Its the same as Snowy Nights at GP only its Summer. Everyone at GP got an all expense paid trip to the GP Resort right by the beach. Same rules apply. ENJOY!
RikuReplica watched as RPG jumped into the water. "Where is iProd.....he said we'd have a catch!" RikuReplica put the football down in the sand and jumped into the water. "Kowabunga!"
RikuReplica started body surfing. He looked beside him and saw RPG surfing. "Hey" he told her. He then saw her lose her balance and fall on top of him.
RPGirl shoock off her wipe out, "Whoa, bad time for a Flash back." Siad RPGirl in a joking manner. Then she looked down and saw she fell on someone, "AGAHH, sorry, I didn't mean to fall on you." Siad RPGirl.
iProd sat on the deck with an open black hawiian flower shirt with matching shorts. He was watching the others on the beach apparently going surfing with nothing all that pleasant. "Just what i need, a working vacation." iProd said sighing. "What kind of people give you reports! I could be sun bathing!" He ruffled his hair and then stared at the blank piece of paper in front of him.
RikuReplica looked up and saw iProd up on his deck. He ran over to right beneath it and called up to him. "Hey man! Put that paper down. Lets have a catch!"
Tsukasa got up and streched. A long sigh emited from his throat. He brain rummaged through his thoughts for whatever might start his day. Food. He was hungry. No. Bathroom. Then food. Tsukasa stumbled off to the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
Jing slowly walked out of the Admin room on the top floor of the resort. He pushed the lobby button on the elevator and proceeded out the front door when he reached the bottom. Looking around he smiled, seeing that everyone was enjoying themselves. Slowly, he snuck off to a path in the thick forest behind the resort, in minutes he was atop a hill over looking the ocean. It was quiet, and he was alone for the moment.
Kenshin (prevoiously RF-kun) ran down to the beach. He had already put on his swim trunks and was hoping for a good, fun, awsome, "totally radical dude..." kinda day. He went and rented a boat from the dock, then rented a knee board. "This is gonna be sooooo awsome!" Kenshin said as he drove the boat out into the water.
It seemed that iProd hadn't heard RikuReplica so he left him alone and went back to his football. He saw one of his best friends, Kenshin Himura, in the water driving a boat. He swam out to the boat as fast as he can. He threw the football onto the boat and then climbed in. "Hey man!"
Jing felt quite at ease all by himself on the hill. It was so far up, he could see all the members running around on the beach and playing in the water. It was so relaxing to just sit there all alone, He found himself thinking about all the problems that had been happening recently, then quickly dismissed them realizing he needed this vacation.
IBeatSephiroth walked out of her house and looked at the beach. "Ahh.. the reson I got a beach house!" said IBS, looking around. She then grabed her swimers and ran to her room once more. She got into her swimers and ran out to the sand, laying out her towl and siting on it, creating a sand castle.