Search results

  1. Serenity

    RE4 on the WII!

    I was curious as to how many people have tried this game out on the wii! In this game you use your wii remote and nunchuck to fire, shoot, aim, stab, slice, run, shake off ect. It's sorta hard to get used to, but none the less it makes it seem like your shooting more of a real gun! The story is...
  2. Serenity

    Nintendo World Store Did anyone have any idea that this place existed?! I'd love to go to NY just for that. They have everything from Collectibles. I mean come on i saw this website and it blew me away. It's a total Gamers heaven! I'm sure It would be awesome if there...
  3. Serenity

    Afro Samurai

    I was wondering how many ppl have actually seen or heard of this particular anime. It's sorta new...well it is new but its also very different. I saw one episode and that was it. I couldn't watch more then one haha. I guess it would make more sense to start from the beginning but i could only...
  4. Serenity

    I'm Sorry!

    Yes, all of you probably thought.."where the heck did Kara go?!" well unfortunatly I was sick to death, I ended up in the hospital a few times. However I try not to think about that anymore, if you have questions, please ask me on your own. =P I am back now, and just in time for school to...
  5. Serenity

    Sanctuary Music Video

    I made this video for fun, or perhaps a's me lip sinking with sanctuary ^^ please rate and tell me if you like it. it took me two hours.;5155862;;/fileinfo.html
  6. Serenity

    Top Shouter

    and the winner for top shouter overall on the forums is.....................Wow, I cant believe it! We have ANOTHER TIE! the winners are: Destinyfufilled and Stryfe! Congratulations you two for winning Top Shouter!
  7. Serenity

    Kara's Poems

    I write a lot, so I thought I'd post some of my work..I'm just going to post a few for now, seeing as they are long. ~A Part of Me.~ I find myself standing in a field full of flowers. I watch the sun slowly drift towards the west disappearing from the sky, as I wait long hours. I’m looking for...
  8. Serenity

    Kara's AMV's

    I got an interest in making AMV'sMost of them are from Final Fantasy Games, but I decided I would post up some of them. Please Download and tell me if you like. I only have two uploaded now. But more to come soon! Game/Anime: Final Fantasy X to X-2 -Music: Sway by Lostphrophets...
  9. Serenity

    The Dispassionate Army [NEUTRAL]

    Join us. We may go our own way, but we will still aid the Good and Evil armies that need help everyonce and a while, based upon our decision. We will however not lend full strength. We will still continue to be ourselves, as our own Army! dispassionate: unaffected by strong emotion
  10. Serenity

    Me! Dun dun dun.

    Alright, this is me. Umm the pictures are about hmm a few months old. Please dont laugh :( Me in my messy unatural curled hair: Me looking into light: Me being stupid, most recent...
  11. Serenity

    Long time no see.

    Wow, just looked in The Teen Hangout forums just to see what was going on, well I came across a PM it was from Jamie (Admin.) I found out this place was created, I also remember the Very FIRST Teen Hangout. Since TTH is all in the past, no need to talk about it anymore. I dont know how many ppl...
  12. Serenity

    No net