Game Script


High Prophet of Blue
Aug 4, 2006
In my own little world where I rule over all
So I am currently in my spare time working on a script for a game I want to make. Right now I am working on the story. I got this inspiration from other games I have played. The genre is horror. I have played a few "horror survival" games and all I can say is that not a single one of them actually stands out as a good horror game. Dead Space held it for one level then it dropped to a point of non-existence. Same went for Bioshock. I believe the reason is while playing you lose that sense of fear that one can get from playing a game. You start a new game and you don't have much to go on. Not a lot of ammo, armor or anything else; but overtime you gain those and you stop being frightened by whatever may lurk or jump out at you from the shadows. My goal is to make a game where you maintain that state of fear from start to finish. I will post things that I get done and feel free to critique it or suggest things to add. I will say I will not add weapons or armor of any kind so it'll be a waste to suggest it. This is a game that is strictly a game to survive through not blast your way through. Giving a mass multitude of weapons and armor to a game/player will give them a sense of safety and power. That's the last thing I want. I want to make them feel like a little kid again. One who is afraid to sleep without a night light or have their parents look under the bed and in the closet for monsters.


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
Gears of War did it for me LOL. When you are walking around and then you suddenly hear this scary tune and your eyes wanna pop out and you want to hide. Because you know it means some where near you out of the ground locust are going to appear. They would have this growly laugh like they were 100% confident they would kill you.

Had nightmares of locust for a week LOL. I played at 1-4 am too! Super dark and it was freaky.... but a great horror, suspenseful game!


The King Of Bandits
I think this is a spectacular idea Mr. Geer. The horror indeed dies when you have plenty of ammo and armor. However when it's just you (maybe even without a gun), that's when things start to get a little creepy. You should make it into a survival-horror-stealth cross over, and just take the emphasis off of combat all together. Stealth would serve as a good mechanic to replace combat as well.

Just a suggestion, your work is really your work. I'll be looking forward to this. : )


High Prophet of Blue
Aug 4, 2006
In my own little world where I rule over all
That's kind of what I was thinking about. Have areas or places to hide from the monsters instead of fighting them, like a locker or something. I plan to reveal very little of the creature (or creatures) in this. I believe that once you see enough of the monster it also loses some of the edge.


High Prophet of Blue
Aug 4, 2006
In my own little world where I rule over all
Some. Not as much as I had hoped. But this is what I have so far. Im really trying to work out story and characters right now. Which is at a stand still because I've always been terrible with coming up with names of things like places or characters. Oh yeah and I've been more focused on financial issues.

This is going to be an in game script and when you read it imagine it in first person view, like call of duty or the teaser trailers of the Bioshock games.

Turn corner into a hallway. (this is written in a mix between shorthand and detailed.) A man standing in a shadow. He turns to you. Takes a step towards you, into a dim light, you see his face. He raises a scalpel & syringe. He takes another step toward you. A hand with long, bony fingers reaches for the man at ground level. All you can make out is a shadowy outline of the hand. It grabs the mans ankle and pulls his feet out from under him. He falls on his side. Syringe and scalpel fly across the hallway and bounce off the wall. Guy screams. He is pulled partially out of view. You can still see him grasping a counter that he as near trying to keep from being dragged off. You drop the flashlight and run toward him to help. You grab his hands to pull him to safety. He keeps screaming and struggling, making it difficult to grab. The bottom half of his body is shrouded in complete darkness. You see he is being pulled in an air duct. The mans flailing causes you to lose your grip. The man is dragged into the darkness screaming for help. You crawl back to the other wall as to not be pulled in yourself. You get your flashlight and turn it on. Shining it into the duct you see nothing. You get up and continue down the hallway.


I see this almost like a quick time event but without pushing any buttons. Like an in game cut scene. I guess thats the correct term for it. Again Im sure that I could flesh some things out and make it more detailed but right now Im just ruft-drafting everything Im doing with this. I've also got about a page worth of opening scenes for the game.