Heres some facts:
- Tempests will have no air defence, their shield activates only against ground attacks.(most properly not be seen in the game)
- Soul Hunters become stronger as they kill more units.(These would most properly not to be seen in the game)
- Nydus Worms, after they unburrow, provides a permanent canal. It is unclear whether they can reburrow.
- Gateways can only teleport 1 unit at a time, and there will be a cooldown.
- Units take a period of time to fully teleport, during which time they are vulnerable and can be attacked. If the Pylon is destroyed during the process, so is the unit.
- New Protoss Units: Soul Hunter, Tempest, Star Relic, Twilight Archons Confirmed
- Dark Templars, Observers, Reavers and Firebats make a Return
- Photon Cannons are now Phase Cannons, which can uproot themselves and move around.
- High Templars Gain Force Field ability, which allows them to create temporary impenetrable barriers.
- Tychus Findlay, the Marine from the Starcraft 2 Teaser, will feature prominently in the SC2 Singleplayer Campaign.
- Blizzard's Cinematics for SC2 contains o many polygons that they need to develop in hourse rendering tools.
-Units which have separate weapons for attacking ground/air units can use both weapons simultaneously, with no shared cooldown. For example, the Protoss Stalker.
- The Campaign will feature a 4th NPC Race that assimulates both Protoss and Zerg.
- Blizzard has made a concious decision to separate Starcraft/Warcraft franchises. Warcraft will be more micro, Starcraft more macro.
- Kerrigan, Raynor and Zeratul are confirmed to return.
- Blizzard is concentrating most of UI, Unit AI, and Game Mechanics.
- StarCraft II will take place some four years after the events of the original game, in the same time fram as SC:Ghost.
- Beijing has offered to host the 2008 WWI, Blizz has yet to accept.
- Blizzard will be planning features to make watching SC2 Games more fun, so it becomes an international e-sport.
- Blizzard makes no comment on whether for SC2 will be completely free.
- SC: Ghost is on indefinite hold. Currently no one at Blizzard is working on it.
- Blizzard vows to support over Windows Live.
- (Possible Fact) Command Centers can transport SCVs, (look carefully at gameplay video)
- SC2 will have the same number of units as BW
- New Zerg Unit: Succubi, which will infest enemy units in battle and make them explode after a short period of time.
- the Protoss Colossus is very vulnerable to air units. This is because the Collosus is treated as both a ground and air unit in terms of what can attack it. This means that anti-air units air units, (as well as missile turrets) can actually attack the Collosus.
- There will be no unit control limit.
- In Development since 2003, since Frozen Throne.
- There will be no fourth race in SC2.
- Size of Team: 40, Budget: Unlimited
Nomad: this new unit is much a like the science vessel, featuring emp that drains all shield and energy from units in an area, yes area.
it can drain more then one unit with one shot.
And the same with the defense matrix.
The nomad can also auto-repair air units.
Predator: This is and updated wraith, who can only fight with other planes and the colussus.
The predator can transform into an interceptor that blocks enemy missiles.
The predator cannot cloack itself this has been passed along to the banshee.
Banshee: is a new plane who only can attack ground units. It fires a volley of missiles that deals damage to a big area.
Colossus: can not be transported. Its mobility is limited to its walking speed. The Colossus also has an upgrade that increases its shields.
The terrans missiles turrets can also fire on the colossus because of the height of the colossus
Evidence that missile turrets fires at colossus.
- Tempests will have no air defence, their shield activates only against ground attacks.(most properly not be seen in the game)
- Soul Hunters become stronger as they kill more units.(These would most properly not to be seen in the game)
- Nydus Worms, after they unburrow, provides a permanent canal. It is unclear whether they can reburrow.
- Gateways can only teleport 1 unit at a time, and there will be a cooldown.
- Units take a period of time to fully teleport, during which time they are vulnerable and can be attacked. If the Pylon is destroyed during the process, so is the unit.
- New Protoss Units: Soul Hunter, Tempest, Star Relic, Twilight Archons Confirmed
- Dark Templars, Observers, Reavers and Firebats make a Return
- Photon Cannons are now Phase Cannons, which can uproot themselves and move around.
- High Templars Gain Force Field ability, which allows them to create temporary impenetrable barriers.
- Tychus Findlay, the Marine from the Starcraft 2 Teaser, will feature prominently in the SC2 Singleplayer Campaign.
- Blizzard's Cinematics for SC2 contains o many polygons that they need to develop in hourse rendering tools.
-Units which have separate weapons for attacking ground/air units can use both weapons simultaneously, with no shared cooldown. For example, the Protoss Stalker.
- The Campaign will feature a 4th NPC Race that assimulates both Protoss and Zerg.
- Blizzard has made a concious decision to separate Starcraft/Warcraft franchises. Warcraft will be more micro, Starcraft more macro.
- Kerrigan, Raynor and Zeratul are confirmed to return.
- Blizzard is concentrating most of UI, Unit AI, and Game Mechanics.
- StarCraft II will take place some four years after the events of the original game, in the same time fram as SC:Ghost.
- Beijing has offered to host the 2008 WWI, Blizz has yet to accept.
- Blizzard will be planning features to make watching SC2 Games more fun, so it becomes an international e-sport.
- Blizzard makes no comment on whether for SC2 will be completely free.
- SC: Ghost is on indefinite hold. Currently no one at Blizzard is working on it.
- Blizzard vows to support over Windows Live.
- (Possible Fact) Command Centers can transport SCVs, (look carefully at gameplay video)
- SC2 will have the same number of units as BW
- New Zerg Unit: Succubi, which will infest enemy units in battle and make them explode after a short period of time.
- the Protoss Colossus is very vulnerable to air units. This is because the Collosus is treated as both a ground and air unit in terms of what can attack it. This means that anti-air units air units, (as well as missile turrets) can actually attack the Collosus.
- There will be no unit control limit.
- In Development since 2003, since Frozen Throne.
- There will be no fourth race in SC2.
- Size of Team: 40, Budget: Unlimited
Nomad: this new unit is much a like the science vessel, featuring emp that drains all shield and energy from units in an area, yes area.
it can drain more then one unit with one shot.
And the same with the defense matrix.
The nomad can also auto-repair air units.
Predator: This is and updated wraith, who can only fight with other planes and the colussus.
The predator can transform into an interceptor that blocks enemy missiles.
The predator cannot cloack itself this has been passed along to the banshee.
Banshee: is a new plane who only can attack ground units. It fires a volley of missiles that deals damage to a big area.
Colossus: can not be transported. Its mobility is limited to its walking speed. The Colossus also has an upgrade that increases its shields.
The terrans missiles turrets can also fire on the colossus because of the height of the colossus
Evidence that missile turrets fires at colossus.