Darkness **EXPRESSIONS **

The True Keyblader

New member
Jun 4, 2006
Shadows moving in the dark,
I lean against the fallen bark.

Trying to hide my burning pain,
While trying not to go insane.

Blood dripping from my blistered hands,
Scars are made in swollen bands.

Sweat trickles down my flaming face,
As I hide in this forbidden space.

Thoughts of you invade my world,
Screaming regrets at you are hurled.

With one slip, the lights go dim,
My life again is turned to her.

The silent stillness screams at me,
What was it that she didn't see?

Did my love just not shine through?
Was it not true enough for you?

My searing pain is just too real,
I can't even begin to heal.

I wanted everything from this,
But you ripped away my happy bliss.

You don't feel the horrid sting,
That your decisions seemed to bring.

I hate this hell she's put me through,
But this I'm sure he knows is true.

My useless body's goin numb,
In the stillness, I begin to hum.

I pull my strength from deep within,
Put yourself into my skin.

The knife cuts deep,
Welcoming my endless sleep.