Kingdom Hearts 3: Dark Nothings


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
3 years ago, a branch of the Organization, lead by Xenmas, had been ordered to begin development of a grand weapon to make all members of the Organization complete and whole. He was ordered to make Kingdom Hearts. Xenmas's research lead him to the answer and soon he was collecting the proper materials to complete his Kingdom Hearts. But, he attracted the attention of a 15-year-old boy. This boy was a legendary Keyblade master. He worked constantly to dismantle the Organization. Finally, after wiping out Xenmas, he gave up. He had stopped at defeating only 13 members. The Organization assumed that the boy had thought that was all there was.

Armed with Xenmas's studies, the remaining twenty-one members of the Organization set out to complete the mission of restoring their hearts. They worked tirelessly to restore the lost Kingdom Hearts that Xenmas so selfishly destroyed. Many of the members had been scattered across the worlds in their research. They were called back. Some returned to posts at Castle Oblivion, while others returned to clean up the scum inhabiting their secondary base in The World That Never Was.

Sora, meanwhile was in a state of shock. He was no longer the only Keyblade master. Instead, Keyblades were a common weapon. He had to visit places such as Traverse Town and Radiant Garden to attend "academies" where he taught many young hopefuls how to use their Keyblades. He was aided by Kairi, Riku, and the King in this mission, but it was still most overwhelming. Little did the people of these worlds know that a new darkness was about to befall them.

As gummi ships surround Traverse Town, the locals look to the sky. It is obvious what these gummi ships are. They are an evil that had been banished from Traverse Town 3 years earlier. But, these gummi ships were different from the ones before. They were huge. It appeared to be a massive wave of attack from the skies. An invasion that had never been coordinated before. The Heartless were invading Traverse Town with stronger and smarter subordinates.

1. No god modding.
2. Don't ignore anyone.
3. Be literate.
4. If you are going to kill another RPer, both need to PM me saying it is alright.
5. You are allowed to pick a character from the original games.
6. You CANNOT choose anyone from the game who has already been destroyed.
7. Romance is ok. Keep it PG-13. That goes for language too. Don't use excessive swear words.

Name: (If you are in the Org, remember to anagram your name.)
Form: (Complete, Heartless, Nobody. Organization Members must be nobodies.)
Prefered Element: (Can choose none)
Weapon: (Due to Xigbar's use of lasers, guns are allowed.)
Alignment: (Organization, Keybladers, ect.)
Starting World: (Where you are when you enter the RP.)
Bio: (I sometimes find making this up annoying, so I'm making this optional.)


One Name. One Legend.
May 3, 2006
Rings of Naglifar
The calm before the battle could be seen as the people stared at the colossal gummi ships in the sky. The tension brewing as the wandering unsuspecting souls would soon feel the wrath of the heartless. The veterans from three years earlier quickly fled the streets, hoping to find some sort of cover from these malificient beings that were hovering high above the city. Soon, in the middle of the main Gummi Ship, a spherical dark orb started to emit from the under carriage of it. Growing in size, the miasmic dark gas emitted off the sides of it as it channeled more and more power. Within due time, the sphere erupted into a pillar of blight straight down into the middle of Traverse Town. Upon contact with the peace-loving soil, an immediate turn of the lushious shade of green grass to the black enriched soil of the heartless could be witnessed by a mere touch of the pillar. The pillar exhibited more power than before and started to smash the point of contact inward forming a crater in the ground below and soon a catastrophic explosion could be seen. The nearby buildings were quickly turned into a dark energy and the people started to mutate into heartless within the nearby radius of the blast......

"It's time, the showdon of revenge.....," His voice raspered as he peered down at the meaningless city below. His hand started to shake just a tad from the anxiety to slaughter and absorb the hearts of all the innocent people underneath him. Without hesitation, the teenage looking boy casted himself off the side of the gummi ship and shot down to the ground as if he was sky diving. As he impacted the ground, he slamed his knee and fist to the ground and stopped himself while leaving a small crater. Gazing at the ground below him, he started to emit a dark aura making the soil enriched just as the pillar did. He tilted his head up and glanced into the streets in front of him. Thinking, knowing that this battle will belong to the heartless, his face let out a smirk of joy as he began to stand up. At full height, he took one step forward, leaving a dark miasmic footprint behind him...

(Whatever, I had to start it for you. =P)


New member
May 2, 2006
Okayama at the moment
A young boy watched from the top of the clock tower, hooded and non caring. He simply watched as the people below ran for their lives, while those foolish enough to stand and fight were soon defeated, turning into Heartless themselves. He looked up to the skies as more pillars of blight appeared from the massive Gummi ships. The more blight, the sooner this world would be consumed. But he just stood there without emotion, without care. He watched as the innocense of the town turned to darkness. He soon grew bored watching and jumped down to get a slightly better view.

I could go for a good coffee. He thought. He slowly walked forward towards the door to the First District. A Heartless attacked him soon after he started walking, and as soon as the foolish creature came within ten feet of the boy, it was instantly engulfed in white fire and disintegrated. Any others that jumped him met the same fate. As he reached the door to first district, he pushed it open and ten more Heartless jumped him and, as the others before him, they were completely disintegrated. He walked down the stairs, soon arriving at the cafe and poured himself some coffee. He took a slight sip, but soon pulled it away. A few more Heartless met their fate when they tried to attack him.

The coffee's cold. He thought as a few more Heartless disappeared as they came within range of the boys immolation. He then lit a small fire at the end of his finger tip and placed the flame under his cup. The coffee was heated within seconds and the boy then continued to drink as the Heartless that tried to attack him disappeared in a spark of white flame.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Joxis had landed before the blights struck the city. He walked solemly through. These were the common folk. They were nothing to him. What he really wanted was the academy. There the richest hearts could be found. He walked among the great pillars. His personal gummi ship was safe on the small docking port his Nobodies had set up for him.
Joxis came to a crowd of people fleeing from the battle. They stood, frozen at the sight of them. Aparently they had heard of the Organization but had never viewed it. Joxis too, stopped. Their looks of fear glanced off him without effect. He had no heart with which to give them pity. Instead, he closed his eyes as several long, slender bandages rose from slits in the back of his cloak. They were simple, harmless looking things until they began to weave themselves. Slowly and tenderly they changed into gruesome spikes. Without opening his eyes, Joxis walked on as the crowd of people were impaled to the building behind them. They were to be food for the Heartless.
He needed more hearts to be freed. From what he had read in Xenmas's studies, they would need almost ten times what it took Xenmas to reopen Kingdom Hearts. The Darkness would desire a greater sacrafice. Joxis didn't care how many hearts it took. He only wanted his own heart back. It was all any Nobody could long for.
At last, he came upon a prey he was truely seeking. Only ten feet from him, a Keyblader appeared. The girl stopped dead upon seeing him. She turned and pulled out her Keyblade. It was a bright yellow object with an orange monarch butterfly on the end. How pathetic could these people get? Keyblades should be weapons of war instead of fashion. Joxis drove several slender bandages into the ground behind him. "Put down your foolish weapon." He muttered as he lifted his hand, fingers spread wide.
From the ground beneath the girl, bandages erupted, engulfing her. Her entire body was trapped, leaving only her face to be seen. "Tell me where the academy is." Joxis commanded. "I-I can't tell you!" She whimpered back at him to which he responded, "Fine. You are disposable." The girl screamed at him as he began to close his hand. The closer his hand game together, the tighter the bandages wrapped. "The third district! Past the magic door!" She screamed at Joxis and he smirked. His hand position changed, as if he was going to slash her. The bandages became razor sharp as he closed his hand. Blood filled the alley, but soon stopped as did the girl's screams. Joxis walked over to the girl's Keyblade and removed the Keychain. She had been useful afterall.
"It's another day, another night actually. When will the King find me?"

A girl who looked not a day older than sixteen whispered to herself as she watched the rain pour down on the empty streets. She held onto the bars that were imprisoning her, holding her back from freedom. Her eyes were filled with sorrow, some regret was sensed. Her skin was paler than it was before. The cherry pigment that was once displayed on her cheeks once she smiled, frowned or sighed was gone.

It had seemed like she had been there for days, maybe months. She wouldn't have known, she had already forgot what it was like to be away from her cage, this cell she was locked up in. Nothing, no one had come to save her. She was wondering when her guardian would save her. She was waiting for the day King Mickey would find her. The Organization slowly crushed her hopes of ever seeing the day's sunlight shinning on her just once more.

I can help you want help?

"Who was that...?" she whispered hoarsely to herself. The black haired witch looked around, shifting her eyes from left to right, bottom to top insearch of the source of this voice she had just heard. Hoshi thought she was imagining things again thanks to all the time she spent in this cell. She was probably going nuts, not that it mattered to the Organization.

Just follow me, I shall get you out of here Hoshi Aozora. There was that voice again.
"The name's Shi to you'." she retorted with some attitude. "And, how will you get me out of here?" the sixteen year old added quickly. Just follow this light, follow it and you will get out, the voice sounded somewhat suspious but she didn't know whether to trust this voice or whether to ignore it. "Could the Organization be testing me again?" She thought to herself. She had to take a chance to find out.

She turned around and looked at the window one last time. Silently she nodded, slowly she got up and walked towards the little light that was floating in front of her. Closing her eyes, she felt a painful sensation take over her mind. It hurt yet it felt so safe and reassuring.

She opened her eyes, all she saw was blank white. She looked around then down. There was nothing to hold her up. She started to fall down into the emptiness that was bellow her.
"This better take me home...
" was her last thoughts before she landed in water...

"Pfftt!" she spat out the water. She jumped out of the little river-flow of water. She saw kids who were in uniform staring at her.

"Whoa, where am I?" she asked them.

"You're in Travese Town..." someone yelled.

"I'm free?!" she was so overjoyed that she forgot she was soaking wet. The kids were giggling at her and she had wondered why until she looked at herself and saw that she was completely drenched in sewage water. "Gross..." she thought, she quickly snapped her fingers, which had poofed a few cards into her right hand. "Now, let's see which outfit I should wear..." she saw something purple which attracted her eyes immediantly. She started to chant, focus her thoughts onto the card. A light was covering her body which caused the children to close their eyes as she changed. As the light faded, she was now wearing a very ancient outfit that made her look like a ninja of some sort. It wasn't the look she was going for but it was good enough for now.

"I sense...something." she blurted put randomly after she felt a small chill from the tiny gust of wind that had just pass through her. The students began to mumur things to each other, whispering if she was a loon or a nutcase of somesort. She told them to leave and take shelter and they did or so she thought. This wasn't good. Not good at all. She had bad vibes before but this one kicks the bucket. She turned the cards into a large keyblade that looked more like a staff than a keyblade. A silent smile arose from the corner of her lips.

"This one might be some fun after all." was all she said before taking off to the first district...


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Joxis came forward unopposed. No one seemed to want to go near him and now that he had obained the information he didn't need to kill anymore. He smelt the emotions in the air. Fear. They didn't need to be worried about Joxis. No, they were going to become the victoms of the Heartless. Then, Joxis would collect their shells and bulk up the Organization's Nobody Army.
The city appeared to have prospered in the lack of Heartless. That would all change now. Joxis minded his own business, his cloak was fastened tight around his body, concealing any details about him. He had always been very secretive, even when he was a complete. Neither of Joxis's lives had been good. All he knew was his world had been destroyed. Not by the Heartless; it had been something much stronger. He had survived that assualt somehow, but he had been alone and lost. It must have been then that the darkness had entered his heart. He allowed it to consume his body and had given himself up the Heartless.
Before he knew it though, his body had been returned. The Heartless had taken his heart and made something of it. All that remained was the shell he had now. Even when he had tried to help people he had been shunned because of what he was. Eventually, the light left him entirely. He turned to murder and destruction. It was wild and chaotic. Soon, he had attracted the attention of a certain group of shells like himself. They proposed that he join them and he did.
Somehow, the chaotic blight became the sorrowful murderer. He moved up in ranks in the Organization because of special talents that he possessed. Talents that allowed him to unlock the power of his heart depite the distance between them.
Joxis walked to the doors of the Second District. He would have kept on walking but they swung open violently. He would have kept walking, but a female keyblader was in the way.
Hoshi kept walking towards the door at the Second District, she held her head up high but her fear grew even more stronger, and stronger as she took a step towards the door. Before she could even get even ten feet of the door, it swung open violent like if it were being murdered. She saw a figure, a figure coming from the door and walking towards her. She noticed he had stopped in his tracks, looking at her keyblade. Was he an ally or a foe? She had to find out one way or another.

"Who...are you and what are you lookin' at?" she said quietly. There was no emotion on her face when she said this, her teacher once told her it was best to mask your emotions in situations like this. Never let the enemy or your friend know how you feel, it will only make you seem weaker.

Even though she held her ground, she couldn't help but feel that there was someone stronger than the stranger who stood before her whom might be wandering around in the first district. A small chill had come over her, she knew she had escaped the Organization's hands already but why doesn't she feel safe? Was it because of this man's presence? Hoshi knew she had to get home to Teacher Yensid. She couldn't think of any where else but her home at Twilight Town.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Joxis finished eyeing the girl's keyblade. HIs bright blue eyes next flashed over her face. It was just as he thought. A smile spread across his face as he stared at her. He smelt the air. Her emotions were an odd scent. It was hard to read. There was fear, longing and determination.
Joxis lifted a pale hand and pointed at the girl, still smiling. He said loudly, "So, Hoshi, they finally let you out of your cell? It's about time someone listened to me."
He kept his powers masked. Even Hoshi had never seen his true self. He didn't believe any of the other Organization members had seen either. He always liked to keep himself hidden. His pale skin almost glowed against the darkness as he continued to stare at Hoshi. Perhaps she didn't know him. He had been the only one that wanted her freed. He wasn't sure why really. Joxis always had an ability to share the hearts of those around him, because he lacked one of his own. Perhaps he was only picking up on her desires and didn't really want her freed.
Either way, she was standing there. And unfortunately, she was blocking his path. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem either. He could let her pass. Currently though, his job was to collect the hearts of the Keybladers and crush any resistance to the Organization. He thought that Hoshi's time in a cell most likely made her very resistant to the Organization.
Hoshi took a step back. He knew her name. He....he's with the Organization. She made her keyblade turn into a staff with a quick flash of light. She wasn't ever good with keyblades, she was never really a good Keyblader. Hoshi was more stronger on the magical element.

"They didn't let me out." she had spat out at him. Why would they let her out? She didn't know why they kidnapped her in the first place. She never questioned it, she only called them morons for doing so. This man was intriguing. He did nothing, he just stood there. Why hasn't he attacked her, what was he gaining from this?

Hoshi continued to hold her ground. She looked at the strange man once more. She couldn't see what emotions were on his face. There was no emotion sensed. That didn't go so well. A thought came to mind and had lighten the nervous anxiety from her mind.

"What do you want, aren't you people at the Organization done with me?!" she shouted, trying not remember all those days in that cell. They shouldn't even be called memories, they were too painful to be called that.


New member
Apr 19, 2006
In the depths of the World of Darkness. Lay Rhale, he laying limp in the middle of the street as Heartless begin to sorround him and latch onto him. Voice echoed throughout Rhale's head when he was out... Voices saying... Remember? Do you remember yet? When will you? Rhale's eye shot open to see a Heartless leaning on his chest. Rhale quickly grabbed the heartless and tossed it off to him, but it having great balance, almost as quickly as it touched the ground latched onto Rhale again. Rhale let out a scream and reached his hand out into the air, as he saw a glint in the sky. Like a star was falling right at him. When it got closer into view he spotted a keyshape fall and latch onto his hand. Rhale shot back into the ground as the heartless touched his skin where his heart lay. Rhale without thinking slammed the Keyblade into the side of the Heartless's head and knocked him back. Rhale scrambled to his feet as quickly as he could.

What is this?

The heartless dissapeared into shadow form and Rhale quickly jumped back and turned his head over to the alley back to see a green and black portal swirling. Rhale let out a deep breath as the Heartless jumped at him again, this time Rhale ducked and slammed his boot into the Heartless knocking it to the ground giving Rhale the opprutunity to run down the alley, only to be stopped by yet another Heartless, this one with Armor on. Rhale let out a growl and slammed the keyblade into the Heartless's armor. Dust sorrounded Rhale and he found that the Heartless was gone. Rhale grinned at his accomplishment and turned around to face the other Heartless to see ten other heartless staring at him with big yellow eyes.

Who's next?


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Joxis let out a fake laugh. He heard from her voice she was trying to sound commanding, but her scent smelled nervous. She was afraid of him. Joxis wasn't exactly sure why. Instead he answered her, running his fingers through his long, white-blonde hair. "I don't know what you're talking about. I was never in charge of cell block. It's up to them when we're done."
Joxis kept his blue eyes on her the whole time. Females were extremely unpredictable. "All I know about you is that, for some odd reason, I had tried to get you out. Which is strange for me."
Joxis walked towards her calmly. He had no emotions to tell him to be scared or confident. Only completes like the girl in front of him had such a luxury. He stopped right in front of her and extended his hand. He brushed a bit of dust off the purple garb she was wearing. "Rather old duds don't you think?" Joxis mused.
He moved his hand to her Keyblade. He gave it a gental poke and it began to shine. Joxis wasn't surprised to this reaction. Joxis took a step back, the shine from Hoshi's Keyblade on his hand. He reached behind him and touched something on his back with the shining hand. Three long bandages began to weave out from slits in the back of his cloak. Over his head, they bended and morphed themselves together. There was a sudden flash of light and the object they had formed dropped from the sky and landed in Joxis's hand.
Joxis smirked at Hoshi before holding up a long, staff-like Keyblade. Joxis put the Keyblade out and tapped Hoshi's Keyblade with his own exact replica of it.
"How did you?" she looked at the replica keyblade and back at him. She was confused. How could a nobody wield a keyblade, but wait. She looked at the keyblade. There was no key-chain meaning it was not a real keyblade or so they said at school.

"Oh yeah, by the way. This is the latest fashion!" she retorted, she knew she was just lying to herself. This was an ancient outfit that was for sure. The first thing that came to mind was if he wasn't going to re-capture her then why was she wasting her time on him? What exactly was he up to? Hoshi made her blade turn into a small pendant, slowly, gently placing around her neck.

"I am not here to fight you. There's someone else I want to fight." she said calmly. It was the truth. If he had no buisness with her, then what was the point of this; nothing of course.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Joxis smiled at her. From his back, hundreds of bandages spread crazily in all directions, blocking the path. The Keyblade Replica he held in his hand began to glow, making the pendant on her neck do the same. "What an interresting way to store your weapon." Joxis mused.
A lone bandage flew from Joxis's back and snatched the pendant. Joxis took it from the bandage and exaimined it. He held it in his palm and it changed into a keychain, which he attached to the replica. A shimmer ran up the Keyblade which made Joxis smirk.
"You know I can't let you pass Hoshi." Joxis sighed.
He wasn't looking at her as he said this, but the moon instead. "I must kill every Keyblader I come across."
Joxis held up her Keyblade slightly. There was always only one emotion he could really feel. Sadness. For some reason, he was the only Nobody who could feel any emotion. But, the one he was forced to feel was sadness. Because of this and his enjoyment of killing, they had nicknamed him "The Sorrowful Murderer."
Joxis turned his eyes finally on her, searching her face. He closed his eyes and muttered, "I am sorry for this, but I must fight you!"
When Joxis opened his eyes they had changed. They were no longer a brilliant blue, but a deep, blood red. It was as though his blood had flooded his eyes and stained them. Joxis got into a fighting stance, Hoshi's Keyblade held aloft above his head.
Hoshi jumped back, never removing her eyes off of him. She looked at her key-chain dangling from his fake keyblade. She wondered how he was able to place it on there. Just because it had her key-chain, it didn't mean it was real, only the original can truely use the key-chain. She summoned all her thoughts together, the pendant appeared on the tip of her palm, she quickly chanted a few words, causing the fake keyblade to shine.

Flash, a big gust of wind and light had exploded from the fake keyblade. She threw the pendant in the air and caught it, it was now no longer a key-chainless pendant, it was a staff looking keyblade with it's original key-chain on it.

"Don't underestimate me." she was angered by him, she did not want to fight but this was the only way to get to the first district. She held onto her keyblade, waiting for his attack. Offense wasn't her best spot, she was more better with defensive attacks, but when it came to magic, she was an all-rounder type of girl or at least that was what Teacher Yensid said.



Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Joxis smiled, but it was not the cheery smile it had been earlier. This one was cruel and cold. His red eyes peirced into her body. The eyes were a special form. He could see through her and even inside her. Every weak spot on her body glowed. Joxis wondered what style of fighting her should use against her.
I think I'll fiddle with her heart using Samsara. Joxis thought. He pulled up his sleeves and exposed his hands completely. They began to give off an eerie glow. The bandages on his back began to shake impatiently.
Joxis looked at them. They should be able to diflect any attacks she might manage to get on me, but studying her data from when we had her, I outmatch her by far in speed.
Joxis was suddenly gone from where he had been. Instead, he appeared behind Hoshi's back, breathing deeply from the speed he had put of. He rammed his glowing hand into her back and kept going. His hand dived through her skin, leaving it untouched. His hand came to her heart and he clutched onto it.
He whispered into her ear, despite the fact that no one was there, "Your heart is a strong one. All Keyblader's are. But, it is now in my grip."
She looked at his hands. She never felt so much fear overcome her sense. She laughed out of nowhere. Hoshi looked at his face and at her heart. she jumped away from him and away from her heart.

"You know what's funny?" she saw him raise a brow. She was laughing, was this really a time to laugh. This was probably the reason why Yensid called her a maniac. She was random, a little over the edge.

"I don't need a heart to wield a keyblade, nor do I need one to live." she dashed towards him, stopping her tracks behind his back. She placed her keyblade at his neck. "I said, no underestimating me." she was being overconfident as as ever. One slip up or a overdose of confidence might mess her up.

Ansem's Report 00:

My daughter, when she had reached the age of six, she was able to toy with magic. I was amazed and astounded by this. She was always a wonder to me like her mother Arlene.

Arlene was a woman born of darkness, but she was a gentle, kind soul. Though I never understood how she lost her heart and was able to live without it, I can see that my daughter shares the same trait.

Her nobody was Larxene, number twelve of the Organization XIII. My Wife died giving birth to Hoshi, even though she died, I knew her nobody was still alive.

Hoshi was a different story from her mother though. She had no nobody or a heartless form. She was whole with a heart that was able to leave her body and never letting her turn into a heartless, she had the ablity and talent to wield a keyblade but her health says something otherwise. Everyday I study, try to research to find out more about my daughter and wife.

Today was another day where Sora's memory rate has not increased yet, but hopefully it will. Naminé
needs to make haste.


New member
Apr 19, 2006
Rhale took a step back as the Heartless stood still. Rhale continued to back himself up closer and closer to the portal, only being about ten feet away from it when with armor on it, much like the one Rhale destroyed before come up behind the Shadow Heartless and shakes his armor three times, and the Heartless let out a peircing screech and shoot forward at Rhale. Rhale turns and runs when he spots something standing directly infront of the portal looking at the heartless. It was a white creature with a cross on its head and zipper on its mouth, moving loosely. Rhale pulled slashed the Key shaped blade at the creature but, it jumps out of the way and shoots forward into the middle of the Heartless and begins to slam its hands into them.

"Where is this?"

Rhale shook his head and shot head first into the portal. Rhale landed flatly on the ground , as his eyes whinced open to see he was standing on nothing. Rhale got to his hands and knees and shook slightly looking at the ground. Before looking up to see a group of the white creatures standing infront of him. Rhale turned his head as he heard yet another voice in his head. "Rhale. Twilight. Protect. Nobody will help"
Rhale shook his head and sighed at the voices. They were almost constant now. Rhale got to his feet and took a step back from the creatures and at the exact same time they took a step forward as well. Rhale looked around and took a step to the right and the creatures did the same.

What are you things?

Rhale kneeled down to see the creatures as they begin to **** there head at him watching them as the zippers on there mouth came undone and they all turned around at the same time and began to walk toward the other end.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Joxis didn't bother to even look at the Keyblade. His bandages took care of it. Suddenly, they lashed out violently. Dozens of the bandages flew from his back, forming cruel fists. Three flew to his neck, putting a strong barrier between him and the blade. The cruel fists in the air turned on Hoshi. They swarmed at her, beating every inch they could find.
Looking through her body, Joxis could see its reactions without a heart. It was an interresting sight. Hoshi's heart was still there. The only difference was, it wasn't a physical one. Joxis peered down at the heart in his hand, ignoring the sounds coming from the bandages attacking Hoshi.
A heart... Something I lack... Something I need...
Joxis reversed his curse and put Hoshi's heart into his body. His eyes widened and his head throbbed. Joxis fell to his knees clutching his head, while his bandages moved without any coaxing from him. Memories flashed through his head.
"Radiant Garden... Studies... Scientist eh?... Even, he'll be the head... That's Lenzo... Welcome to Radiant... Are you alright?... What astonishing powers... How did you do that?... This is Arlene... Hey, Dilan... I'm known as Ansem the Wise."
Joxis gasped and threw his head up. His memories. Memories from a life before. From when he had his own heart. He was filled with sorrow and let out a cry, "Even! Lenzo! Arlene! Where are you my friends?!"
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Hoshi stared at the Organization member. She heard the name Arlene. Why was that name so familar to her? She could of sworn she had heard that name once before. "My...mother, her name was Arlene. My father was Ansem the Wise." she whispered in a voice that was audible and easilly heard. She didn't know how this man knew her mother's name. Lenzo was the name of her guardian, someone she had really admired when she was younger. He always played around with her when she was alone or when her father was too busy to see her.

"Give me back my heart." she started to glow. She saw that he was panicky, unable to think properly. She shook her head. She began calling her heart over with her thoughts. She wanted her heart back. It came out of his body slowly. A heart is something a nobody is not suppose to ever have. She was taught that when she was in school. This was her heart and nobody elses. As the heart traveled out of his body, she felt a minor pain, a slight ache at the bottom of her stomach. Her heart had finally made it's way to her and into her body. She felt whole once more.

"Ho-How do you know my mother's name?" Hoshi felt like she just had to ask him this.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Joxis saw the heart leave him. It was the only thing that kept him complete; in touch with his true memories. "No... My connection to Arlene... Lenzo... Ansem..." Joxis closed his eyes.
When he opened them again, they were blood-red again. Not only that, they were emotionless. His mind, his old self, was gone again. Joxis smirked at Hoshi. "Kid, I don't know your mother. Never have. Perhaps I did in a different life, but now I am a Nobody! I lack feelings and memories! I survive out of pure spite and a desire to find a heart."
Joxis spread his arms and bandages crawled along them. The sprawled out and shaped themselves into two odd Keyblades. One was jet black and appeared to be made out of a leathery wing. The other was pure white and created from a white-feathered wing. Joxis took the pair known as Heaven and Hell, one in each hand. He got back into a battle stance and waited to see what the girl did next.