Any problems? Requests? Post them here!


New member
Feb 2, 2006
If you run into any problems, then please post them here. We'll try our best to take care of them.


- Log out problems

- Invalid session ID errors

- FTP file permission problems


New member
Feb 2, 2006
Rep converted to Karma, so everyone should still have the rep points they had before in karma.  8)

Also, I am thinking of installing mkportal.


New member
Feb 7, 2006
I had that same problem, but what clears it up for me is going to just " ", not adding /forums or /mega or anything. Then, type in your username and pass manually, don't use the auto-complete thing your browser may or may not have.

I thought for a second I was just failing hard@typing and kept typoing. Glad to see someone else experienced the error too.

Note: My fix may not even be correct, it could've just randomly worked on the times I tried that, but I haven't had this problem all day since Ray installed this skin.


New member
Feb 2, 2006
I haven't seen an error, but don't put "www" before the URL. It won't recognize you at first if you do.


New member
Sep 19, 2007
I don't think so. When I hit LOGOUT, I see the page loading, but then nothing happens when it finishes loading. OF course, I stay logged in. Know how to fix this without deleting cookies?


These days,archlord money,there are so many choices to labor through, from the most basic, such as paper or plastic at the grocery checkout counter, to the nearly suicide-inducing, such as the friends-and-family plan or unlimited texting.In these tough times, the abundance of life-changing decisions—finances, health care, career moves—can be overwhelming. But don’t take it from me. Ask the guy who wrote the book The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making. That would be Scott Plous, a psychology professor at Wesleyan University. “There’s no question that we have more choices than ever before,” Plous agreed. “And decisions are generally harder and more time-consuming when there are lots of archlord money alternatives.”

Even dog clothes,Steve Jobs, whose technology allows us the misery of 18,000 music selections in our pockets, has to counteract so many choices by wearing the same outfit—blue jeans, black turtleneck , New Balance sneakers—every single day of his life. With every move you make, you’re bombarded with predicamentsfrom the banal to the extraordinary, and you obviously can’t trust yourself to make the right decisions anymore—look where that’s gotten you.I know I’m not alone in this. We’re all feeling a little needy. Whom can we turn to? Friends and family always have their own agendas; therapists are useless. So, dog clothes who’s left?

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“Thanks, flyff penya,but that kind of defeats my purpose,” I responded. “As long as you’re paying,” a thick-armed guy shrugged at me just as it was his turn to order.He attacked the chore with glee . His choices were a blur of glaze and frosting. He stopped only once, looked back at me and said, “Sprinkles, two sprinkles,” and they fell into the box with the majesty of a fireworks grand finale.It was a win-win, a successful random act of indecision(RAI). And I was striking a blow for science. “Your experiment will reveal how much pleasure in a dessert comes from it simply being a dessert, rather than a dessert that you would have chosen,” Plous had observed. “In many cases, the difference in benefit between two choices is smaller than we’d flyff penyaguess.”

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