Hide-row (Hydro)


New member
Jul 13, 2007
Hide walked into Izell’s camp. There was a campfire to illuminate the pitch black night and food off to the side. Izell was sitting on a log eating something that smelled delicious to Hide’s nose. “Hey…” Hide said with regret “Look, I’m sorry about-“ “Don’t worry about it.” Izell interrupted. Hide sat down on a log and quietly watched the fire. Izell reached for something in a bag and threw it to Hide. “Here, I made you a bowl, I new you would want one.” Hide looked dumbfounded. “You should eat, or it will get cold.” Izell said while pointing at the pot that was boiling over the crackling fire. Hide filled his bowl and gobbled it down in 30 seconds. After he was full, Izell turned his head and told him, “You should get some sleep, we leave tomorrow”
“Ready!” Hide said enthusiastically as he and Izell packed up the camp. “So, where to?” Hide asked. “We are going to the fire mani city.” Hide’s eyes grew wide. “Something wrong?” Izell asked the shivering Hide. “Why?” “We’re going to take the ‘Flickerail’ to the Ice mani city.” Izell replied. The two walked along until they heard rustling was heard in the bushes behind them. Exchanging stern looks the two walked slower and more cautious. Again the bushes were rustling more than normal. Hide turned around, “Who’s there!?” The bushes began to rustle more than normal this time and longer than the other two instances. “Get ready!” Izell warned, it sounds big. “YOU!!!!!” someone screamed as he leaped from the bushes and tackled hide. “YOU BASTARD!!! YOU JUST LEFT ME THERE TO DIE!!” “ERIK!!!” Hide yelled in surprise as he was being punched over and over by Erik, who was covered in scratches with some parts of his clothes ripped. “YOU DUMBASS! I WENT THERE TO RESCUE YOU NOT DIE FOR YOU!” Erik was still beating up Hide. Izell pulled Erik off of Hide and held him back while he was kicking in midair, “LET ME GO, DON’T HOLD ME BACK! DO YOU KNOW WHAT I LOST IN THERE?! I LOST 7 PHONE NUMBERS, YEAH, NOT 1 GIRL, 7, I’LL KILL YOU!!”