A hard return to reality Chapter 6

The True Keyblader

New member
Jun 4, 2006
A hard return to reality

Chapter 6

It had been three days since Kerrigan had left
her loyal cerebrates in charge of the Swarm. Raynor and Mengsk seemed to have
joined forces, each of them attacking one of Kerrigan's blockades. Araq, the
one left to organize the blockades, was starting to panic. Shakuras had
already fallen back to the protoss, and Aiur was barely standing tall against
Mengsk's huge army. But the worst had yet to come for the zerg.

Yet Kerrigan didn't know any of this, as she was
attempting to rest, following Daggoth's advise, though she hadn't gotten much
rest. Another presence in her was constantly speaking to her, saying things
like "You should go back where you belong." constantly keeping her awake, but
never had it taken any visible form, until then.

Noticing the other presence seemed to have left,
Kerrigan attempted to sleep, which would be the best way to forget about her
troubles. But as she fell asleep, instead of sleeping, she felt transported.
"Is this a dream?" She thought, as she was transported to the very bottom of
her mind. In that place, she was surrounded by darkness; A dark light, which
seemed to hide something. Then, the voice Kerrigan dreaded to hear came to her
ears, saying,

"Who are you, Kerrigan?"

"Me? I am Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades and the
leader of the Swarm" Kerrigan said proudly.

The voice answered, laughing, "In other words, a
mindless warlord with no real purpose other than destruction. No, no. That's
not who you are."

"Who am I, then?" Kerrigan answered, becoming
more and more annoyed.

"You're...me." The voice said. Then out of the
darkness came a human being, which Kerrigan recognized as her older self.
Kerrigan said, frightened,

"Wh-What the?"

"I am your true self, your human conscience and
feelings. Look at yourself, Kerrigan, at the person that you really are!" The
voice said. Then, a bright flash appeared and illuminated Kerrigan's entire
mind. Now, the dark light had gone, revealing the walls of Kerrigan's mind,
with memories of her older self all over them. From memories of her training
to the fatidic moment of her capture, she could see everything. Never had she
been so shocked in her entire life. She said, frightened:

"Wha-what are those memories? I never saw them

"Well" the voice said "the overmind has sealed
your true memories and has replaced them by lies." With a smirk, she
continued, "Per example, how do you remember Jim Raynor?"

"As someone who shot me in the back by leaving
me to the zerg." Kerrigan answered, bitterly.

Her older self shook her head. "Wrong. Raynor
didn't want to leave you out there willingly. On the contrary, he wanted to
go, but Mengsk didn't allow him to. All of those memories that you had of your
former comrades were false. But the ones you see here are true. Now stay here
and look at these memories until you truly understand yourself."

Kerrigan looked in alarm at all her old memories
and said: "But this is going to take a lifetime!"

"Don't worry. It won't take you long." The other
presence said, before leaving Kerrigan, who was now looking at her memories.
There were so many memories that it was like reading all the books of a
library. But the more she saw, the more she understood who she was. As she
went on, she felt herself betrayed: The Overmind had hidden so much from her!
But the other presence had been right: It took her mere hours to see it all,
as though time had slowed down to help her. When she finished, the other
presence came back, asking again the fatidic question, "Who are you,

"I am Sarah Kerrigan, terran ghost formerly
under the command of Arcturus Mengsk. But now, I have an infested body." She
finished in a bitter voice.

The other presence then said: "If you want to
completely become yourself again, you know what to do..."

"I think so..." Kerrigan answered.

"Then farewell, Kerrigan." The other presence
said, smirking, before leaving for good.

Kerrigan then awoke. She got up and started
thinking. If she would become herself again, she would need Raynor's
treatment. But if she went to him directly, he could think of it as a trap.
Trying to find a solution to this situation was giving her a headache. Araq,
who communicated with her telepathically, interrupted her in her thoughts,

"My Queen! I have sour news. The planets of Aiur
and Shakuras have been taken back by the Protoss. Also, from what I
understood, Jim Raynor and Arcturus Mengsk were part of the group who
destroyed the blockades. Come quickly!"

Kerrigan thought that she'd better act as usual
for her cerebrates not to suspect her. She then hurried off, quickly reaching
the command room of the hive, where Daggoth and Araq were waiting for her.
Daggoth said, sounding tense,

"I am sorry to interrupt your sleep, my Queen,
but the situation is extremely desperate. Not only have the blockades fallen,
but also, when we tried to reinforce the blockades, we sent most of the rest
of our forces to their deaths. We are unsure of what to do. What are your

Kerrigan, who was barely containing herself from
going ahead and killing both cerebrates, answered, "Start rebuilding the
defenses of the main hives of that sector, but order the broods not to engage
the terrans. Raynor's going to be on the offensive now, so we have to be ready
for him. Order the hives of this base to send reinforcements to that sector,
as well. Now if you'll excuse me..."

"My Queen, if I may..." Daggoth said, "Have you
finally decided what you would do?"

"Yes, Daggoth. I have." Kerrigan answered,
clearly annoyed.

"What is it, then?" Araq asked.

"This is a stupid question. What, in your
opinion, would be my decision if I would be here speaking to you?" Kerrigan
said, seeming angry, before quickly leaving.

"She seems to be back to normal." Araq said to
Daggoth after Kerrigan had left.

Daggoth answered, "Wait and see, Araq. I have a
bad feeling about this..."

Back in her room, Kerrigan exhaled deeply.
During the last few seconds of the meeting, she was so angry she almost
planted her claws in her cerebrates. "I have to calm down" she said to
herself. "If I kill them now, it'll be hard to escape. I have to think of a