Yes i know. This RP was over over over done, but i can't help myself.
"Spira". It consists of one large landmass divided into three subcontinents, surrounded by small tropical islands. It features diverse climates, ranging from the tropical Besaid and Kilika islands to the temperate Mi'ihen region to the frigid Macalania and Mount Gagazet.
Although it is predominantly populated by humans, Spira features a variety of races. Among them are the Al Bhed, a technologically advanced but disenfranchised sub-group of humans with distinctive spiral-green eyes and unique language. The Guado are somewhat less human in appearance, with elongated fingers and other subtle differences. They also have a natural propensity for magic and conjuring monsters. Still less human in appearance are the large, lion-like, one-horned Ronso, and the frog-like Hypello. Wikipdia
The calm. Over 1000 years and Sin has raged on. Now a new summoner is need to bring the calm once again.
No power play
No flaming
If you have to machine post, please keep it on the same area everyone is in, but i strong recommend not doing that
All i ask is not to do one liners. Try to make a short paragraph.
Have fun
Two summoners at the most.
"Spira". It consists of one large landmass divided into three subcontinents, surrounded by small tropical islands. It features diverse climates, ranging from the tropical Besaid and Kilika islands to the temperate Mi'ihen region to the frigid Macalania and Mount Gagazet.
Although it is predominantly populated by humans, Spira features a variety of races. Among them are the Al Bhed, a technologically advanced but disenfranchised sub-group of humans with distinctive spiral-green eyes and unique language. The Guado are somewhat less human in appearance, with elongated fingers and other subtle differences. They also have a natural propensity for magic and conjuring monsters. Still less human in appearance are the large, lion-like, one-horned Ronso, and the frog-like Hypello. Wikipdia
The calm. Over 1000 years and Sin has raged on. Now a new summoner is need to bring the calm once again.
No power play
No flaming
If you have to machine post, please keep it on the same area everyone is in, but i strong recommend not doing that
All i ask is not to do one liners. Try to make a short paragraph.
Have fun
Two summoners at the most.
Pic/ Description:
Guadian, Summoner)
Pic/ Description: