Destiny Of Creation


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Fox-chan thrashed around in her cage calling out Mews name, her broken arm caused her great pain but she didn't care, she was more worried about Mews.
"MEWS...WHERE ARE YOU BOY, MEWS?!" Called out Fox-chan as she kicked the bars.

Mews have been her life time compains ever since she could rember, Fox-chan shared a Sibling bond with Mews maybe even something deeper.

Suddenly Fox-chan stop, a chill went down her spine, and her face showed nothing but fear, "I snce something...Something Deep and dark." Whispered Fox-chan to herself. Fox-chan quickly looked up and saw the Overlord.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
"Hello there," said The Overlord. He could see the extreme fright that Fox-Chan had. "Welcome to the Underworld. In about an hour, we are going to take your heart out and then throw you in the hot magma until you die." The Overlord couldn't help but smile. "I'm sure you have met Old Pew. He failed his mission to kill the host bodies of Lilith. So i had to kill him. Now. Who might you be?" He touched her forehead through the cage. Just to feel his presence make a chill down your spine. If he were to touch you, you would be wishing to die. When he touched her forehead, he found out who she was. "Fox-chan," he said. He then walked away and the chill went away.


New member
Fox-chan was to scared to speak, but as the Overlord was walking away, Her Gel popped into her head. "WAIT!" Fox-chan called out to him. Fox-chan slowly stood up, "Have you seen my Mews, I must have him back. I do not care what you do to me, as long as he is safe." Siad Fox-chan as looks at the Overlord.

The arua of the Overlord was over powering but Fox-chan consern for Mews seem to my her Arua grow alittle and protect her from the Overlord's Aura. "Just tell me where my Mews is and you can do anything you want with me." Siad Fox-chan to the Overlord.
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New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
The Overlord sighed and spun around. "Alright. You want to know where your gel is? He's with me. I intend to keep him safe. But if we are to have a problem with you, i'll kill him. And if i kill him, you know what else will happen. He is in a nice little underworldly device. No mortal can open it. Only i." He walked away again, this time, for good.


New member
Fox-chan sighed and looked around, If Mews was here I can do my Mega Magic to brake out..... My hands are tied up so I can't reach for my Brush.... what can I do?

Fox-chan try to move but she couldn't even shift her hips. Mean while in the Gold bar, Mews has snice where Fox-chan was at. Mews was in he's cage Slaming against the walls trying to get out.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
The Overlord had other mortals besides Fox-chan to deal with. Within the next half an hour, someone will have their heart taken out and they will die. The Overlord waited in his office for the time to come. He took out the gold block and looked at it. "Hello, gel. Your master will dies in an hour. But right now, i have someone else to kill. You sit tight." He put the block down on his desk and walked back over to the Death Cages. Beside Fox-Chan, there was a man in another cage. The Overlord pointed at him and said, "Its his turn. Get him into the postition." The guards came and lifted the coffin-like cage up and hug it on a hook. "And take the girl too. She'd like to see whats in store for her." The Overlord laughed as two more guards came and took Fox-chan and set her down so she had a beautiful view of what was to happen.


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Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
The Overlord walked over to the man hanging there. The crowd of people behind him cheered. They were just skeletons and the undead. The Overlord looked at the man. "Is death close? Can you feel it? Are you afraid? Can you bear it?" he said without expecting a response. The man just shivered and shook and cried. The Overlord took his hand and stuck it in the man's chest. He pulled out his heart and rose it high above his head. The crowd cheered. The floor directly beneath the cage then opened to reveal the hot magma under it. The man was lowered until his body was burning and the halls of the Underworld echoed with the man's screams. The heart then disappeared from The Overlord's hands. The crowd cheered and then left. Fox-chan was put back where she originally was. The Overlord walked up to her and said, "your time is within the hour. Don't be late." He laughed. He then saw, despite her fear, the girl was in severe pain. "What's this?" he asked as he touched her forehead. "Stupid Pew." He stuck his hand up and healed Fox-Chan's arm. "That is only so that when you experience the pain, it will be worse." He walked away leaving Fox-chan to worry.

((I completely copied Indiana Jones XP)


New member
Jul 5, 2006
((RR, I was about to type the Indiana Jones things....))

Back on the 3rd earth, Shu looked at the group. "Hmmm....well, Rukui says I screwed this up, but I don't feel that way about it. How was I supposed to know he could do that?" He knew that was a lie however. He sensed new power, and saw the portal in his moves. However, he thought they belonged to one of the people on his side. "Maybe I can re-open the portal for us?"


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
((i'm gonna get back to Styx now))

Styx, Tessa, and Dimitri were busy at work with their research. So far, none had found anything. Tessa then said, "I got something. The 7th Passageway is supposedly an unknown route under Alchemist Eden. Origin is unknown, as well as where it leads to. It seems that Prof. Pat built it without the concent of the other Alchemists. Later, Professor Leo Caeser found it as he was unknown area. He came back a few hours later and established a crew of 7 or 8 men to venture deep into it to see what was there. The men were never seen again." Tessa got the chills after reading it. "Wow..." was all Styx could utter out of his mouth. He turned back to his computer and did more search and a document opened up. "I think i found something too. It says: 'The Tsimehcla Language: The never-existing language that is for the most part unknown. Nwonknu, an ancient professor who called himself 'Leid tot goud' which is translated to 'Lead to gold', (ALCHEMY: The process of changing lead to gold ALCHEMIST: one who changes lead to gold) supposedly made up this language and used it for his studies. He named it after himself, Nwonknu, and later it was found on stones and renamed to accomidate what Nwonknu called himself.'. That doesn't make sense. His name was Nwonknu. But we found out that is unknown backwards." "Maybe its just a coincidence?" said Tessa. "No, we were right...just the reading is trying to throw us off...Researching is bringing up more questions than answers. Tessa, i want you to help Dimitri and I finding out more about this language. We already know enough about the 7th Passageway." And so, the three professors got down to business and searched to find out more info on the lanuage.


New member
Fox-chan was still bound in that cage, Fox-chan was very frighten but a thought popped into her mind, it was the last words said to her by ???, he told her that if she would ever get fighten that all she need to do is look up at the moon. Sadly there was no moon.

Fox-chan sighed trying to clam her self, she was really more worried about Mews.