Challange teh Stryfe, part 2

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
I started this battle when Stryfe came to RPGn (old site) the first time, constant sie changes deleting my post caused us to stop the match, now, almost a year later, we continue

you can change your char. I'm using new Reiku

(note this is basic, but you'll see some old and new moves)

Name: Reiku Rinsagi

Age: 17

Height: 6'3"

Race: Fallen Angel

Appearance: (see Avatar)

Weapons: twin blades, blades of shadows, along with two handguns, desert eagle class. Also, an assortment of explosive hidden on his person. Blades can be fused together into sword in pic.

Abilities: Can convert and control darkness in multiple forms and ways(will go into more detail if need be). can summon minions from the underworld. can open dimensional portals from other worlds and pull swords from their worlds momentarily. Can also teleport himself from area to area instantly(sephy port, ftw).


One Name. One Legend.
May 3, 2006
Rings of Naglifar
Unfinished. Feel free to comment, though.

Waiting Approval:
Advance Role-Play
RPGB <--- Battles
Original RP
Unoriginal RP

Name: Azrael

The name means “Angel of Death”. The true name that this man holds no one knows. It lies deep within the man’s tormented brain. Only a select few may know of his true name, yet those few are rare. Some are non-existent and merely souls of another realm. .

Age: Unknown. Some believe he is created from the cruel intentions of man.

Gender: Male

Home world: If hell is a world, then that would be the most logical conclusion one can assume.

Appearance: The appearance of Azrael is a unique one. Since he was born into the depths of hell, many assume that he is a demon of some form. However, this is not the case in any manner. He, instead, looks very similar to a human. The only difference would be that of his facial expression. His eyes appear a dark crimson color with a white pupil. A black ring soon circles around that in an almond shape eye. His hair is jet black which falls down to his brow. You’d expect just as much out of a being from hell.

His body is one of the weirdest sites you could imagine. Tan as can be as if he would Basque in the sun everyday, it wasn’t at all achieved that way. Instead, he was born like that. A soft leathery feel can be felt if you stroked it. His body, in which he never takes care of, is naturally fit. His muscles are shown in his upper body and lower body, but he rarely ever uses them. Some say he was given this as well since he never walks. On the upper right breast is a symbol of the Gods, shaped much like a triangle with a star in it. It marks that of where his power was removed until he restored most of it. On the lower left calve are Latin symbols that read “obligatus” or “bound”. These symbols represent what the Gods did to him and how he was bound to their will. However, he now keeps them as a reminder to his past life. On his back of his body are two vertical scars, representing his wings that were once ripped out from the Gods as well.

There is, however, something unique on his body that hardly anyone notices. Across his waist level, right above his right leg is a few symbols. These symbols seem to be a chant in which Azrael is able to summon forth his once abolished wings. No one knows how to read this line, because it was something that was in an ancient dialect; one that he made up. When summoned, the wings appear bright red, much like his eyes. On each feather is a letter of the chant. No one knows how he was able to summon these back, but he seemed to counter the God’s strength.

On his body is that of special clothing. Attached skin tight is a gray silk cloth. This cloth was made out of the charcoal of hell, but turned into silk giving it its unique gray look. The cloth ranges from his thigh to his wrists. Above that layer is that of straps that go across his midriff, connecting to two straps that hang forth from his upper battle gear. This gear stretches from shoulder to shoulder and goes down to just above the stomach. Two buttons are just below the nipples, connecting the descending straps. A cloak is placed over his head, covering most. A neck collar is placed around that which contains two straps that crisscross and connect to that of the two buttons. A descending tattered cape appears that is attached to the shoulder pads, but also connected to the hood. All of this is black, besides the gray shirt and the edge of the collar which contains two gray pieces of leather. Underneath all this is another layer of darker gray material that acts like chain mail.

On his lower body is a garment that hangs forth from the two descending straps from the upper body. It holds tow black lines at the edges with a dark gray center. On his legs, however, is that of two straps that circles his legs and hold small pockets for notes and things. On his shins are shin guards that are made of metal attached to layers of black pieces of leather. It starts up by the groin region before descending down to the ankles. It has a bigger metal plate around the knee. It was said that you can gain a reflection by looking into this shining metal. Attached to the bottom part of the shin guards are the boots. They are just normal black traveling boots with a piece of metal on top. Much like the top, another layer of dark gray appears below it all.

On his hands are dark gloves that are like driving gloves. Each knuckle is fastened with two bolts going backwards. Two straps crisscross and extend from the bottom of the glove to a bracelet made of black leather. A square opened section of the glove is on the top of his hand. Below it all his hands are taped to protect against the sheering pain he received from the gods. It was told he was cursed on both palms of his hand to stop him from using his powers, giving them a burning feel when he touched an element. However, his forged the bandages from special ointment in order to cancel out the burning and allow spell usage. On each of the fingers represent a different type of symbol. Is this to signify spells? Or maybe it is some other form of enchantment? Or maybe it is a plan?

Weapons/Abilities: Azrael tends to lack in the weapons department. Some say that he contains things that are invisible or from another dimension. For, when he strikes, he doesn’t move but the opponent is hit. They say that he is a demon himself, but he does contain a secret of sorts. This weapon, or should I say apparel, is located on his middle finger of his left hand. A small jewel encrusted ring that shoots his abilities throughout his body. This “ability” is that of matter manipulation.

Matter Manipulation is a simple concept to understand. Azrael understood this upon being created, but to others it is less than able to grasp. Matter is the substance of which physical objects are composed. It constitutes the observable universe. There is a tendency to regard manifestations of energy, such as light and sound, as not being material. In turn, Azrael is able to control most things with his will. This ability was constructed at birth and since he is not of the material world, it is hard to say that this ability is limited. Does it require energy? Or does it require something else?

Given from the God’s themselves as part of his “punishment”, this ring greatly decreases his ability. It is not the ring’s ability that causes matter manipulation, but he himself. The ring just acts as a barrier, reducing his abilities. Even then some, the ring isn’t all that effective. When Azrael was on a spree to kill the gods, they stood in his path. However, before they put the ring on Azrael and bound it to his soul, he managed to eliminate what was once known as “second heaven”, or that of the place where the Gods lived. However, with the ring attached to the soul, they hoped for it will never be removed.

With the ring still there, another threat can be achieved. Since the ring is only a medium between his powers and allowance, once the Ring itself is broken his powers will be fully able to use. This means a wake of destruction at the glimpse of his fingertips. This ring, however, can only be removed by someone who is knowledgeable with essences. With all of Azrael’s knowledge, he could yet find a way to break this. Some say he is close to fully grasping it, though. And when that happens, his time to pass judgment will start. So long as there is matter, Azrael in that state is unstoppable.

Personality: Known as an excellent minion and person to control, Azrael was indeed a loyal person. However, upon hitting the turning point in his life when he was branded by the Gods, he soon started to fill with ruthlessness. It seems that anger carried over and was soon transferred to people that he felt could not be trusted. His mind soon became clear upon meditating what to do after and his answer was; fight. He would fight for his own life and not be branded by anyone. He would become an independent, which he rightfully did. He will now only trusts those he feels are close enough.


(Part 1/3)
When the first humans started to develop a society, a war was forged between heaven and hell. This war was to determine the direction of all souls, yet it was feudal to fight for this. Countless battles between angles of light and dark were fought, eliminating each other out. But, then again, this was a time of great power for both sides. A change in the air and style was about to occur. As the war raged on, humans began to become more familiar with sin and the way. This in turn supplied both sides, heaven and hell, with more power. Yet, it was at this time that a new idea was forged. The idea consisted of harnessing all the power of sin and destruction into one being; something that couldn’t be stopped. It wasn’t until fifty years later that this was accepted. In due time, a crystallized hell spawn was forming deep within the chambers. It was here that Azrael was born. It was here that his tale began. It was here that sorrow first came to the God’s taste. This was the next level. A level in which know one could’ve dreamed off.

In a few years time, a dark crystal was shattered in Hell. This crystal bore the remnants of Azrael. Inactive and not known why, the Gods of Hell became infuriated. To them, it was a lifeless carcass. Lifeless was the key word. Little did the Hellish Gods know was that the body needed a soul. They attempted everything put a soul infusion. They gave him blood, tried recreating, and ultimately threw him into a pit of lava. Nothing worked. Finally they came to the answer. They implanted a soul into him, but only a finger moved. They, however, were pleased. They sent countless numbers into his body and before you knew it, Azrael had come alive. Still, he was weak. His birth, on the other hand, was complete.

Months passed and the Gods continued to send souls in Azrael, hoping for some power. It was still, nothing. They were lacking what Azrael needed most. Branding him as useless, they strapped a chain around him and threw him into the world of the humans. Upon going through, the souls became to act odd. These souls, not comprised of matter, were being sent into a matter filled world. Upon reaching the other side, Azrael happened to be the exact opposite of matter. This was the beginning of his powers. Azrael, since he was the exact opposite, was able to toy with the living matter there. It seemed that the souls gave him this ability. And, for the first time, he smirked. This power was unknown to the Gods and only seemed to work in the visible world. Finally, when they pulled back Azrael to do some more testing, he told them to look into the world of the “humans”. And, to the God’s amazement, his powers destroyed most of the world.

Upon knowing full well that the battle was taking place for souls in the visible world, the God’s of the underworld sent Azrael to the visible world. However, they made one crucial mistake. They forgot something to bind Azrael to them. This was what led to their downfall. Azrael, without a chain, became his own independent soul. He was his own to command. And with a desire for power, he needed to find a way to obtain power in both the physical and spiritual world. His body soon became christened for such power to obtain. He cared neither for the war or his life, but rather the power to obtain such a feat. Soon, enough, the answer hit him. The God’s of the universe or otherwise known as Heaven held the answer.

Slaughtering countless “angels” to find a correct one with the passage way into heaven, Azrael went there in hopes of finding this artifact. Completely useless in the spiritual world, Azrael was only a sitting duck there. However, he did accomplish in what he was seeking. He made a pact with the Gods that stated he will kill the underverse known as “Hell” if he can obtain such power. The Gods accepted for they knew the souls were more important. They branded him across the right chest with their symbol, forever etched into his skin. He was now part of heaven and hell.

Desiring to test this new ability, he quickly went and did the God’s bidding. In no less than 5 minutes, he completely annihilated what was once known as first Hell, or the place where the souls go. He was unstoppable. Upon returning to Heaven with one of the Gods of Hell head, he had another sinister plot. He still wanted to work for his own gain and so, this was the beginning of Azrael’s downfall. Upon going to second heaven, or where the Gods lived, Azrael quickly returned to his roots. He began uproar and started to thrash and destroy the place. The Gods quickly countered measured to this, and being much stronger, managed to detain Azrael’s power by issuing a curse on him. His hands were completely burned from it, and soon his power was lost. The Gods still feared that he will get his power back somehow and so they attached the ring to his soul, limiting his power if it so should return.

Still, as they feared him, they decided to take no more risks. Even though they felt that his power was gone, they wanted to make sure. They ripped his soul out from him, tearing his wings off from behind him. He was then placed in captivity, or rather, the soul chambers. He was no more than an essence.

-More coming. (A.K.A Part 2/3)

Theme Song: “Me vs The World” – Medina Lake

Much more to come.

(Go ahead and post. =D)

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
((I hate you for making me read will now understand the full essence of my powers))

Scenario: City ruins, this time we use the entire city

Reiku rose from the ground, slowly the darkness dripped off of his form, his wings spreading outward slowly. He roses form the ground to inches above it, eyes closed, even as he left the ground, the darkness from whence he came began to spread outward, covering the ground and the broken sky scrapers around them. He slow glided downward as the clouds darkened the sky. A dark aura filled the area and gave off an eerie death feel. As the figure opened his eyes, the held a silver hue in them, shining like the moon reflecting an unseen light. He touched the ground and pulled out a note, which told him to be here at this time. He slowly contemplated this note, as there was no name on it. He stood there, barely lifted off the ground, waiting. He looked peaceful in this dark decor, though his power was noticeable, even from here.


One Name. One Legend.
May 3, 2006
Rings of Naglifar
(, I guess I should post. It's been 11 days and all. XD)

Azrael's hand extended out into the damp air, clenching into a fist. The air around this somewhat forgotten city became dense and fog-like. Soon,a rushing mist was felt all around, channeling it from Azrael out into the open-ness of the destroyed city. His cloak flailed in the wind, dancing as if it had a mind of its own before all that was left was a faint outline where he once stood.

He vanished.

In a matter of milliseconds, his body appeared before this weary traveler that seemed to be invited. His eyes gleamed over, scouting this opponent's entire body complexion. His eyes shifted to the side before he shook his head in disgust. It was unlike Azrael to be called forth for......this. A mere angel challenging him? Preposterous. Finally, without warning, he spoke in a harsh tone, "Time to die. This will be over in a matter of seconds, dark wielder."

His hand reached above his head, palm facing the misty sky. His eyes opened wide once more and soon he started to chant a mysterious dialect. Light began to form at the base of the palm, extending upwards. Growing larger and larger, it looked as though it would be uncontrollable, yet his body remained still. As he finished the last words, he had thrust his hand into the ground and a bright light began to illuminate over the stretch of the city. The buildings, ground, and even the air began to reach a faint glow.

....the earth shook.

Letting out a quick grin, he spoke once more in a mocking tone. "This light prohibits most use of dark and that of telekinesis abilities. How, you may ask? Quite simple. The light prohibits darkness to reign in this area. Also, the air and such is now contaminated, so when one does want to project themselves, it will instantly shred them. How do I know you so well....," he paused for a brief moment before letting out a small laugh, "I know all, boy. One last thing. In 5 seconds, light will explode from the ground up. Stopping way out in the galaxy. This light will incinerate anything in its wake. Cheers."

(XD. In other words, you pretty much can't escape. Well, you can, but I am not telling how it's possible. Feel the wrath of Azrael.

I didn't even write to my fullest potential. I just wanted to end it quickly and shortly.)

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Reiku still floated off the ground, loking down at this man and his power. Yes the light seem to cut off his darkness, as he tried to form a sword and failed to do so. He calmly looked from his left to his right as the earth shook more, though not afect him as he was off the ground. He had but a few seconds to think but easily spoke a few words.

"I am the angel...that knows the way to heaven."

He knew that this would be his only way to fight this man. If he was killed, the way would be lost forever. If the man decided to not think his actions through that is. But he looked like a smart one, and this would not be Reiku's last batle on tihs plane or the next...he hoped.