Devastation and Sadness

The True Keyblader

New member
Jun 4, 2006
I have spent the day in a weird sense of terror, sadness and helplessness. Firstly, came the telephone call from my sister to tell me that I needn't go downtown to the recruiter's offices today as the downtown core was in the process of shutting down due to the terrorist attacks in the US. I had only just turned on the TV, and was not sure as to what had happened. As she told me, and as the pictures of the devastation came across the airwaves and into the TV set, my heart grew heavy, and my head grew light with fear. Fear for my American friends, spread out over the nation. Fear that something could have happened... and ultimate sadness for those that this attack has directly affected, for those survivors and the for the families of those lost to the mindless, soulless attacks.

I have some words to those groups who have chosen to deny involvement, but yet have decided to use this tragedy to further their political agenda. To the Hamas and the DFLP... How... How... How... can you expect anyone to ever take you seriously again in your attempts and your claims for your own rights in the middle east? How can you honestly sit there and deny any responsibility and then in the same breath tell the US that this should action should force a rethinking of foreign policy? How do you ever expect to have any credibility anymore? And how can you coldly make these announcements in the wake of so much death and destruction? There is no, nor can be any justification for your words today. Insensitive, brutal, unfeeling and as good as an admission of guilt in my mind. And those who celebrated the death and destruction. To those who think that what happened was a just blow... may pain and suffering inflict you and your family for your disgrace.

Explosions have, just this second, started in Afghanistan, no one has said where they are coming from. Possible retaliation from the Americans, possible retaliation from the Israelites. All I can hope from this is that the people who are responsible suffer for their actions. And that more innocents do not die from the evil that those responsible have perpetrated. The tears are now flowing freely from my eyes as I watch the repeat coverage. I am afraid for the entire population now. Of the entire planet. I am broken hearted for the future and consumed by the hatred and the lack of consideration for HUMAN life that has been shown. Just when I thought that humanity was finally showing progress, that people were finally showing that they could peacefully inhabit this planet. I feel crushed... I feel as if the weight of those buildings has landed inside my heart. It takes a lot to invoke hatred within me, my tolerence is high... but I feel a pain that can only be hatred inside myself. A hatred for the organizers, a hatred for the perpetrators, and a hatred for the celebrators of these terrible actions.

I can't go on right now... I am too angry, too worried and too frightened to continue right now. I am sure I will have much more to say as this unfolds. Be safe, everyone, be safe and strong...