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  1. J

    One thing that you don't do in a game?

    This is awesome. I would always want to stick by the rules. There is no fun when it comes to cheating those who you are playing games with for any reason.
  2. J

    My gf wearing too little in front of friend

    It is really embarrassing for her to be in that type of condition. At least, it is necessary that she keeps some things private unless she wants to have something to do with your friend.
  3. J

    Do you sleep while on trips?

    Personally, I don't enjoy sleeping while I am travelling. I will always stay awake and focus on what is happening while I travel instead of sleeping off. What about you?
  4. J

    Are you the type that likes to argue?

    There are people who can't stay without getting involved in unnecessary arguments. In fact they will always want to argue even on matters that doesn't need arguments. Are you the type that enjoys arguing?
  5. J

    can 2 + 2 = 5 ?

    I am not very good at mathematics. So, I can't really relate to whether it is 5 or not,lol.
  6. J

    Fav music video of all time?

    I've had a lot of them that it is very difficult to place my hands on a particular one at this moment. The likes of Pills and Portions by Nicki Minaj, Heal the World by Michael Jackson and a couple of others. Those are really quality music videos.
  7. J

    Loads of time or games?

    If I am able to enjoy playing just two games, I am very okay. That is what that matters instead of having many games and not being able to play them at the end of the day.
  8. J

    Reading while driving

    I have not tried it and I doubt that I am going to try it. I mean I can't even fully focus in a noisy place talkmore of reading while a car is moving.
  9. J

    Little Big Planet 3 to be delisted by October 31st.

    There is an announcement going round that Little Big Planet 3 will be delisted from sales on the PlayStation 4 and 5 platforms. You can get yours before they remove it. Are you worried about this development?
  10. J

    Which game is your best on PS5?

    There are a couple of games that you can play on the PlayStation 5. Some are racing while there are sports games. When it comes to PlayStation 5 games, which one do you consider to be your best?
  11. J


    I used to remember the good times at school. Rushing to lectures where you get to meet some friends too. Good old days that are now behind us.
  12. J

    Singlet : Yes or No?

    I don't put on singlets. I see putting on singlets as old fashion and not what I should be doing. I want to feel free always and putting on singlets ruin that for me.
  13. J

    My gf wearing too little in front of friend

    Communication is going to solve this kind of issue. Trust me when I say that it is crucial to have a heart to heart talk with your woman when she begins to act in the way that you don't like at all.
  14. J

    Make the cashier give you weird looks

    Who wouldn't want to look at you that way when you get to the store to order that kind of item? I would give you that kind of look as well, lol.
  15. J

    What are you doing for Christmas & New Years

    I am always not worried about festive periods. I just want to have a good time with little stress and not to fall under any pressure at all. So, when it comes to situations such as preparing for Christmas, I worry less about that.
  16. J

    Do you still play GTA Online?

    I do play it online, especially during weekends when I have little to nothing that I am doing at home. It is always fun when you get to play such games at home, too, playing with other players online.
  17. J

    James joins.

    Greetings to everyone. I am very happy to be the latest member to be joining this great association of game lovers. I enjoy playing Elden Ring and play Mortal Kombat as well. Do we have fans of both games here?