Uhh.. just to note somthing... I still have that sig you reqested, iProd.. from page 6, it actully looks cool, every time I look at it I spend about two minuts admiering it.
I feel so bad for letting this place go to waste TT_TT School is becoming so rough now, but hopefully i'll be able to keep up now that our finals are just about finished. SO yeah..I figured I would have more to say, but i don't XD
So.. uhh.. anyone got any ideas to get this place up and running again? 'Cause, like, this place used to rock.. now it s a rock itself, never moving or anything.. >_>
Well, more members would really help. Thats pretty much our main problem here. Then theres the lack of people actually needing or wanting signatures or animations. wqe really gotta start thinking here TT__TT