Appolonia and Lasea-War


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Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
Note: This is a sci-fi/action story. I will be adding names of ppl in gamerz-place. If you want a paticular role, post here and let me know. When i am done i will post the finished piece. Maybe i'll publish it. Who knows. With out further ado, Enjoy!

Chapter 1: Demands

Daesyana Vendega sat at her desk. She was trying to decide how to array her troops Since the recent death of her father, she has been the sole heir to the throne, to her country, Laesea. She was a mere 5'4 with green eyes, brown skin, curly hair, a stunning smile and a sword hand as good as any man. She was very agile on her feet and a general in the army before her ascension to the throne. Her younger brother Dajoa, was in her charge.

Laesea has been at war with Appolonia. The Ruler, DeMarcus Nyte, and his country had been at war for years. Now with the death of Carlos II things were getting worst.

"Your majesty, your sister, Adora is here to speak with you." a servant said. Daesy looked up a moment and said, "Let her in." Adora walked in wearing her armor. "Daesy. Here is a letter from the ammbassodors of Appolonia." she said handing it to Daesy. Daesy took it and kindly dismissed the servant. "Sit down Dori. I know your tired from battle." Daesy said as she broke the seal of the letter.

Adora took off her armor showing off her figure. She was 5'7, with violet almond eyes, blue black hair down to her waist. She was toned and tanned from warfare and a prowess with the bow and arrow and sword. Adora sat down and relaxed, helping herself to the wine on the table.

Daesy stood up and read the letter. She chuckled with contempt. "What does it say?" Adora asked.

To the Lady Daesyana of the country of Laesea,

Greetings. We are sorry for the lost of your father. He was a good man, warrior and ruler. He was an inspiration to many, by his acts of heroism. We know that you will be as wise as your father, Carlos II, was. It is time to act, to be allies. Submit yourself to the rule of DeMarcus, King of Appolonia and the annexed lands, and your country will receive high patronage, and tribute will be low. If you do not submit yourself, prepare for the battle of battles where we will not show any mercy, and your country may end as.....Arkadia of the east, flat and uninhabited.. We know your decision will be wise. We await your reply.
DeMarcus of Appolonia.

"He has some nerve making demands." Adora said with contempt. Daesy re-read the letter. "Scribe!" she said. A man came into the room with parasols and parchment. "Write:

To King DeMarcus of Appolonia,

Thank you for your concerns and kindness for our lost. With all due respect, we will not yield. We will not submit to your power. We will rule our lands in our own right. Though we wish for peace, we will fight. We know you will understand.

With Respect,
La Reina(The Queen), Daesyana.

Daesy read the letter. "Call Cruentus." she told the scribe. Soon he came back and she handed the letter to him. "Clean it up and make it diplomatic. Bring it back to me when you are done."
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Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
Chapter 2:Rejected

DeMarcus recieved the letter send by the new lady that had ascended the throne of Laesea. He was in the swamplands of Shikita 100 miles east of Applolnia, 1050 miles north of Laesea. He was a strong young man with a hard body. He wasn't a weak warrior. He was a man who would go into battle with his men. The first to run into danger. He was commonly called "The Fist of the North."

He opened the letter and read it. He expected the reply. He knew Carlos was stubborn. Why wouldn't his daughter be the same. In her control was much of the south. He wanted that power. Especialy Chylomba. Chylomba was rich in minerals that the cold of the north needed. The only thing that stand in the way is, Laesea.

"What is her reply?" Harry Nitzorz asked. Nitz, was DeMarcus's friend and general of the whole army. "She said She would not yield." DeMarcus said. "Should i prepare a march." Nitz asked. DeMarcus thought for awhile. "No. We will surprise her by not attacking then when she least expects it." Nitz asked, "When we capture Laesea, what will you do with the new sovereign?" DeMarcus though awhile. "When we get to that time i will know. " he said.

DeMarcus closed the letter and got on his horse. He and his army continued to travel east. As he rode he was deciding what to do with this new Queen on the throne. If he murdered her there would be more blood shed than necessary. If he locked her up it would be the same results. Finally he came to the conclusion of what he need to do when he captured Laesea and Daesyana.


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Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
Chapter 3:Infirmary

"You are truly your father's daughter," Agur said during his speech. "You defeated many and will surpass your father." Daesyana smiled graciously. They had just defeated completely their enemy, James, King of Shaiphela. He had been a thorn in Laesea side for years.

Everyone who was important or noble was at the table. Dajoa, her brother, who was wise and strong and part of the army. Adora of course. Yllek the astrologer, who predictions have never been wrong, and many others.

Daesyana stood up and lifted her glass. "A strong king, has a strong army. I couldn't be strong without the sacrifice of the people. Their sons and daughter who have died in the name of Laesea, with never be forgotten. The clothes on our backs, the money in our coffers, the peace we relatively enjoy we owe to those ones who sacrifced. I give this toast to them. I like them am willing to died for Lasea if it means you and your children can sleep one more night in peace." Her subjects started to clap and cheer. "Now i have finished my food. I will retire. Goodnight to all." Daesyana bowed slightly. "Goodnight your majesty." everyone said. Dajoa and Adora stood up and followed her.

Daesyana, instead of heading to her room, headed out the palace. She headed towards the infirmary. "How many did we lose?" she asked Dajoa. "56 men, 23 woman, and 178 injured." he replied. Dajoa was taller then Daesyana. He was 6'1, but he had youth in his face. His his hair was long in many braids. "Tell the treasurer to exempt tax for the dead for 1 year and the injured 6 months." Daesy said.

They walked into the building. The smell was strong. But Daesy, Dajoa and Adora was use to the smell of sickness and death. They all grabbed a water jug to quench the thirst of the soldiers. "Your majesty!" a nurse said. "You shouldn't be here." she said. "Nonsense. I will help." Daesy said. She started giving water. She came to one soldier. He was very handsome but he looked like he suffered a stomach wound. "You are too kind your majesty." he said. "The honor is mines. Your bravery adds to mines." Daesyana said. "What's your name?" she asked. He hesitated but a second and said, "Brandon." Daesy wiped his forehead. " Meaning brand of the sword. Also Broom covered hill." Daesy said. He laughed, his brown eyes twinkle. "My father had many swords." Daesyana smiled slightly. "It was nice meeting you Brandon. I will be back tomorrow." Daesy said getting up. "I look forward to it Your majesty." he said.

Daesyana took care of a few more men and retired for the evening. She really liked Brandon. He was very funny and intellegent. Being good-looking didnt hurt either.


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Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
Chapter 4: To know my enemy

DeMarcus watched the Queen walk away. She was beautiful. She also had a good heart. Going into battle with the Laeseans disguised was Nitz idea. DeMarcus joined the fight on Cruz hill where the battle was. Dressed in Laesean uniform and he fought with them. He watched the skill and finess that Lasean solders fought. He saw women and even the Queen fight. DeMarcus found out why Laesea and Appolonia seem to never defeat each other. Where Appolonian solders were strong and large, Laeseans made up in finess and quick battle skill. He was so distracted by observing the fighting that he got stabbed in the stomach through the armor by a Shaphelean.

When he woke up he was here in the infirmary, in Laesea. He had to think quickly. He had to play amnesia except for his name. No one was suspicious. He watched how the Laesean's acted. There care for each other and way of life was peaceful, though being a warlike nation. He heard a nurse say, "Peace is meant to be at home. Even if its the only place peaceful you can go." They, the Laesean's lived by that philosophy. It was impressive. The dedication to their Queen was another thing that was impressive. They laid down there life for her. And she seemed to would do the same. As the week went by he started to feel much better. He would have to go back home, but he would miss these people.

Daesyana came to the infirmary again. She fed this time all the soldiers. She also asked them about there children and wives. She even asked some their favorite weapon.

She finally came to him. "How are you feeling today?" she asked. DeMarcus smiled. "Better." he said. "I'm sure your wife and children will miss you." she said. "I don't remember. Only my name." he hated to lie. He watched her pour water into a wooden cup. "I believe we will be going to war again. Appolonia. I can't let them submit us. We are a Sovereign nation. My grandfather worked hard for us to be what we are. I will give my life to make my people save." she said, "I'm sorry. I just have alot on my mind." DeMarcus listened. Given the chance, she would be a good ruler. He stared into her green eyes. Their was a sadness, but determination in them. She smiled and said, "Get some rest." She rose and walked to another soldier.

After midnight DeMarcus got out of his sick bed in the infirmary. He walked through the city to the gates. He used magic to make himself steath, a gift from his mother. He snuck out the city and walked a mile until he saw Nitz. "Everything is just as you left it at home. What did you learn? What took so long?" Nitz asked. "They are an amazing people." DeMarcus said.


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Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
Chapter 5: Challege

Sephie walked through the hall of the palace of Appolonia. This should have been hers. Her father was in line for the throne before the Nyte family took the throne. The Masamune Family was in line for the throne before. But after the rebellion the people choose the Nyte famiy. She laughed. DeMarcus had been king for nine years and still haven't picked a wife. He did have a son, but he was illegitamate and not able to be an heir. Maybe if she played her cards right she could abducate the throne. But this wouldnt be easy because women don't rule in Appolonia.

DeMarcus made it back to Appolonia. He took a nice long bath. Afterwards he looked over reports. His son ran in and hugged him. "Hey. How's my boy?" he asked. His son was still young so he answered in some gibberish but he did say, "Fine!" in all of it. Nitzor came in smiling. "So what are we going to do?" he asked. "Prepare a march on Laesea. Tell there Queen that it is time for war." DeMarcus said. "What about Daesyana? What will you do with her?" Nitz asked. DeMarcus smiled. "I will make her an offer she can't refuse."
Daesy noticed that Brandon was gone. She missed his company.

About two weeks later she got a letter.

To Daesyana of Laesea,

Because of your decision and defiance. We will be marching towards your capital of Taeko. We will capture your city and discuss the terms. By the time you get this, we will be halfway there. My the God's have mercy on your soul.
General Harry Nitzor of Appolonia

Daesyana called Dajoa. "Get the army ready. Salvage the rations. We go to war with Appolonia." Adora came inside. "What happened?" she asked. "Its time. Appolonia is coming and we need to be ready. My armor!" she yelled. Daesy walked through the castle to her room. Her maids got her prepared. When she was finished, and turned around, there was her aunt. "Leave." Chiyo said. The maids obeyed. Daesy fixed her armor. "Daesyana how are you going to defeat an army as huge as Appolonia. You are weak. Nothing compare to your grandfather my brother, or your father. Not even your cousin, my son, Michael would hesitate as you do. " Daesy grimaced and said, "Is that all?" she asked. "I'm just saying. I am old. I have some wisdom. Hand the Kingdom over to me. With my powers they will turn away." Chiyo said. Daesy turned and said, "Enough. Though you are my aunt and an Old Lady of Laesea. I still occupy the place of King, even though i use Queen. I am above you. You can leave." Chiyo escorted herself out. Daesy stood there, chin in hand. Dajoa walked in. "Time to go." he said.

Daesy and Dajoa left her rooms and went to the war room. "Your Majesty." all her generals said. Daesy walked over to Adora and put her hand on her shoulder and sighed lowly. "Daesyana, they are a week away. If we muster up our men we will have many by the time they make it here." a General said. "I will not have them trap me in my palace. We will meet him, here," she pointed to the map, "At the Hsing Shun pass. Our Laesea arrows should be a hold point." Adora spoke up, "We know the area better than Appolonia. There are some traps there set there a few years ago for an exercise. Should still work." Everyone nodded.

Everyone departed execpt for Cruentus. "Cruentus? Something on your mind?" Daesy said looking down at the map. "DeMarcus is strong. Will we be able to defeat him?" he asked. Daesy took a deep breath. "The Lady Miho said in her ancient books of wisdom, 'Faith is something that cannot be touched, heard, or even felt. Its a sense of high intellegence that we as humans don't know. Once we achieve it we become more than the other creatures on this planet. I have faith in you. I hope you have faith in me." she said.Cruentus smiled. "I do, Your majesty." he said He put on his helmet and exited the room. "Now.....I need your confidence, in myself as well."
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New member
May 30, 2008
Ft. Lewis, Washington
The story, I like it. It's new, it's nothing I've seen before. I can't imagine what will happen next which is what makes it so interesting. I just wonna know where that kid of DeMarcus' came from. Does the story go into that? And whats with the family that had the throne before DeMarcus? I'm sure dae will fill in the gaps, I just wish she'd keep typin'!!!!!


New member
Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
Sorry i'm late with the next chapter. I'm about to have a freer schedule, i hope. Also i edited it a little so if you read it before 10:19am EST, you might want to skim through the last two paragraphs.

Chapter 6: Preparations

The Laesea army traveled to the outskirts of the Hsing Shun pass. Adora and Daesy rode together. "Look. Smoke." Adora said. On the other side of the pass was the Appolonian army.
DeMarcus was already halfway to Lasea. The pass was pretty easy to pass through. The mountain tops were topped with snow, but the valley was passable. "We camp here." DeMarcus said. His army of 10,000 camped at the gate of the pass.

Nitz and DeMarcus was making a stratagy of how to attack when Sephie walked into the tent. "Yes Masamune?" DeMarcus said. He always called her by her last name. "Why have we stopped? We could continue and be at the palace in two days time." DeMarcus shook his head. "No. These Laesean's are not as weak as they seem. And Daesyana isnt stupid either." DeMarcus said. "A woman leads them. If a woman can rule over Appolonia, why are you afriad of one now." Sephie exclaimed. DeMarcus stood up and looked her in the eyes. "I am King. I make the decsions. See that you remember." DeMarcus was calm but his eyes showed his anger. "Excuse me. Your Majesty." Sephie sneered. She walked out the tent. "For now." she added.
Daesyana was trying to figure on the best course to take. "Dajoa. Get two messengers ready. One headed for the the Appolonians, The other headed for Laesea." she said. "Sir!" Dajoa said leaving. "What course are you taking?" Adora asked. "The safest for the people at home." Daesy said.

Finally three messengers came in. "What are your names?" Daesy asked. "I'm Lalith, this is my brother TTK, and this is Ryo." the woman answered. "Lalaith. You will go to Laesea and tell Savior, to be prepared for the Gensei. TTK and Ryo, if you are both brave, go through the pass and ask for terms.. Take this." she put a necklace over TTK's and Ryo's head and laid it on their necks. "The pass is full of traps. This will protect you both. Make haste!" They all went there way. "We haven't used that in centuries." Dajoa said. "Well, I will make history. Besides we shall see if it will work." Daesyana said.
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New member
Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
Chapter 7: Delivered

TTK got on his horse, Spectrum, and rode towards the army. Ryo followed him. TTK hummed a tune as he rode. But his tune went to a slow halt as he got to the top of the hill that was on the other side. There were thousands, literally. "My God." Ryo exclaimed. Tents upon tents in the war camp. Though this was more than he expected, he was a strong young man who learned magics and warfare in school.

They took a slow trot towards the army. They made it the edge and two guard haulted them. "Who are you?" they asked. "We are messengers. Nothing more. My master has a message to give to his highness." TTK said humbly. "Its his majesty your churl. Come along."

TTK looked only with his eyes not turning his head. The army was huge. But they were not as advanced as far as magic was concerned. The the battle was by brute strength, Appolonia would win. But Laesea had magic on there side.

Finally they made it to DeMarcus tent. TTK got off his horse and walked into the tent. Ryo stayed on his. "A messenger from Laesea." the guard said. DeMarcus was looking at maps, his back was turned. He finally turned. Brown hair, Brown eyes and a haughty look. TTK had to hold back from thinking and laughing at how Daesyana will wipe that haughty look off his face. "Well messenger. What's the message?" DeMarcus asked. "Her Majesty, the Queen Daesyana wants to discuss terms." TTK said. "Ahhh terms of her surrender." Nitz asked. "The terms for peace. She will not surrender." TTK said. "Let me kill him, your Majesty." a guard said. DeMarcus didn't skip a beat. "Tell her..they are no terms." TTK nodded and said, "I will tell her that." He bowed and made his way to his horse. Ryo followed him.

DeMarcus looked at Nitz. "How many men does it take to deliver a message. Nitz grabbed a crossbow and replied, "One." then he shot the arrow.


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Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
Chapter 8: Savior

While TTK and Ryo traveled one way. Lalaith went back home to Laesea. The journey showed many sights of Laeseans preparing for the war. It was summer time. Almost time for picking grain from the fields. No one was preparing. No one was out at all. Laesea was deserted. Many of the population went to the capital, Taeko.

Lalaith finally got to Taeko. She ran into the palace, her armor clanking. Running as fast as she could she went to the temple. The acolytes blocked the way. "I need to speak to Savior. Queen Daesyana's orders!" she yelled. They moved out the way. She ran inside and saw Savior. Savior was a blond woman who was over 500 years old. No one really knew why she was so old and looked so young. "What is it my child?" she asked Lalaith. Her voice was patient and smoky, with wisdom. "Daesyana told me to tell you to prepare the Gensei. She will signal when it is time." Lalaith confirmed. Savior smiled. Daesyana was bold. Her grandfather didnt use the Gensei. The men seemed to fear it. But this woman was ready to take risks. "Tell Daesyana i am ready when she is." Savior said.
DeMarcus got his army ready. They were about to march across the Hsing Shun. Confident in his victory, he was going over terms of surrender. He wrote a letter.

Queen Daesyana,

We will discuss terms of surrender. My advisors and i have came to the same concusion. Besides Appolonia, Laesea is one of the biggest countries. I have no legal heir, and no wife. When we capture your city, your life is in my hands. You will become my wife, Queen Daesyana of Laesea and Appolonia. Prepare yourself.

Your King and future husband,
DeMarcus Nyte

He had his Falcon, Henry, and put the letter in his talons. He let it fly to the Laesean camp. "Fate Is Exonerable." He said as he watched Henry fly away.