Final Dance


The King Of Bandits
The tapping, moving, smacking heel
Dealing that of dirty deals
One last dance for all to feel
One last dance for I to steal

Taking hands of maidens hold
Feeling of impending cold
Thus the story we have told
Is packed and sent, finally sold

The stories that i leave you now
Are none of great, this somehow
Making All who raise their brow
Crumble down and only bow.

I want no crying of any pain
I need you all to please refrain
Keep your thoughts of any sane
My final glint of glasses pane

My heart is filled to its content
I never seemed to make a dent
But as you know, the story 's sent
Now watch the glass its final glint

And as you turn I disappear
Leaving all with none to fear
Keep your eyes to hold your tear
Remember I am always near.

I would like you all to know that i am renouncing my title as a poet, and retiring from the poets life. A new age of poets will be coming soon, and i would rather not compete with them. I love you all who read my poems, and i thank you for your gratitude and compliments. I know that you all meant them with the most sincere of hearts. Please hold this last poem dearly to your hearts for as the last line says "I am always near".

My Final Good bye,
Retired poet,


New member
May 31, 2006
Nowhere but everywhere.
Dear Jing...Its so remarkable. I am sad that you are retiring, your poetry cuts deep in my heart and I want you to know, that I will always be rooting for you!...So just do your very best and know you have a friend here...and forever. Excellent ending poem...^.^
<3 Rae

Awaiting Icarus

New member
May 16, 2006
In the skies far away from you all.
Your poetry is amazing. It conveys messages deep within it's lines that bring out something in it's readers that they don't expect. Wether you meant it to do just that or just kind of wrote random babble that popped into your head, it is still amazing that you can fit together such words as to bring about such responses. Excellent work Jing.


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
Awww, no. You can't do that *cries*. We need your poems, yours are the best I've ever read and the writting section will never be the same without your poems.

I'm so sad but I understand that it's your choice and there's nothing I can do to stop it. The only thing left is hope that you might write some more one day.

I loved this last poem, it was perfect and I'll keep it in my memory forever. Please keep writting even if you don't post. Maybe you could publish a book of poems or write songs for your bands. Just never stop because... I believe you have a gift and you should use your gift to the very end.

Your poetry is sad and heart-warming, and wonderful and... perfect. Just remember that there are people in this world who will always appreciate what you do, people who believe in you, no matter what.

*Hugs Tightly* Oh, and... you better be alaways around, lol. :tighthug: