy you?

    I have always made sure that before I start playing any video game, it is something that I know I am going to enjoy so that I will be very certain that it wouldn't be a complete waste of my time trying to play such a video game. So, yes, a video game can truly satisfy me very well.
  6. Lucas

    Restarting a Game?

    I have restarted so many video games over and over again whenever it suits me. I don't usually complete my games 100%. So, there's a chance to restart it.
  7. Lucas

    Your Gender Identity as a Gamer?

    Most of the time, it depends on the kind of game I am playing that will determine the kind of identity I'm going to choose in that game when I am looking at the sex of my player. Although most of the time, I prefer to play as a male.
  8. Lucas

    Favourite War Games?

    Call of Duty will always be my number one game if I am considering games of war and violence. I've been playing Call of Duty for as long as I can remember and it is an exceptional war game.
  9. Lucas

    Which game were you stopped from playing as a kid?

    I wasn't the one who purchased my game as a kid which is why all the games that I was playing during that time was selected by my parents who bought each and everyone of them. I wouldn't say that they stopped me from playing any kind of particular game because I never get to choose.
  10. Lucas

    Gaming and Decision-making?

    My decision making have been improved from some of the games that I have been playing which is why I can agree that it is a positive thing with those games since I am now more thoughtful when I am making a decision.
  11. Lucas

    English or Japanese?

    Personally, I love playing Japanese rpg games. I understand Japanese language, it's why I found it very easy to cope with their rpg games.
  12. Lucas

    Favourite Adventure Games?

    Most RPG games are adventure based. Some of them that I enjoyed playing are ; The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt, Skyrim, Diablo, Marvel's Spider-Man 2, God of War Ragnarok and Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
  13. Lucas

    Favourite Dating Games?

    The Sims! There is a good level of relationship in this game franchise which is why I would consider it one of the best dating games that I have played. I'm still playing The Sims 4 and it's a very good game.
  14. Lucas

    Gaming and Survival?

    The kind of video game should you are playing is going to determine how those games will be impacting on the things you're doing in life because if you are playing problem solving video games, it will help you to be more calculating when you are solving some problem in your real life.
  15. Lucas

    Most boring Games?

    I haven't played any video game which I would consider to be boring because before I start playing any game, I will make sure that I get reviews on the game to make sure it is something I'm going to enjoy playing.
  16. Lucas

    Do you still play Overwatch 2?

    I haven't started playing Overwatch 2. I don't know why I lost touch with playing the game because I used to get on with playing the first game released. I hope to start playing it again.
  17. Lucas

    Sailor Moon Games?

    I have also played Sailor Moon game and it's very interesting. There was a time when I used to play the game everyday but that have reduced now. It's a very entertaining video game.
  18. Lucas

    Anyone loves Barbie?

    Pink colour pisses me off. It's one of the reason why I don't like anything which have to do with Barbie both in video games and movies.
  19. Lucas

    Have you played Fortnite Festival yet?

    I love playing Fortnite Festival so much since it came out. I'm so much into playing Fortnite. It's one of my most played video game. The festival event have been enjoyable.
  20. Lucas

    James Bond, anyone?

    I haven't played any James Bond video games but when it comes to James Bond movies, I haven't missed any of them. No Time to Die remains my all time favourite of 007 movies.